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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. Generally, glosses increase the effect that lighting/angle has on a color, and flats decrease it. Very flat paint looks the same from any angle.

    Of course, metallics are affected more than any other type, so the normal gloss/dull rules may have different effects on them.

    yea, so I guess they can increase the solid color in the solid:metallic ratio.

    It looks muddy in many angles... MUDDY. yeah... that's the word... ^_^

    Come to think of it... THAT's what it looks like!

    it looks like a magenta sv-51 took a nose dive into a mud puddle and then ignited it's afterburners, went mach speed and then the mud dripped backward from the speed and dried. :lol:

  2. I like the gold when it's in the right angle where light hits it and it's bright but 95% of the time it's not... and when it's not, it looks almost copper-ish.

    I really would have to see one in my hands to see it well but yeah...

    I dunno, IMO I'd tweak it so it'd look right in any angle and under normal lighting.

    However for the canopy, gold appearing in certain angles would look reaaal nice... it'd be awesome if they could do a f-16-ish golden canopy.... clear straight on, but gold when viewed from an angle. But with yamato's limited painting tech, they probably wouldnt be able to pull it off correctly, which in the case of such doubt, I'd be fine with a plain clear canopy. ^_^

  3. ^ ouch! thats sucks but i'm sure neova came through and made things right. speaking of which, where is neova anyway? he was my go to guy for macross toys and he totally disappeared off the face of the earth. :unsure::(

    anyway, i said this a way back on page 10....

    peoples expectation should reflect the price that it costs yamato to produce these, not the price that sellers are charging you.

    i don't expect $200 worth of QC/effort from a toy that cost yamato $50 to make. at most, i'm expecting $50 worth of effort on this particular product. this doesn't mean i'll just accept QC ridden toys that yamato releases, but it helps me deal with my dissatifaction nonetheless.

    DND, I'm throwing a BIG peace sign right out front before you think what I will say is some sort of insult to you.

    Just continuing where you left off with a slight counterpoint, dude. Don't you go transform into Haterist now. B))

    Mark ups from sellers are a problem, no doubt... but some sellers also mark down, which frugal buyers like yourself and I take advantage of.

    Yamato's retail price for a sv-51 is 22,890 yen.... that's $197.45 that they're asking us to dish for this stuff. Good deal or not on it's WORTH, that's ultimately decided by the opinion of the buyer. (I think it's worth it, barring serious QC issues). Despite the variety of opinions we have here regarding what these toys are worth, there is an median overall expectation, especially regarding polish, that people here have of when yamato demands $150+.

    Our expections should not be based on the $50 sweat shop dollars yamato pays it's contracted factories per valk... Our expectations on the quality of their products should solely be based on the hard earned 197.45 dollars YAMATO thinks we should pay for their products and polish. When the discrepancy between what they think $197.45 should buy and what consumers think it should buy increases to their favor, that's when we got a problem....

    Personally for me, for the money yamato on average charges for valks, these things should be AT LEAST design-defect free. NO MATTER WHAT. Factory QC defects, maybe... depending on how serious.

    In the case of the sv-51... so far so good.

  4. Personally, I think there's a middle road between the sheer amount of battying that goes on and writing everything off that yamato messes up on. I think most people can deal with miss fitting parts or what not, but major problems like joints not being strong enough or poor material choices should not be happening at this point.

    And I do agree, not everyone has the same amount of disposable income. For many of us, we simply can't afford to... or just plain don't want to blow 200 bucks on a toy that's going to fall apart or hell, even not be the best version of the toy in a few months. It doesn't make us any less of a fan, nor does it make us a whiner or what not.. it just means that given finite resources, we choose to get the best value for our money.

    Having said that, I will continue to maintain that attacking people, calling them names or talking down to them because they have differing view points is uncalled for. Ultimately, it's a toy and stop taking it so damn personally.

    Anyways, Swoosh, those latest pics are incredible. I've never seen the sv-51 posed to nicely!

    Eugimon, was this always your point of view?? ;)

    'Cause.... I could have sworn you came four words short of "STFU!!!" anytime anyone "battied." :lol::lol:

    (Dude, you know I'm joking right? ^_^ )

    Yeah, Squidd. I make a decent living with decent amount of "disaposable" $$ but that doesn't mean that a personal financial situation changes what yamato products are: TOYS. You want to call them ART, fine dude... I call my goods different names too, but the techinical description of what they are sans emotional attachment and fanaticism is: TOYS.

    It also doesn't change the fact that $150+ is money anyone, rich or not, SHOULD throw around or take lightly... but I'm not here to tell you how to manage your money... B)) And it sure as heck wont change the fact that expectations for a $150+ toy will be high... $150-200 for a toy by any standards is a lot. It's PREMIUM or, "ART" caliber money as you call it.

    Premium stuff should not require at home QC.

    With yamato's stuff... it's not too far fetched to say that we need nail salonist licenses with all the nail polish, sanding, clipping, and cutting we do on them. ;)

    This time though I think yamato did everything they can on their part. They did everything possible to make this package kick ass... and credit should go where it's deserved. Same with the reprimanding... Somebody needs to visit that toy plant in China and whack some workers upside the head~

  5. Without confining my comment to any particular Macrossworld member, I believe even the harshest of Yamato's critics really want Yamato to make him/her eat his/her words. Hopefully, it begins with the SV-51. :)

    On my part, this is most definitely true.

    When you drop anywhere from $100 on up to over $200 on (to be totally honest) a frackin toy, quality control, polish and the reak of high quality should be a given...

    As great as the yf-19 was overall, it was crappy feeling to pay $160+ for it, open it and find only a couple of extra fins, a gunpod, and a isamu figure with no feet. On top of all that wasn't there, you had a universally crooked gunpod in fighter mode and stressmarked areas right out of the box...

    It would have made all the difference in the world if they charged $180 initially and it came with the fast packs and the fold booster right off the bat...

    This sv-51r package looks like a breath of fresh air for me... I'd gladly eat all my words if yamato continues this trend.

  6. From the looks of it, everything in that box we're lookin at feels like the NEXT step in quality of YAMATO products..

    It's almost "1/60 to 1/48-like" next step.

    Barring anything major like the leg amputations suffered by the non-fp vf-11b's, gosh... this is what I frakken begged for....

    The schiznick up front. Something that FEELS complete. done. worth the money.

  7. I echo the resounding applause for your pics Swoosh. They're first rate indeed.

    Graham, thanks for your input as well.

    Damn... After the YF-19 and VF-0a I fricken swore I would wait till the coast was totally clear to buy valks...

    Ohhhh, Fuggit

    Ya got me yamato... ya got me...

  8. That's been said a few posts back. Unfortunately Graham won't tell us even if one of us already posted the right guess, so now that I think of it, this whole thread is pointless :(


  9. Wow, these 25th valks look aiight~ Not bad at all...

    Unfortunately my valk shopping list has already bulked up considerably... :(

    Graham, the people here who wanted the markings to be stickers never really vouched for all tampo printing with the other valks. :)

    The people who pushed for tampo before, still push for all tampo~


  10. Thanks for the update Graham.

    if gold is here to stay then make it as matte as possible. Dont make it shiny. And it should be yellow gold, not the brownish greenish or even orangish gold out there...

    I'd definitely would like the magenta body to be more reddish than the darkish purple.

    It's really nice to hear that there's still some wiggle room with the colors and that they're a little more open with consumer opinion.

    EDIT: OHH and it'd be kick ass if the canopy was slightly tinted gold... oooooooooooo~

  11. The Hase model on page 67 is too red to be anime accurate IMO. It's a beautiful model and actually looks better to me than the anime colours, and I'd be happy if the Yamato came out looking like that, but Nora's 51 is a little more pink than that model. The yellow striping is bang on though...way better than the bronze on the preproduction Yamato we've seen.

    And what's with the clear canopy again? Is it really that difficult to make a transparent yellow/gold canopy?

    Maybe they mis-sprayed the gold tint for the canopy on the the body??? hehe :rolleyes:

    The more I look at Yamato's gold stripes, the more I really hope yamato changes it.

  12. It's cause she doesn't know where the're from. My girl loves my old (beat up) Voltron I grabbed at a garage sale, but doesn't give my meticulously built and painted Armored Core models a second glance. Same thing for Gundams, Valks ect. But show her a He-Man doll and she gets all wobbley. Sheesh <_<

    Good point. but my girl didnt know what robocop was either. She's a total F.O.B. :lol:

  13. Bravo, Bravo Dante~ that was brilliant~ hehe :)

    and yes, the scary part is I can really see that happening.

    Looking good, and looking right, are very different. They could have made Nora's in all blood-red with black stripes. It'd sure look good, but it wouldn't be right. The metallic wouldn't look so off if it wasn't so DARK and orangey-brownish.

    Metallic yellow and metallic dark gold/bronze are very differnet colors.

    Exactamundo Dave. It's gotta look RIGHT.

    What looks RIGHT is that painted Hasegawa model someone posted up some couple of posts ago.

  14. Well my wife is getting in my butt for buying a toy :rolleyes: for 140 bucks. We got it but she's trippin <_<

    yea... I get on my own butt for paying $140 for some of the stuff Yamato... My girl~~ pish.... I tell her my yf-19 costs me $89 and she still thinks I'm nuts.

    It's strange though... she thinks my HT Ed 209 and Flight Pack Robo are awesome and I told her it was $190 & $140 each.

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