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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. Which one is the most popular? Easily answered. The VF-1S. The Skull 01 Focker VF-1S is the most recognized valkyrie toy of Macross. There have been more toys and models of this particular valk than any of the others combined and they always sell better than the others.

    hmm... I agree in some respects to this statement, but I think it has to do more with the fact that it (the VF-1S) has been around for so long. Make no mistake, the VF 1S is the shiet.

    But I think the YF 19 is right up there with the VF 1S. In the short time since it's debut in the 90's, its Years-since-debut:Popularity ratio is comparable, if not better than the VF 1S.

    As for yammies, the YF 19 sells better... not the VF 1S. I've seen people happily dish out $160+ for a 1/72 YF 19, even despite it's flaws and small scale... If yamato makes it any better or bigger, there's no question that they'd sell out almost immediately. I alone would buy 3-5 of em...

    anyway, that's my two cents.

  2. CRAP, CRAP, and Triple CRAP...

    Having in my possession all the 1/72's and 1/60's, I successfully kept my urges at bay for the 1/48's...

    and now, Yamato is cranking them 1/48's out like mad...

    sigh... :(

    All this resisting is draining me like Kryptonite but yet, I keep reminding myself of the price and the fact that it's the SAME VF-1 series I already own, just bigger...

    Yea, the 1/60's not as sexy or swank as the 1/48's, but I love em and jee golly, I'm sticking with them...

    (Promise subject to change if I hit the lotto jackpot, which in that case, ALL YOU 1/48's ARE MINE!!!)

  3. I never tried the perched mode till I read this thread...

    I must say it looks pretty swank~

    It was unexpectedly easy for me to get it in that position. Maybe a minute or so...

    anyway, fortunately I have a Dig cam and I got some pics..

    Excuse the quality.


  4. I never tried the perched mode till I read this thread...

    I must say it looks pretty swank~

    It was unexpectedly easy for me to get it in that position. Maybe a minute or so...

    anyway, fortunately I have a Dig cam and I got some pics..

    Excuse the quality.


  5. Q: Have you had the opportunity to handle and check out the 1/48 for yourself? It matters!

    Q: Do you really like the overall proportions of the 1/48 better than the other versions available out there?

    Q: Can you live with the potential pitfalls of certain parts going loose or cracking on a $120+ toy?

    It was no,no,no for me not too long ago.

    But when I got to see it with my own eyes... It changed to: yes,yes,no.

    Regarding Q#3: I'd be upset even with 1/60's cracking and loosening up.

    As for the overall proportions:

    I love how the nose of the 1/48 fighter mode is a bit beefier rather than the narrow rendition of the 1/60.

    And in battroid mode, the kneecap area (kneeguards) are much more accurate than the no kneeguards of the 1/60. I dunno... Gosh... here I go again.... convincing myself to get one...

    In times like this I recite my mantras:

    "2X More expensive, but not 2X better."

    "$170 with fastpacks? Good Lord that's a lot of money!"

    "Not enough closet space, Not enough $$"

    Gad, I think I should start a "You can live without 1/48" support group.

  6. I love my vf 11b FP.

    I have 3 vf 11b's total.

    1 cracked hip vf 11b (original) 1 vf 11b (original) MIB, and 1 sturdy vf 11b FP.


    Well... no.... Correction: Solid as a toy can be.

    BUY ONE!

  7. Same situation here...

    I have ALL the 1/72's, 1/60's but no 1/48's.

    I KNOW I'll prolly buy the whole 1/48 line if I get one so I probably have to restrain myself.

    however I was thinking about getting a LOW vis as my Center piece since there isn't a 1/60 version but when I finally got interested enough to get one it turned out to be way too expensive. ack...

    I know what youre going through dude~ Personally I'm itching like CRAZY to get one.

    Anyway if you're crazy about completing collections like I am, don't.

    If you can control it and stick with just one, treat yourself...

  8. OK,

    Christmas has come and gone, and so has the New years.


    The promised bundle of news is not to be seen anywhere...

    Some of you may reply with words like "be patient", "I hate whiners" or something to that extent, but damn am I missing something here?

    Are we supposed to EXPECT release dates and promised news bits to be delayed?

    OMFG. really... Is that standard?

    What drives me even more insane is none of you say anything.... and if you guys do, you sugar coat everything with smiley faces and jokes in the end.

    Is all this OK with you guys?

    Fack.... Anyone know any other Macross sites out there that has some updated info?

    I'm serious, I'm tired of checking 3-5 times daily for news that's updated once a millenia...

    Whether it be NEGATIVE or POSITIVE replies, please feel free to speak your mind (agree with me , flame me, whatever)...

  9. Ok, I've been gone for about a week and I was wondering about what ever happened to the big "You-wont-be-disappointed" update graham stated on the updates page? Did this update happen somewhere I'm not aware of?

    I don't mean to sound sarcastic, really... what happened to that Xmas update?

    Also, to the people who call for patience to those who are frustrated with the tight lip policy, please... stop kissing yamato's butt...

    They make great valks no doubt, but really... their policies toward it's legions of fans and supporters are sub-par.

    They fail to realize the nature of the whole hobby. Hype is everything. I mean it's not like they'll give away an ending or a subplot. It's simple updates on how progress is coming along. I really don't get how people think pre-release fan feedback is bad. If anything it can help errors be hammered down before we get our hands on it. The one negative aspect of yamato's is that they correct errors AFTER they release. And if there's idiots out there that want to complain irrationally then all yamato has to do is disregard their words.

    But yeah anyway.... whatever... it's not like any of my words would ever matter to yamato... people buy their stuff no matter what anyway.... so why not do whatever right?

    In the end, they are nothing more than a max profit company... expecting anything more is a waste of time.... IMHO

  10.   I was hoping for it as a Christmans present!

    yeah, xmas present for Christmas 2004! ;)

    And Graham...

    I give you lots of respect, I wouldn't last one month not spreading the word with the info you know, but yeah...

    It's not about "when it done, it's done"...

    No, no, no...

    Yamato will take their sweet time "perfecting" no matter what us fans do... (though, perfecting for yamato usually comes AFTER they release it, AFTER everyone buys it)

    If they want to delay the amount they do, you better compensate with a couple of progress pics OR ATLEAST some bit of significant news, which we dont have.... all we have to salivate on is the "Model Graphix" pics of what it'll shoot for....

    All in all, as I've said time and again....

    With the following yamato has enjoyed, the fans deserve much better....

    You don't come across a legion of people so optimistic and upbeat as these people are.

    To simply grin and keep us hanging is just cruel...

  11. Darn Japanese fans... Isn't it enough that they are at the beginning of the source of all anime? Arent they privileged enough that they don't have to figure in shipping and handling costs and walk into any ol' toy store and purchase these babies?

    :o:( sigh....


    What exactly would happen to you Graham if you accidently "*cough* yf 19 FP coming in january 2004 *cough*" or say you tell us secretly by email and we all blame it on say..., some anonymous hacker? :p

  12. I think everyone here should pat themselves on their backs.

    There's so much life and commitment on the part of the people in this forum despite the atrocious lack of significant news, updates, etc. I've been posting in variety of forums and never have I seen a following so patient and forgiving.

    I myself went from collecting Macross plus 1/72s only, to emptying my wallet and purchasing the entire yamato 1/60 line. Now I find myself waiting with "super-human" patience for the Macross 0, Macross plus 1/60, etc with all you people.

    sigh... :o

    Deadlines slip ALWAYS, news is a rarity amoung rarities, updates are laughably unexpected and yet... I sign on to this forum like an everyday ritual.

    I gotta search for a new hobby..... :o:(

    After I get the Mac 0's and Mac +'s of course!!

    It's a Disease I tell you! ;)

  13. Damn right we need more low vis!

    Perhaps a slight variation so that some the limited edition "investors" don't gripe.

    1 question.... What price would be reasonable for a limited edition one?

    Would $180 (total) be a reasonable price? or is that a rip off? ;)

  14. I know I said my last post was my last post in this thread, but I guess not....

    First off, to Tom,

    wow... if you made your point the way you last did the first time around,

    I would have totally agreed with you.

    Like I've mentioned before I do not think 1/48 yamato's suck. My point was that for the price,

    it was more practical for a lot of people to buy the 1/60 scale rather than the 1/48. Your past

    comment stating "In the end, it's really the price tag, isn't it?" really came across offensive in the

    reality that for some people price is a concern. With the fastpacks those 1/48 cost about 3 times

    as much as a 1/60 with fastpacks. Is it 3 times superior to a 1/60? not my opinion... and hence it

    wasn't worth the money (lack there of) for me.

    but anyway...

    your point is rather clear now.

    1/48's ARE and have always been cool... I never denied that (I myself still yearn for a low vis)...

    but right now... it's just too damn pricey for me...

    And as for the 1/72 Mac+'s...

    By being the first valks made by yamato 3-4 years back and with all that drama with it's intial release,

    they really lack the quality and the relative accuracy that the vf series have gained by experience.

    So atleast speaking from my point of view, yamato making 1/60 scale version of mac+ valks almost

    feels like a fresh start for a Mac+ fanatic like myself. Actually, if they decide to resculpt the yf 21 and

    the vf 11b, it will be.... and so going directly to 1/48 with a kick ass new sculpt will be a skip for us 1/60


    Anyway.... Good Lord, we pay them enough money, shiet.... yamato should please us all! :p

  15. :lol:

    Tommy boy, Man..., you make me laugh.

    "Suckered, inferior toy, you don't know me"

    I would reply to this crap, but really... it's pointless....

    That's all I gotta say.

    Last Post for this thread. REALLY.....

  16. I'm cool with 1/48.

    -I can clearly see why people with the money would buy them-

    However, I'm not cool with the fact that some people want to jump straight to 1/48. That's just it.

    No further comment.

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