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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. Put me down for a set.

    Question: I suppose it depends on the sales, but is it likely that you'll be producing more after the first batch?

    I just purchased my first 1/48 (VF-1S Hikaru) and I'm anticipating a 1/48 buying spree when I receive it so.....


  2. Given Bandai's anchorage to the Gundam series, I highly doubt they have much reason to compete for the Macross market. Although, I earnestly wish for it to happen.

    If it should happen, I think yamato will have a run for its money.

    Bandai has more than neccessary means to run circles around Yamato. And on the flip side, I think it's also possible that Yamato's Price:Quality ratio would also benefit from the competition.

    I don't think there's anyone who can deny the high price tag Yamatos carry with them. No More Monopoly!

  3. Along with the YF-21, those have to be the worst valks ever. I'd rather get Bandais. To me they're just a tad above the MPCs.

    Wow. Words are bit strong, no?

    Your opinion of course.

    I've had the chance to handle a 1/48 several times over my friend's place and yes it's superior in EVERY way to the 1/60's.... except for the price. IMHO I dont think it's worth twice the price of a 1/60... :mellow:

    That's what's hindering me from getting one... :(

    With the budget I had, I think I would still rather purchase the WHOLE 1/60 line over just a few choice 1/48's....

    But yeah, not to stray off topic, anyone have any pics of cool unique poses for the 1/60's? I'm running out of ideas.... :huh:

  4. Wow.

    Is this how people become when they behold their first 1/48?


    I think I should rethink purchasing a 1/48.... ;)

    Right now my 1/60's are my babies. I change their poses every two weeks or so and I dust them every other day. To think that it's likely that I will forsaken them once a 1/48 enters my world... Perhaps I should give it a second thought. :(

    Damn Yous 1/48!!!!!

  5. I vote no.

    Although I'm not in any way sick of the VF-1 series design in itself, I think I've reached a limit on spending good hard earned cash for another essentially identical toy. If I start comparing the prices of one of these things as opposed to other things in the same price range, like a PS2, two DVD Collection sets, 9 weeks worth of Fuel, etc, I'm kinda starting to question if it's really worth it personally. ;)

    Again, it's just my opinion.... :D

  6. Last night I put my new Roy 1/48 in exhibition position. You know, like when the manufaturers of fighter planes displays all the weapons and accesories that the plane can use. And I thought " this would look great with ground crew set with pressure hoses, mechanics and pilots in different positions and those cool tiny vehicles that tow the planes and carry the missiles and gun pods".

    Guess that would be my figures wish list. :)

    Awesome idea.

    Maybe even a hangar (with it's own dim flourescent lights) to top it all off.

    I'd position the valk halfway out of the hangar like it's heading off to the runway...

    I guess if we want to think of set pieces we can go on and on and on.... :)

  7. I think the 19FP will be the last they come out with macross plus for a while.

    I hope not... :(

    I'm kinda hoping yamato is secretly working on it as we speak or at least talking about it. Maybe they started making the new sculpt for the YF 19FP, realized how kick ass it is and decided to give the same justice to the 21 and the 11B. Maybe that's why it's taking so long for Yamato to mention anything... hmm. ;)

    I guess I'm being wishful. I sure do hope there's a 1/60 Mac + in the works. Maybe even the Ghost (with it's own stand). Ah... how blissful would news of something like that be.... :wub:

  8. in battroid theres so many moving parts and such that if shook a certain way, parts are prone to break

    ya really think so? ;)

    I think it's fragile which ever mode it's in...

    Actually, since the wings are tucked away in the battroid, it might even be more stable.

    I really think it can get a tad smaller and still not mess with the aesthetic qualties of the box. For example the 1/60 OSTRICH. Heavens, that box is such a waste of space. The box goes to storage anyway, so it doesnt have to look THAT GOOD. :)

    My vote is for smaller boxes.

  9. yeah true...

    But I'm affraid yamato boxes are only getting larger. <_<

    They kinda look more "classy" or less "childish" (all for lack of a better word) when it's in Fighter mode. I guess more like a "hobbyist tranforming fighter" rather than a " HYPER SPACE AVENGER ROBOT WITH TRANFORMING ACTION"(:huh:). uhhh...

    I sure yamato has a different reason.

    But yeah, I personally don't see the point. Such a waste of shelf space...

    oh well... :p

  10. I tryed that once, it doesn't work

    How did it not work? If you check the thread to which you are referring, I never said anything else! :rolleyes:

    Of course, you leave out the part where you PMed me and continued to press your point.

    Everyone can have opinions. . . but if your opinion is crazy, ill-informed, or illogical, chances are I will express my opinion about your opinion. If you can't handle it, maybe discussion forums aren't for you. :)


    I think the problem is that you express your opinion until everyone else gives up on theirs. I mean I'm surprised I haven't seen you put up a chart. C'mon man. Lighten up. We got you were saying the first time you said it. Twice! :p

    Seriously Hurin.

    You debate against people as if your life depended on it.

    Quoting every segment of mine and other people's whole post is just sick.

    And about this...

    If you can't handle it, maybe discussion forums aren't for you.

    Look at the response you're getting and see if maybe you're the one that should move on to a different forum.

    Just chill dude.

    You win, you're smart, and you're an outright d1ckhead. Get a girlfriend.

  11. Well, you can look at several factors...

    1. - HG Blows, and would want a chunk of any and all future Macross releases, they said as much at AX in 2001.

    2. - The existing Mac Zero R1 DVD's do not have any subtitling.

    3. - Did I mention that HG blows?

    If we ever see them, it will most likely be years from now.

    What about the Hong Kong release of Mac0, they have subs don't they?? They are a region compatable with the US.

    No offense to anybody in HK, but a lot of their subtitled crap sucks. I bought several and it's really fortunate if you find a couple of them comprehensible.

    To stay on topic, I think if Macross plus was able to make it through to the US via Manga, I think given the popularity of Macross 0, we'll see it a couple of years down. Not anytime soon though.

    Oh and, HG BLOWS!

  12. Now, if they truly stood to make a huge profit that would outweigh the negative aspects of doing so (detailed above), I could see them just saying: "Awww screw it. . . we'll make more." While I consider it very unlikely, I consider that to be within the realm of possibility.

    If it's in the realm of possibility, then it's possible. We've all seen MANY slim possiblities turn into realities in life so...

    I agree however, that the chances are slim (which I might add, is speculation as well until Yamato SAYS they won't make more). Not because Yamato will "keep it's word" as you so put it, but because Yamato has so much original main stream stuff to produce before they divert their resources to another custom. I also think that because it's a custom valk, if they do make another one, it'll be a different model (maybe even a whole new paint scheme all together).

    Getting back to the "keep it's word" phrase you mentioned however, I don't remember Yamato promising both sides of this arguement anything. For all we know, your assumptions may be more vulnerable than Hirohawa's. Yamato really (even in the long term) does not have much to lose if they were to re-issue the Low Vis. It's not like the people who bought the first low vis will cold turkey Yamato because of it. Heck, they might just buy more of em.

    Anyway, the main point is, I think both sides are about level and neutralize one another.

    AND ultimately, Yamato does it's own shi-et anyway... <_< (which sadly, I'm used to now)

  13. Daaayyaammmn Hurin...

    Talk about LONG...

    But yeah, anyway, here's my two cents:

    I honestly think it can swing in either direction.

    In response to Hurin's stance,

    Yamato IS a business-minded corporation and I myself, dropped all perceptions of them as a company that's anything (much) more than that. If the demand is high enough and enough people in the Land of the Rising Sun start beckoning, hey,... a "limited edition" isn't as limited as it originally was INTENDED to be. Companies have many strategies to go around "Limited Editions" and I don't think the low vis is as untouchable as you so passionately assume it to be.

    In response to Hirohawa's stance,

    Don't hold your breath (I can assume you aren't).

    ¨Logically¨ all the valks are limited productions. Which one is an Unlimited Production?

    NO F'ing DUH... C'mon now... Given it's present demand, and taking into consideration the observations I've made since it's debut, the Low Vis is considerably limited in production than the other 1/48's. The notorious demand it has now came AFTER people like you and I assumed it'd be around a while long enough for us to "think about it". I personally lost my chance because of this assumption and instead opting to wait until my wallet recovered from my 1/60 shopping spree. Oh well.

    I think our best chance at a low vis is with another valk model. 1S or 1J... ORRR.... if the HGUSA force field is lifted and everything is re-released here. :D

    Here's to HOPE~

  14. I'm also thinking of buying one myself and enter into the 1/48 line...

    I was under the impression that it featured upgrades that eliminated the various problems the first 1/48's had, no?

    Is the New VF-1J, low vis and the focker VF-1S the only ones with the improvements?

    Everything from the Max 1A and on has the improvements. There are minor changes after the Max such as easier opening front landing gears and the seats on the reissues have the curved pilot seat headrest.


    Not a reason in sight for me to resist now... sigh... :rolleyes: 1/48 here I come.

  15. I got one.

    It takes a bit of "breaking into" but once you figure out the way the toy is balanced, it get's pretty easy to transform. Contrary to what I've read here I think the slight loose-ness of the hips makes it easier for me to make adjustments. Again, you gotta get very familiar with how the thing is balanced.

    Great valk. IMHO it's superior to the Yf 19 in all modes with the exception of the battroid mode.

    Ya got the VF 11B FP's? That's one sweet yammie. The best of the Mac + series IMHO.

  16. I'd personally get a VF -1S Hikaru. I guess because it's not available in other scales by YAMATO.

    I'm about yay(_) close to buying one myself. It'd also be my first 1/48. I've seen them personally and what worries me most is the possibility that I might wreak further havoc on my bank account and buy the whole 1/48 line all because of the hypnotic powers they possess.

    sigh.... :unsure: what to do....

  17. Oh jesus lord !

    All we needed was a Star Wars/StarTrek/LOTR fanboys debate in Macross world 

    Man , please , don´t EVER compare things (i was gonna use another term but for the sake of politeness I´ll keep it to myself ) like SW or ST to Macross 

    it´s like poeple can´t get american Sci-Fi series out of their heads

    Though I agree that drawing comparisons with SW, ST & LOTR is stretching efforts in finding common comparable grounds, what's with all this "fanboy" bashing?

    As far as I'm concerned everyone in here in MW is a Fan or a.k.a. SCI-FI geek (in various degrees). The effort guys like you make in attempt to degrade others by calling them "fanboys" is simply juvenile.

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