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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. I kinda feel sorry for Graham in a weird way...

    Knowing so much and yet you can't share.

    Like Pandora and her box-o-future.

    but then again I bet he's just charmed the force is with him and not us. <_<

    Play evil laugh now: "muhaha muhahahaha muuuhhahahhaha!"

    Edit: typo correction

  2. Given the immense popularity and anticipation of the YF 19FP, you'd think yamato would have given us something consented and official to drool at by now.

    Anyway, I hope yamato takes notice and release the damn thing already.

    Oh and just for fun,

    This is my "conspiracy theory"... I think the reason for delay is that while working on the yf 19, It hit yamato that the yf 19 was just too damn good and stood out next to the current aged and old 1/72 Mac + valks. Anticipating the inevitable outcry of MAC + fans demanding the 21 and the 11B be given their due justice, they decide to put together a whole new 1/60 scale series. Now again, because they anticipate that fans will want the 21 and the 11B to have new sculpts, they delay the release of the YF 19 FP until they are almost good to go and comfortable with the 1/60 sculpts that they will strategically announce not long after the release of the 19fp. Thus making Yamato immortal amoung it's fans for giving them a kick ass product and a new kick ass series to look forward to.

    Maybe? :lol: That's what I'd do if I were yamato. :D

  3. Awesome work indigo.

    I agree with the others with the red stripe thing. Take it OFF! :D

    The shade of red is slightly different from the tail fins and IMHO, it's kinda distracting.

    Again, Kick ass custom.

    EDIT: also, perhaps some panel lines would help?

  4. I was on the brink of selling my whole 1/60 collection to start a 1/48 collection but I think the one 1/48 I have is good enough... Selling off my whole 1/60 collection to buy a couple of 1/48's seems silly to me now. yeah, 1/48's are hot, but like many said here, 1/60's are my babies.

    If they make a 1/48 VF-1J with GBP armor, that'd be my second.



    Like all of you guys, I think the $120 price tag is unwarranted. $80 USD - SHIPPED - is THE MAX that should be charged for something the lacks much articulation. There are many toy/models out there that are much more detailed (The deluxe mcfarlane spawn figures for example) that are dirt cheap compared to the q rau.

    But, I do think it's a must have. Even if a green one were to come out later, you still need a meltran Millia Qrau. Personally, with the amount of VF -1's chillin out in my display, it's about time they get some action. I'm going to get me all the enemy mechs to be released! :D

    and Graham! PUT THE REVIEW UP PLEASE! :D

  5. Probably around $40

    Really? is that USD?

    I thought it'd be lower...

    I hope the final announced price is lower because some 1/60's can be purchased for $40-50.

    $20 - $25 seems reasonable for a non perfect transformation, all pvc, 1/100 scale valk.

    Edit: Any higher, and I dont think anyone will want to buy it. Cheap price is probably the only reason most people (already spoiled with the 1/48s) would buy it.

  6. Hmm, but if you look at the MW section on toys, and all the other pictures everywhere, the prototype is almost 99% the finished toy. Don't expect the finished product to look that much different.

    I'm aware that the prototype we see here is pretty close to the final. And... IMHO, I think it looks more than decent. :D Add to that some paint and a nice pimpin box, I think it'll look great.

    You gotta be REALLY picky to be saying this rendition of the vf-0 is "ugly." It's not perfect, but I think they did well considering the size (and target price group) they had to work with. :)

    you just dun like it because it's not 1/48! :lol: true, no?

    Peace. no beef.


  7. Jeezzz people...

    No wonder Yamato is so iffy on releasing proto photos. ;)

    You guys have to take into account that this is a prototype. I mean, if anything, seeing what some of the model makers here can do (like master WM cheng) with pieces of plastic, we should at least criticize constructively.

    For a 1/100 figure I think it looks AWESOME. Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Macross 0 series and I'd say it does it justice given the small size. And the landing gear aint THAT bad...

    Overall, I think it's great. I'm preordering one when it's available. I just hope they introduce more of these babies, like shin's 0.

    Again, Graham, you rock! The recent abundance of updates make me happy! :lol:

  8. :lol:

    Awesome. With amount of masterpeices many of our talented customizers produce, MW will definitely be a mecca for custom toys.

    Again, all these additions and updates are greatly appreciated Graham!

    MacrossWorld is not just a forum anymore! :lol: (I mean that in a joking good way).


  9. I say charge $15 a set and and have Rohby scratch build a 1/48 hand giving "the bird". Then everyone here can take a picture of their 1/48s giving the big FU. We can all send them by e-mail to HG, flooding their inboxes and by regular mail so that there's so many envelopes, they can't get out the front door. :lol:

    That'll teach them to steal our YF-19. :angry::lol:

    :lol: Such a KICK ASS idea.


  10. I don't think anyone here thinks anything other than appreciation for Rohby's and Exo's efforts.

    Eternal_D's arguements didn't seem a least bit offensive...

    and I didn't feel as if haterist was being cynical about Rohby's & Exo's intentions for Eternal_D to refute about it either.

    So, both of you guys chill...

    Anyway, more pics please~ :D

  11. Even though my whole collection consists entirely of 1/60 and 1/72 valks,

    I've come to the conclusion that the 1/48 is indeed worth getting.

    At least one...

    I FINALLY took the plunge a couple of days ago and bought my very own VF-1S Hikaru with a set of fast packs.

    It kinda feels like getting married...

    The anticipation is high. Heart rate up.

    The 1/48 walking down the isle via UPS ground.

    Gosh... I finally got it... :rolleyes:

    I wonder how many 1/48's this union will produce... :blink:

  12. I can't help but think that Yamato could do a lot better work on the 11B each time I think on the SHE version. Those big fat plastic bulks under the wings are simply annoying. The shoulders left much to be desired and so the intakes sculpt. The SHE version features a retractable heat shield for Pete's sake! But as I said I'll probably end up buying it.

    I dunno... I kinda get the feeling yamato will eventually give the Macross Plus valks the justice they deserve. More specifically, SOON... maybe even planning it now.

    It might just be my hopeful hypothesis, but I think it could be the reason why the YF 19 FP is being delayed and kept ULTRA secret for so long...

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