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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. i know i brought up the option DYRL hands but whatever happend to the hands someone on these boards were working on?

    I think those were being made by Eternal_D.

    I dunno if he ever finished them but they would have looked great if they were completed and recast by rohby.

    And just IMHO, I think the DYRL hands are so much better than the mickey mouse hands of the tv series. I know they're classics, but I'd much rather have a set of cast DYRL hands.


    Well, it is taking a hideous amount of time, but I don't think I blame them.. the YF-19's gotta be one of the most complex designs in Macross, of not THE most complex.  The fuselage literally has to fold over on itself into a pretzel shape to transform, and it's gotta play havoc with the proportions.  If they're making it based on that custom model, it'll probably take a while to get it up to playable standards.. that thing looked pretty fragile.

    You're right. Especially if they're dealing with I.H.P.'s (Mr. Sakuragawa) custom model.

    I think yamato just put it on the back burner for now... if not vaporware. <_<

    I really dont see how any valk would take this long to develop... as hard as the yf 19 may be, they have current examples to work with... Given they even have the convenience of CAD, all they really had to do was some trial and error.

    So yeah.... Either theyre redoing the whole plus series, or it's on hold... indefinitely... if the latter is true, I think yamato has to smell the coffee and realize there are loads of people drooling just by the possibilities of one coming out.

  2. First and foremost, thank you Graham for the awesome pics.

    In my opinion, as much as I anticipated the yamato konig in battroid, I think I agree with zeo-mare that the pose (which I HOPE is adjustable) is ugly. Also the legs seem to start at the arm pits and the head sculpt seems a bit dopey rather than intimidating like the line art. I'm still buying one but I dont think I'll ever display it in battroid if it looks like that... ;)

  3. I think they're just richer and more corporate than they were a while ago... They've just matured into a typical japanese company. (both in positive and in negative ways)


  4. shoot I thought these things were done too...

    wonder if Eternal's still doing it.

    been 3 months and counting and no word so I dont think we should get our hopes up too much.

    IF they do come out, I'm down for quatro~


  5. I've pretty much lost my patience with Yamato <_<

    I've (as most of MW) been waiting for a VF-0 since I saw the pre-production M-0 photos...that's like almost 2 years now no? <_<


    Macross zero is not even finished yet... And to yamato's credit, they're the only company making valks off of it. I actually think they moved at little fast and timely on releasing M-0 toys.

    If you started the countdown way back with pre-production M-0 photos than that's your fault.

    As far as speed goes, I think the only thing yamato is testing fans patience with is the YF 19 FP. Which was in production (if it still is) longer than the start of M-0. They've really swept that under the rug. It's going the way of vaporware. <_<

    Oh yeah, and the QC problems their intial releases usually come with also...

  6. If it were up to me, I'd simply offer two versions...

    A close to accurate proportion non-tranformable GBP with super detail and JUST the armor set for transformables.

    but since yamato is not me, I think they took the option that pisses the least amount of fans without them using too much of their resources. Good decision on their part as a business.

    dayam I dunno about you people,

    but I just want to see a GBP come out for the 1/48 scale...

    stop beating around the bush yamato and give us what we want!


  7. As for the perceived lack of panel lines, I think that some of them are perhaps not showing up well in the photos due to the lighting and the color of the plastic, but they are there. And remember, Yamato should only put whatever panel lines are on Kawamori's lineart. I personally don't agree with adding additional non-canon panel lines just for the sake of having more detail, as Hasegawa are prone to do with their Macross model kits.

    Regarding the length of the 4 top cannon, well this is limited by necessity. The cannon have to be able to fit inside in shuttle modeso can only be as long as the internal bay in shuttle mode.

    And I'm hoping the small 30mm chest gun will be on the final version. Judging from the photos, I suspect this is still not quite the final version.


    I agree with graham that adding non canon elements to the figure is wrong.

    However, I dont think panel lines can be even called enhancements really...

    It's just details that make it more realistic and believable. Panel lines aren't really hard to do... Yamato has them on some valks, I wonder why they dont do them for others.

    As for the question whether the koenig is in it's final stages or not, I dunno, I wish I can be hopeful as some of you folks are but I think this is pretty much what we'll get. Really, when's the last time yamato presented a painted sculpt and then actually change elements BEFORE INITIAL RELEASE in response to fan input? Perhaps I missed some examples but I can't remember any~~ They stopped showing us intial sculpt mock ups because they were annoyed with fan input.


    Couple of examples of fan input that probably got lost in translation:

    -the vf-0's hips are still birthin hips

    -the GBP hands still came out enormous

    I hope yamato proves me wrong. A swing turret on the nose would definitely be cool.

  8. For those who did see robocop 3, did you guys catch the strings attached to robo when he started to fly out of OCP's building with the scientist and the girl? You can see it right after robo fries the bad dude's (forgot his name) legs with his boosters and starts to fly off. I guess it's a bit trivial but I thought it was fukin hilarious. reassured me that it was a crappy half assed film.

    I actually liked number two. not as much as I liked the first but the fight between caine and robocop at the end was definitely a blast to see back then.

  9. sorry...been wrapped up in other projects..I dont multi-task very well...but the poor beasts dread eyes to stare at me even now as I type!  :)  (maybe a couple weeks...I have to finish up some casting work, and my Glaug Pod model.... Then it's onto the nose of the VF11.

    Dude, AWESOME work so far.

    Langing gear is top notch, and the bigger rear tailfin gives the 11b the glory it should have had. Cant wait to see the completed version.

    Don't worry about the time man, you're moving faster than yamato usually does so you're in good shape considering it's a one man job. :lol:

    edit: typo

  10. On the subject of berets. I was a Ranger and I still think berets are fruity looking no matter how much of a badass the wearer is. <_<

    I agree, berets look whack... not to mention that it's not really practical in the field... so wearing it with your BDU seems solely for aesthetic purposes.

    I like the boonie cover the best. Our standard covers also looked sharp.

  11. As for waiting for my M16A2 to jam on me, I did not have that problem. I was an automatic rifleman, and carried an M249 SAW. I really miss that machinegun...

    I second that...

    I didnt get to fire it much but the SAW really lights it up.

    Made my m16 sound like a a pea shooter, and I thought even THAT was loud back in boot camp.

    The sound alone would scare the crap out of any opposing forces within it's range.

    I never got to fire an M4, but I heard it lacks stopping power. I guess that's why the corps went with the M16A4 instead of it as their new rifle.

  12. Hmm,

    I'm surprised we're discussing military in a macross forum.

    I was a Marine a couple of years ago and I wore both the old BDU's and the new MARPAT BDU's first issued back in summer '02.

    The new one's takes some gettin used to but it grew on me the more I wore it. it's feels a lot tougher than the old ones, and though at first sight doesn't look as squared away as the old, it looks sharp. I like the angled blouse pockets they have, and my favorite one was the desert camo.

    Looks like the army finally jumped on the bandwagon with the digital camo. But I must agree with some of the post here regarding the velcro and the zipper. Though I highly doubt any adequate trained army soldier would take off any of his gear during combat situations (ESPECIALLY when he has to lay low and keep shut), why the hell would you want to put velcro and a zipper on a BDU? That gives two ways an Army soldier could make noise and give away his and his squad's position.

    I guess the guidlines the army gave the contractors weren't as squared away as the Marine corps... :D In all logic they should be, and I KNOW them army people have the money to get the best, but why velcro? Maybe it's because I'm a leatherneck, but I don't understand why. They'll probably end up changing it with different variations later.

    Anyway whatever, it's not like a marine battalion would mix in with army anyway.

  13. I love the colors (same as the Takatoku, really) and the canon length doesn't bother me a bit...

    But I do think it looks a little flat and undetailed. No panel lines?

    Couldn't agree with you more blaine.

    This isnt another vf 1, it's a friggin konig monster for pete's sake. It deserves in the LEAST, panel lines. Yamato is really being cheap if they don't give it that honor right out of the box.

    Also the orange seems to be a wee bit off to me... isn't it just a tad little more yellower?

    The cannons look good to me. If anything, making them longer would have made the other modes look wrong. I think the line art is less accurate that this rendition.

    Overall everything kicks major arse. I would love Yamato if they gave a little more attention to paint detail on their toys with each release.

    Edit: oh by the way, the VF-0 looks awesome. At least, THAT amount of detail should go to the konig as well.

  14. call me what nutso, call me psycho.....i'm just a moody ninja! 

    :ph34r:  waaaaahhhhhh!   :ph34r:   :lol:

    dude, ninjas are silent killers. They don't go around yelling "wahhhhhh!" like a dumb ass.


    I think that was an internal mocking of what a loser Hurin is.

    I can see that.... it's just... dont mess with ninjas man~ :lol:

    "waaaaaahh!", is so stereotypical.

  15. You guys need to take meds and settle down.  If I wanted to see drama, I go watch the soaps.  :p

    or go to FL and beat down that mechafag~!!!!!!! <_<

    that would actually be cheaper and i do dislike thieves more than some stupid numbnut on the web. :lol:

    and as far as wrong addresses go, do you forget who i am?

    i would triple check everything before i got a plane ticket. though i would have to take some sick time so i can arrive a few days early and stalk him.

    you know, figure out his schedule, when he leaves the house, when he comes home, where he likes to eat, etc, basically, figure out his habits and formulate a pattern, only then would i strike! :ph34r::lol:

    shiet, you're a f'ing pro! :ph34r:

  16. i was surprised to see that haterist would actually use his vaca time to see another mw user, how sweet~!! :lol:

    suddenly reminded me of a televised FBI arrest of an internet child sex offender.

    If you guys do duke it out tell us who kicked the crap out of the other! :p

    fight! fight! fight! fight!

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