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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. Graham, since Yamato isn't talking to you anymore can you dish on any info you may have on the YF-19 redesign? Or at least if it is cancelled. <_<


    it´s still too risky , he may be attacked by Yamato Yakuza crew for that even though he´s not under their protection anymore.

    How? Do they know where Graham lives? No, right?

    Screw that, just leak the info Graham! :lol:

    They arent telling you anything now anyways~ :D (or are theyyyy~?? ;) )

    if only graham was more evil~


  2. The nasty bit about forward swept wings is that they poke out of the shockwave cone, thus they aren't the "best" for high speed flight. Theoretically, the 19 could go even faster with a permimently swept back wing (as in a total wing re-design). Current FSW designs allow the tips to flex, so that they don't snap off during high speed flight, something that the pilot doesn't want to happen.

    Yes Yes,

    that was the reliability issue I was talking about three or four posts ago. Maneuverability is awesome but at the cost of speed because they cause too much drag.

    looks cool though. :)

  3. It's funny how speculation about the price has begun to surface when it has not been officially announced. I can't agree or disagree if Yamato set their prices based on what they hear or see in the streets or on the web and if Yamato does browse these boards then they know how much the majority here would like to have them pursue the Megazone licence again but it was their conclusion that it wasn't viable enough which leads me to question their basis to set prices or pursue new projects or toy licences based overseas consumer fanatacism.

    That might be true to some extent,

    but I think they pick and choose what they want to use from fans overseas (even here at MW). Whether or not we're the biggest market for them, we are for sure a market they'd definitely be concerned about when releasing products.

    Also I think I had a yamato-rep sighting:

    In one of the first posts I've put up, it was a gripe about the lack of info on the YF-19 and how yamato have gradually neglected fan's opinions. Some guy (who's id I wont reveal yet) replied saying that they're doing their best and wrote "Yamato" at the end. I remember the log in ID, but I think he is either posing as a regular fan (because he still posts today), or was just speaking for yamato. But whether or not he is just a regular or a yamato spy, I think yamato does drop by here and pick and chooses what they deem useful for future releases.

    Our vote/voice matters (somewhat) folks! B))

  4. If the YF-19's wings morph during transformation to battroid mode, so does the VF-1's wings which become shorter and fit into the backpack in battroid mode so the engine intakes don't actually collide with the wings in battroid mode when doing crouches etc.


    Animation oversight or morphing wings? You decide.

    :lol: I decide animation oversight! :D

    Kawamori is not an aircraft engineer! He's a anime mecha designer.


    All the points brought up here are valid, and anubis' last point sounds good as does DH's. But I think the folded wings feature was one of the minor (or at least one of the lesser important) details that kawamori included into the design. Otherwise, macross plus would have featured it clearly as they showed off the 21's morphing wings. At the speeds the 19 was flying in Macross plus (which were probably over mach 3), real world planes would have utilized the the sweeping wings. Anyway, the yf 19 looks too cool with the forward swept wings. I'm kinda glad it didnt sweep back in Macross +. :)

  5. everyone please keep posting whatever, i'm not telling anyone to do anything, its a free country so post away folks. i'm not being sarcastic at all, and i'm not saying that sarcastically either. please feel free to post whatever you'd like. :)

    we're not all in one country~

    different laws and cultures may apply. :p

  6. I've only watched the DVD version - no subtitles - and it does look like ep 4 is the weakest chapter so far. However, I am still really enjoying the series. Maybe it's shallow, but I just love looking at the art and animation. It is simply the best I have ever seen. The story seems good enough IMO - not the best, but not the worst either. I agree that the story could speed up a little but I guess that might rocket up the production costs.


    I also don't like the weirdness of how the story is evolving. Like all the birdman stuff and sara's blood, etc, etc... kinda makes macross more unrealistic. more magic-y then it was before... ackk.. just my opinon :p

    But as far as visuals, I think it's spec-friggin-tacular. I love the animation and the visual effects. The sound and music is also good.

    I think i'll have to wait and see the final episode if this is my favorite macross series over my current fav, macross plus. For that to happen the final has to be nothing short of kick ass.

  7. hmm... well, i think that pic makes it pretty clear that the 21's wings DO morph, as shown in the animation. as far as i'm concerned, the debate is over. :p

    umm... I wasn't talking about the 21...

    I was talking about the 19.

    and there is no debate. we're not debating.... just opinions and speculation.


    Oh, and also, now that you mention it lebhead, the max and min wing area are noted on the tech drawings of the 21 but nowhere in the 19 drawings are there any notations of wing morph capabilities or change in wing area. Instead it notes a simple lateral movement of the wings to it's high speed position. :p

  8. The thng is though, even if the wing roots separated out like it was transforming, the wings swept, and ther roots went back into place, the wings would still hit into the legs, of which there's no slots for a swept wing to fit into.  Just pivoting the wings in place is impossible, because the wings would sweep halfway into the legs, and engines.

    The Doyusha -19 had the wings sweep in place into the legs, and as a result, the wings don't look anything like they should, and you can see first hand how much they would cut into the leg doing it like that.

    Therefore some level of wing morph has to apply there.

    By change the attachment point, do you mean the wings slide outward from the jet while the root stays in place and then sweep back?  Chould be, but then that would still require some wing morph to move the wing's shape to that pivot point, because there are no sliders on the wing other than the pivot point.


    interesting topic.

    I'm sorry but I think I disagree with you anubis. :) I don't think there is any wing morphing involved. You guys didnt paste up the side view technical drawings of the 19, but the wings are placed high enough over the engine to simply pivot and fit in. I don't think there's any morphing involved at all. Also to be completely technical, the battroid and gerwalk line art are not accurate renditions of how a perfect tranformation would be... so using them to discuss this topic wouldn't be accurate. Rather I think using the hasegawa transforming YF 19 would be the best reference available other than asking kawamori himself.

    Personally, I think the YF-19 is without any of the uber high tech features that are on the 21 (like the brainwave controlled flight, and morphing wings). The match up between the yf-19 and the 21 reminds me of the competition between the upcoming Lockheed F22 Raptor (then yf-22) and Northrop's YF 23 Black widow II. The YF 23 was actually superior to the 22 in many aspects but lost out in the end.

    Anyway, I say it simply folds in on top of the engine but in a slit inside the back of the leg. REMEMBER: the line art isnt accurate. The best reference are the tech drawings and then the hasegawa model.

    Edit: also I would like to add the fact that kawamori is NOT an aircraft engineer. Though his designs kick ass and look convincing and practical, he is not in anyway a lockheed martin or sukhoi engineer. Especially regarding the sweeping wing design of the yf19, I think he was just trying to solve the reliability issue swept forward winged planes have when in high speeds. The YF 19 is not a real world perfected design nor are ANY of the valks so we should keep that in mind. Kawamori-san please forgive me for being critical! your designs rule!

  9. So they see a higher profit margin the the VB-6 and 1/100 VF-0 than the YF-19 fans have been asking about for years now?

    If this does become vaporware, then Yamato is on crack. I still have some hope though, after the VB-6 comes out.

    I'm not dying of wait though anymore. VF-19A, Fire Valk, and a Hasegawa will be sufficient for my -19 fix.

    Yamato has been a strange creature this past year.

    I couldn't agree with you more.

    I do think people at yamato still drop by here occasionally, and the topic that's most recycled around here is regarding the fabled YF 19 FP. It's one of the most anticipated figures here and yamato should know it by now.

    I just wish they told us whether it was dead or if theyre still working on it. I mean, forget development pic or prototype pics... we all know we'll never see them until a couple of months prior to launch, but gosh.... at least give anxious yf 19 fans peace of mind.

    Yamato in that respects is outright mean. :angry:

  10. That would be???

    well someone posted some pics at the convention a couple of weeks back and everyone was saying how it was smaller than they originally thought it would be... from what I recall, it was in the aircraft mode and it was no bigger than the 1/48's around it. Unless that was an out of scale prototype I think it's about that size...

    Anyhoo, I think it should be the same price range as the fastpack-LESS REGULAR VF-1's.

  11. oh and regarding the monster....

    I think yamato should just forget going smaller than the size of 1/48 VF 1's... The quality of their stuff at that size and up is platinum. The smalller they go, the more crappy their products become.

    The Monster is beautiful... given that it'll be about the the size of a 1/48, that's the price range I'll be willing to buy it for.

  12. The monster is rare, so just to be able to get a brand new transforming one is awsome. I'd pay what ever they ask. I might not like the price, but I'd pay it.



    fine then you pay $2000 bucks for one and yamato will give discounts to the rest of us. ;)

    you must be a charm to sell to for car dealers~ :lol:

  13. Is that the new YF-19 (in the 5th pic, in the middle right with a FAST pack and don't get excited just yet guys!) or is it something else?

    No, not Yamato. That's the old Studio Half Eye 1/100 scale YF-19 perfect-variable resin garage kit.



    seeing that pic really makes me question why it was (and is) so hard for yamato to release a yf 19fp... they could have easily modified the current sculpt, (fix the legs a bit and make it leaner, etc) and slap some fast packs and you would have had many grateful fans buying it in no time. Instead, they leave people guessing on whether or not it's cancelled or not. What's SO difficult? they already had the fast pack versions of the 21 and 11B going (which were all old sculpts with FPs anyway) why not just complete the series and bring some closure to it?

    personally I've long since given up any expectations for it... but that picture kinda made my closet-ed feelings surface a bit.

  14. oops... oh shiet.

    I just glanced at the pic without really looking at the differences...

    I feel dumb. :ph34r:

    Edit: Kakizaki, it was incidious of you to not mention the changes in the first post! (although it was my dumbass mistake to merely glance and judge) :D

    anyway. I wonder when the YF 19 FP will come out.... :p

  15. Well waiting for YF-19 to come out anyway....with fast pack............i want it !!!!!!!!!when is it coming out ???????????????? sighs................................

    if someone knew for sure, it'd already be posted here.

    Just forget about it like I have, then when it DOES come out (sometime this millenia), we'll all be semi-surprised and excited. :D

    Given the time yamato kept us waiting for it, they're better off redesigning all the mac plus valks. The 21 and the 11b all are worth resculpting. <_<

  16. I would much like to see the YF-19 reworked as they've said they would a year + ago.

    I'm seriously losing faith on it every passing month. :o

    They are making other good stuf though. The kick-ass 1/100 koenig I think, gave some reason to undecided buyers to buy the 1/100 VF-0 as well, at least I think it does. I definitely want something to compare it with in it's own scale. And the Max Qrau. Wow... looks hella lot better than the milla one I got right now...

    I just hope some light will be shined upon the Macross plus line. And definitely as graham said... man, a bigger Macross Zero line would kick arse... But realistically I think it's a couple of years out there, since theyve just started on the smaller scale...

    as for the 1/48 line... I dunno... what else can they practically make in it except for milking the VF-1 line? I would love more variety... but knowing yamato, I wont anticipate on anything until they actually show pictures of it. I wasted too much energy for the yf-19. ;)

  17. kinda like the fact they are willing to produce the mecha with less screen time,brings hope! now if we could only get some regult,glaug

    wouldn't hold my breath... :p making an already sculpted qrau a shade of blue is much easier than making a whole new sculpt ;)


    wow the blue look really nice~ I'm gettin one! does anyone have a price conversion for US dollars on the blue version?

    thanks in advance.

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