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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. Any YF-19 thread that doesn't have pictures makes me depressed. :(


    I remember when they said that the VF-0 was ways off but we got pictures of that.

    It's really screwy but what can you say? It's yamato we're talkin about here.

    You know, personally, I almost just wish they'd fix up the current version (minor but necessary adjustments), slap on fast packs and just release the damn thing. Then, finally admit that they're working on something bigger for macross plus like they're probably are at the moment.


    Why is there so much secracy behind the damn thing?

    I can't imagine that they'd keep this mum, when it's just another 1/72.

    Like I said with my theory before,

    I think they started making the 1/72 19 FP, realized how it stood out in quality over the other FP versions, and decided that fans will eventually demand that the same treatment be given of the other Mac + valks and thus, it'd be better off to redesign the whole Mac + line (perhaps in 1/60), given they already started on the 19.

    Why else for the insane delay?

    - because the engineering of the 19 is too hard? Give me a break, they have an experienced sculptor of the Hasegawa Model, and their own experience with the scuplt and the 1/48's.

    - because they're caught up on 1/48's? Cmon. Yamato isn't exactly an in home garage company. and besides, the 1/48's are basically identical but with different paint jobs.

    It takes 8 months for a company like Samsung to develop a Cell phone from scratch. I doubt it would take yamato over a year if it was just another 19 FP.

  2. As value goes, I just have a hard time believing that the inferior earlier release will ever been in appreciably higher demand (even among completists).

    Actually, the 1st issue YF-19 is worth more than the improved second issues, in part because the production run was lower.

    not true.

    where did you get that? :blink:

    As long as it's in the box, they go for the same price.

    out of box, the second edition sells for more.

    I do now know if the run was cut short but some of the retail stores on the net have the first one for alot more.




    Etailers are a bad place to gauge the value of a toy.

    the thing is though, the value of these things are really determined by demand at a point in time. Neither of the 1st or 2nd edition have sold particularly better. People pick these up if the price is right. Personally given the choices, I'd take 2nd edition hands down without second thought... I'd surmise many more feel the same way...

    second editions for yamato are just patched up toys.


    I was one of the unfortunate who couldn't afford a 1/48 low vis when they were selling them retail. And for months after I got a job, I've seen auction after auction pass by with inflated prices for one of these babies. Until...


    He had options like so many MWers here, to go to ebay and sell the low vis for the inflated prices they go for but he PMed me and sold me one for $200 shipping all incl.

    ON TOP of that, he had better response and service than many of the e-tailers out there. Super Fast Delivery (2 days), Great packaging, Everything was perfect.

    One of the best MWers/people here. I'm TRULY grateful.


  4. As value goes, I just have a hard time believing that the inferior earlier release will ever been in appreciably higher demand (even among completists).

    Actually, the 1st issue YF-19 is worth more than the improved second issues, in part because the production run was lower.

    not true.

    where did you get that? :blink:

    As long as it's in the box, they go for the same price.

    out of box, the second edition sells for more.

  5. seriously....

    unless you are totally wacked out about collecting EVERY version of EVERY toy (and have the money), I'd say just stick with the 2nd editions. Personally I'd actually sell the 1st edition hikaru.

    It's not like any of the editions are limited or special. It's just the 2nd editions fix whatever problems that plagued the first batch of 1/48.... theyre not even considered "2nd editions" per say.... theyre just reissues. Same box, same everything but the updates.

    Get used to it... yamato does this a lot. They neglect some obvious flaws the first try then only to fix it up later.... EVERY scale in Yamato's macross line has mistakes in the first release with fixer uppers later on....

    EDIT: typo

  6. OH god.. is this how the addition starts?).


    this WONT be your last valk.

    The Max 1A was my first 1/60. I ended up buying the whole series, and I didn't even have a job then...

    Welcome to Valkaholics Anonymous!



    Hey guys, I'm new in the Games dept so I hope you guys understand and can help me with the following questions.

    I just have 3 questions here that I think will be best answered all together so here goes:

    I have a US version PS2.

    1) Will VFX2 work with my system? Is the game backward compatible with a US PS2?

    2) How can I get my system modded if that's what I choose to do?

    3) How much does it usually cost to get a mod?

    you guys can pm me if you don't want to post the info.

    Info would be greatly appreciated.


  7. those hands are made for 1/48...look at them!  they're huge!!  :D

    :huh: Aren't those hands TV typed? big and round, I wouldn't care if it came with an extra hand to be able to put the gun pod :lol:


    The last time I saw DYRL, they didnt have the GBP so it's TV hands.

    I'm hoping one reason for the delay are those huge ass hands...

    damn, reminds me of hellboy's right hand.

    I guess it could work if the GBP came with "kung fu action" ;)

  8. Dayam~ :wub:

    ok... I think it's safe to say you're the CUSTOM master of MW.

    William Cheng is the Master of Models and you're the master of 1/48 customs.

    man.... I mean... holy shiet~

    Awesome job man.

  9. I fully expect every Yamato release to be pushed back a few months these days. I don't take stock of the initial date anymore, because they never make it. I would expect the VF-0S in late June - sometime in July.

    On the contrary, I think they'll actually come really close to their projection.

    Yamato only shows off what they're near or already completed with, and given we've already received painted pictures of it, I think july is pretty safe to bet on. Despite the possibility of change in the sculpt, I don't think it will change much or at all, for that matter.

    It's projects that they keep mum about that are questionable. *cough*YF-19FP*cough*.

    I'm telling ya.... I think my conspiracy theory with that valk is somewhat possible. Maybe we'll see a 1/60 Macross plus line soon in the horizon. :lol:

  10. To go along with what Aegis first said, I've noticed that there are a lot of people on these boards who like Macross but not it sequels, like the Matrix but not its sequels, like the original Star Wars trilogy but not the Special Editions or Episode I or II, etc. It's like once upon a time, they saw something that they thought was incredible, and now they love their originals and wish for more of the exact same, but any attempts to expand upon the originals are rejected. It's almost as if, as fans, we at some point have to make a decision to go all out with the original product that so captivated us and reject the sequels, or embrace the creator's overall vision and possibly be forced to rethink our ideas about the original. I'm not saying that either way is right, because everyone is indeed entitled to their own opinions, but they definately seem to be born out of different mentalities.


    I think most people express their negative opinions outward while really liking the new OAV's (or many aspects of it) at the same time inside. There always be those fans who think the original is the greatest and nothing will ever come close. I guess we just have to accept it.

    Macross plus was my favorite series of all macross (even over my childhood experience with SDF), but I think macross Zero is really showin me something. It might be just the fact that I had low expectations for it before I watched it but nevertheless, it's definitely holding up on it's own. The story reminds me of evangelion is some strange way, but I guess that's a good thing. My only hope is that it doesn't get too mystical or trippy like NGE in the end.

    I can't wait for the final two episodes. It really bites that we have to wait so long for them to come out. ;) but I guess it's worth it.

  11. Does anyone know how to play VF X2 on the PC with ePSXe?

    I just downloaded the emulator but I dunno if the game CD will work in my CD-rom. (since the game is an import and all)

    is there anything I have to do to play it? any good information will be appreciated.

    I want to hear anybody who already has played it this way before I actually buy the game.

    thanks in advance.

  12. big valks are cool...

    but in all likely scenarios, I don't think yamato will ever make a 1/48 VF-0~

    Zero is only an OAV... and as you can see with some of the comments people make here, they hate the VF-0 design.

    Given the fact that I love the newer valkyrie designs,

    I hope the macross plus and zero valks atleast get up to 1/60~

    I think it'd also be interesting if we saw Macross 7 stuff from yamato...

    I guess we'll see... ;)

  13. I love fighter jets.

    I love japanese mecha.

    Two of my favorite things in the world.

    Combine them and what do you get?

    MACROSS! :lol:

    It's crazy how much detail they put into designing these things. They make something relatively impractical in the real world almost into something we can imagine being totally possible. That's the beauty of it I think...

    Gundams are ok too, but some of them look fruity.

  14. I hear ya Nani, but have faith and be diligent on eBay. You may find a LV yet for a reasonable price. Good luck to you.

    Appreciate the cheer up.

    but faith on Ebay? :blink:

    I dunno... I actually follow every low vis auction that goes on ebay and I've yet to see any sold below $250. :(

    crummy really... I didn't collect 1/48's because of their price when the low vis came out and was selling for $120... now that I bought my first 1/48, (vf 1s) I keep hitting myself whenever I go to ebay and HOPE I can get one for $180ish shipped.... (which is impossible.)

    I have more faith that yamato might, in the slightest electron sized chance, re-release it. (HA!)

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