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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet guys, Graham's statement can be misinterpreted... after all, he said that when people were asking if the detailed CAD pic were of the vf-11b coming up.

    He could be just saying it's not the cad of the new yamato 1/60 vf-11b but a 1/72 scale model of the vf-11b battroid.

    He also mentioned before that the 1/48 scale is done with for yamato.

  2. i was thinking but why the heck would there be a brownie SV-51? wouldn't it make more sense if there was a brownie VF-0?


    Unfortunately they decided the bronze-ish "Brownie" CF vf-0 was a figment of our imagination and it was really shin's grey, just without the stripe~~ <_<

  3. Looks like the rear landing gears are coming out of the wing roots like we've hoped.

    The intake covers seem to be the snap on variety, while the head seems to be able to turn (a bit).

    Legs still look a bit slim, but if it allows for a more sleek fighter, Good trade.

    Looks great, colors are great.

    I hope the QC stuff is ironed out. I'll be buying two.

    thanks for the video guys.

  4. WOW!

    That looks magnificently retarded.

    They use the same crappy nudist default tan color for all their cfs and the knees, ankles, face, hands, etc are all still not colored black. <_<

    Seriously they need to crucify the guy who decides the colors at yamato.

  5. Alas! Graham lives, when are you going to hook us up with that 1% of info. I am so anxious to see what your report says.

    I think in the short sentences he's already said pretty much covers the 1%.

    Like the fact that the magenta parts of the sv-51 are still not changed and might not be in the production version, and that lots of great stuff is coming out to haunt our wallets.


  6. Did I miss something, why no switching on the last two/

    That keeps the switching alive. I wouldn't have a problem with that but I suspect if we couldn't get a VF-1D getting a VF-0D will be hard... but maybe if 1/60 is their go-to scale that's the reason of the death of the 1/48 VF-1D.

    I think they're just being lazy with the vf-1d... It's proven by our own members here that it's possible. They want to do a better job of it but they have a lot on their table now and they've pushed it off so far.

    I THINK though... it's very possible we might see vf-1d's next year.

    oh and I didn't switch the ghost because it's a non transforming easy toy to make... and for marketing sense just release it with the last transforming valk out for Macross plus the vf-11b.

    the reactive armor is a long shot at least next year, I think... which is why it's last.

  7. I think we'll see a vf-0d before a vf-11. if we do get a vf-11, it probably will come around the end of 2008

    Right, good catch. I meant to switch off between macross plus and zero except for the ghost and reactive armor and in my haste it's off. Thanks.





    m+ ghost

    reactive armor

  8. It's personal preference but if you like/love Macross Zero and you already have a vf-0s (with ghost or not) and you miss out on the Nora, then well what's the point in collecting Macross ZERO stuff????? :lol:

    IMHO, you dont have an sv-51 if you dont have the Nora!

  9. As soon as Graham answers the questions he CAN answer (the 1%) I say close the thread. All topics have their own respective threads so the little morsels we are allowed to know I guess, can be discussed there.

    Also, it's not like what Yamato will let Graham say would be a surprise to us anyway~

    Usual expected answers:

    In reply to stuff about fixes in current releases: Yamato: "Factory QC fault, we're looking into it". Graham: "I think it's fine, you guys whine too much (which is true, hehe)"

    In reply to color issues: Graham: "I let them know about it" or Yamato: "Don't look at us, look at Kawamori-san."

    In reply to future stuff: Graham: "All I can say is it's some cool and expensive stuff comin out guys, GET EXCITED but :ph34r: zzzippp, can't say nothin"..

    I'm not trying to be mean or anything... A bit sarcastic, yes, but not mean. It's just the way it always was ever since the Yamato temper-tantrum info lockdown. :p

    Graham was, at one point, pissed at yamato too for leaving him out of the circle while still banking on the free press they continued to get here. Graham's now somewhat content towards yamato because he's in again (genuine cheers for him) but we're still out... We find out about stuff only when mags come out and not a minute sooner. It kinda sucks because usually in any other fan base forum, meetings like this means we're in for some exclusive tidbits of info.

    But meetings with Yamato these days are generally for Graham's pleasure and his alone. It's like buddies going out, chatting about some confidential stuff and having a couple beers................................ which is cool, but what's the point of mentioning such a meeting here?

    Oh dudes by the way, I went to my girls place last night.

    Good meeting.

    Questions? Let 'er rip, but oh hey, I can't tell you 99% of what happened.

    My bad guys, my girl would kick my balls for each detail I slip. :unsure:^_^

    **This is a rip on Yamato's crazy policies with fans. Graham, you know we love you~ B))

  10. Good meeting.

    Found out lots of very interesting new stuff. Unfortunately as usually, I can't talk about 99% of it yet.

    However, I will say 2008 is going to be a fantastic, if extremely expensive year, from the sheer range of stuff planned. :D

    :lol: LOL

    Sorry for laughing Graham, :)

    but I just don't see the point in announcing a meeting and requesting questions like this for both your sake and ours.

    The real interesting stuff is only for your eyes and ears only anyway (99.9% of the questions asked are about them)~

    so what's the point of the foreplay as if you'll come back victoriously with an exclusive scoop to tell us? ;):p (I say that jokingly)

    Just go when you do, find stuff out and let us know about the stuff we are "allowed" to know.

    It's only more tedious for you to have to back track 10 pages of questions, 95% of which you can't answer anyway.

    The tediousness of the task of looking at all those questions alone willl put you off and delay you putting up the stuff you can talk about.

    I really say this constructively,

    but whatever works for you, just my two cents. :D

  11. yea... its really quiet here :unsure:

    but really there isnt much to talk about since everyone is waiting for protopics to discuss anything.

    The yf-19 gullet and all was discussed to death around this stage in the yf-19's development, only for it to emerge awesome as it is today.

    The usual skeptics like myself have conceded yamato the benefit of the doubt as far as the CAD.

    but Prototype pics need to come out this month's mags!.... which will showcase the legs a bit better for our scrutinizing eyes....

    then the debut pics of the painted resin proto ones soon after... THEN we can discuss and debate the color to death!

    muhahaha yippeee~ :lol:

  12. i know its not accurate, but I kinda like the clear...

    I think it'll only take one picture of a well done gold canopy actually on the toy for people to say "ooh, ahh!"

    The clear canopy does look good I agree, but I'd go with accurate...

    I really bet that the accurate gold tinted canopy would look kick ass if they do it.

    Cmon yamato, you know it's easy~ so do it!

    PS- Thanks charger69. That pic nicely sums up all that needs to be black.

    OH! and see what else needs to be black. The gunpod should be black. observe the color of wing missle pods on the toy and then the gun pod on the toy. THEN observe the color of the wing missle pods on the battroid pic and the gunpod of the battroid pic. Should be much darker.

    **image readded on this page for convenience:


  13. The nora pilot figure looks awesome, mini boobs and all.

    I hope the final gold on the plane is more matte to prevent it from looking brown in certain angles... and yeah the face, hands should be corrected and if I'm not mistaken shouldnt the neck extention also be black or dark grey?

    I'm liking this a lot.

  14. These are 25th anniversary valks that are made to celebrate and commemorate 25 years of macross...

    so the whole celebratory markings only go along with it all. If you think about it... gold trim on a black valk also defeats the purpose of a black colored bird if not for the celebratory nature of the paint. I think it's cool~ :)

    Lovin the yf-19.

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