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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. If it's a question of "either", go 1/48. I got all the 1/60s and 1/72s before I got my first 1/48 - I've been regretting not getting on the 1/48 bandwagon earlier ever since.

    Same here...

    I doubted the 1/48's price:value ratio when I had all my 1/60's, but once you get that first 1/48...................... :o

    The only non-1/48's I have are the 1/72 plus valks and only because they aren't made any bigger... if yamato finally realizes that it's a smart decision to make a bigger scale Mplus line (at least a yf19) then well, bye bye 1/72.


    given the high demand for one just in this forum alone, you would think releasing a redesigned YF-19 FP would be a no brainer. ;)

    I guess Yamato doesn't come by MW anymore. :rolleyes:

    Seriously Yamato, I'll buy two if you release it. I promise. :)

    ...and I'm sure a lot of the members here will buy squadrons of them, so hold off some of those crappy SIF figs for now, and get to it!

    Gosh... this is so futile, it's funny... :lol:

  2. I guess the topic changed a bit.

    well, in that case...

    I'll drop down on my knees and say:

    Please yamato. Release another yf-19 FP.

    I promise I'll buy at least 2.

  3. Well I'm with ya as far as wishing for one,

    but I'm afraid the chances are slim as can be.

    I still think the biggest chance we got is with Yamato (however small that is)

    Given that we know they actually worked on it at some point, perhaps someday they'll stop acting like the grinch and actually hear our cries and finish it.

    but yeah... then again, the chances of that are presently extremely slim. :(<_<:angry:

  4. sign me up for 4 sets of hands please....if they ever get made. ;)

    as far as hands for the LV, try using the alpha superposeable hands, they work like a charm and the color match is right on. B))

    hmmm. :mellow:

    I just checked them out and they look damn close.

    I think I might pick one up for the hands. :lol:

    thanks for the suggestion.

  5. i think i should answer the question of if these will ever get made...

    the answer is yes and no.

    no, because my original plan was to make one fixed hand and one poseable hand and that's not workin out too well. The parts made were too lose and very flimsy so I thought too many ppl would be unhappy with that so that's scratched.

    yes, so the new plan is to make a set of 4 fixed posed hands sculpted out of the TV hands. I'm hoping to put in a couple hours each day so I can have them ready to recast within a month.

    how do you ppl feel about fixed posed hands?

    fixed hands are cool.

    The potential pain in the ass the poseable ones can bring, I'd rather have the fixed...

  6. The other time was when a MW member unknowingly made a lucky guess about a top secret prototype sculpt and released photos of a near-identical garage kit that the sculpt was based on and photo-shopped the photos with the words 'copyright Yamato' and claimed that this was the mystery sculpt. This particular incident really got Yamato steamed and I had them shouting down the phone at me for leaking photos they had given to me in confidence.

    :rolleyes: so this is why.... :ph34r:


    if any of y'all read this, all I gotta say is...

    I've always known, but it's now affirmed....

    You're full of sh*te. (at least the new heads)

    You guys act like you're designing a confidential government funded super stealth plane or something. You're a t-o-y c-o-m-p-a-n-y, figure it out. The stuff you make are copies of what's already out there~~

    Whatever doodes! :lol:


  7. Man, can't wait for them hands. Rob's original recasts rock but I've always loved the DYRL style hands much better. I'm buying a couple for my 1/48's. wonder if you guys will make one to match the color of the low vis. (hopeful) :D

    Make em!


    I think yamato is sitting on their yf-19 for following reasons:

    1. I could be wrong, but the FP versions of the 21 and 11 didn't do too well, they don't know how well a new mold will do.

    2. they're trying to get the VF-0 sold, and they don't think the market will hold for the VB-6, GBP, the VF-0 and the YF-19.. so they figure they'll sell the newer properties first as well as the sure thing (GBP for 1/48)

    3. (pure speculation) yamato is secretly in negotiations to get the mac 7 toy rights, and they're holding off on the yf-19 until they can release it, plus myriad variants.

    4. The sculpt requires high quality materials and tight QC, and yamato managment doesn't want to pony up the cash.

    If any of these possibilities raised is something yamato is laboring over then I think these are possible answers to those.

    1. Comparing the yf 19 fp to the other two is like comparing Micheal Jordan to his teammates.... sure they're on the same team but Jordan's popularity is unmatched. And so it is with the 19... I can still get an original 21 fp for 70 bucks. The 19 is a whole different story. If yamato is seriously thinking of the "financial risks" involved with the 19fp then they're clearly not in tune with the fans.

    2. Again. They're all different valks... They WILL SELL. Especially the 19. And speaking of similarities.... Gosh people here buy the same valk at different prices and sometimes even multiples with the only difference being paint scheme...

    A 19fp will not effect the sale of the Zero....

    3. Ack.... you're right.... PURE SPECULATION.

    4. again... The cash they'll make if they release the 19 fp would have been more than enough. and their QC policy of release now patch later (which resembles more of PC games), and the fact that they had 2 years really doesn't seem to point to that scenario...

    I really wish I can guess what the heck is up.... I had a whole "conspiracy theory" as to what yamato was doing with the 19 fp and the Mac+ line but given the time that has passed even since then... I think I'm just going to place my bets that it's vaporware...


    Actually, after seeing this thing, I have no doubt yamato HAS one, and that they are sitting on it, trying to figure out how to price it.

    I wish that was the case but I doubt pricing takes the two years they "sat on it" if indeed that's what theyre up to.

    It's mind boggling to me to see why yamato hasn't come up on it's word with this one given it's insane popularity.

    If it's vapor ware I don't think it's all that hard to announce that it is. So many people preordered these, and you'd think it's common courtesy to do so.

    If it's still alive, where the F*ck is it?

    ekk.... I tire myself with this gibberish...

    The Liquid stone version looks damn nice for a 1/100. Wish it wasn't a limited release. For a moment thought it was the 19 FP.

    ugh.... When will we finally get the 19 in all it's glory? :(

  8. I too am quite curious as to why Yamato seems to have broken off contact so abruptly with Graham, after, as he said in his own words he gave them so much word of mouth advertising and praise.  I remember when he was telling us about all the dinners he would go to with Yamato's people to discuss Macross toys and to see what was going on with the community, now there is nothing.  Seems that there is a story to tell here and I would like to hear it......


    Yamato got a new president and he doesn't like talking to fanboys. Graham wasn't the only one to get cut off.

    It probably didn't help that he visited this website once...

    Ugh the new Yamato president came here? Can he read English? No wonder he cut MW off if he read all the whining that goes on in this toy forum...

    whinings there no matter what...

    go to any fan site, this crap is common. but there are also very good things said here... some really good suggestions...

    if it's indeed the whining that scared his butt off then now he gets it AFTER he releases products.... B))

  9. Hi guys,

    Just remember that Yamato is in this for the money and business only. We are emotionally involved because we love Macross. For them, it's just cold, hard business. Factors that are driving them are much different than factors that drive us. They will have their own reason for breaking contact with us. Most probably, we're so small fry that they realised they can't spare their personnel's time on us. Not an insult really. Just business. Of course we'll feel hurt. But just keep a steady head on.


    agreed and true, but...

    is it really hard to communicate with your fans?

    is it such a vaunting task or hurtful business practice to go down to the grass roots and connecting there?

    is it so hurtful that they can't hire a couple of employees to feed the community?

    I dont think so...

    It really doesn't take much given the desire to... I mean, look at us, we go ape sh*t ecstatic when we see the koenig's knees bend!

    Given the good people here, I havent seen a (generally) more patient bunch. Most of us are always jumping for joy with every bit of news we hear. Yamato did it well when they were MUCH smaller then they are now... so lack of personnel or resources is HARDLY a valid reason.

    Look....., in the Macross Community,

    making toys for it and collecting was always mainly about the love of it all. Seriously who the heck buys this stuff because of anything less than that? Shiet, I can atest to the fact that I would never imagined putting down so much of my money like this for something others view as a piece of plastic... Never did a toy feel like such a great deal for $170 bucks.

    I mean do you realize how much $170 really is? (The rich guys who blow their nose with bills excluded).

    WE buy this stuff because we have a strong admiration for it and if it's truly confirmed that yamato made such kick-ass-faitful-to-the-anime valks only for the money well then hell, anyone got wood and a lighter?

    I don't and won't believe yamato started their business JUST to make money.... they sure as hell didn't make the 1/48's just for the money. That stuff is passion my friend... so why the silence? Why stick your hand out at the face of people like Graham? Why so frigidly? Why famish the very core that brought you to life? all the possible reasons I've heard right now just don't add up...

  10. Or maybe it's beacuse I'm still pissed at Y*mato for breaking off contact with Macrossword without any explanation, especially after all the free publicity and help we gave them.

    I'm in half a mind to buycott Y*mato products from now on and remove all Y*mato reviews I've written from Macrossworld. If Y*mato want to be assh*oles, then so can I :angry:. This whole thing has left a very bitter taste in my mounth. Maybe one day soon, I should write the whole story on the forums, with lots of juicy pics. Sorry, for the OT rant, but this has been bugging me for quite a while now. Not quite at the stage where I'm going to burn all my Y*mato toys, but getting there.



    Graham, in the two years I've spent here reading most of all your posts, this one hit me emotionally.

    After my complaint a year or so back regarding yamato's retarded tight lipped policy, the response I got were generally saying

    "shush, yamato can do whatever they want and they dont owe us anything"


    "all you fanboys do is complain about the toy if they reveal info" and such,

    but to finally hear Graham summarize what I fruitlessly tried to convey then, here in one paragraph really brings me to tears....

    Yamato, regardless of how talented they are in turning animated macross valks into transformable figures, have gradually neglected the bond with it's fans. Seriously, I mean it's almost unreal how ignorant they are to the possibilities of being so much more to us than they are right now... They sure have the goods to make us drool but they're becoming like a celebrity who gives a crap or very little about the community who supported it so whole heartly since the beginning.... it's seems like they "moved on" from a "phase".


    I don't have even 1% of influence and respect you have Graham, and for you to actually protest like this means a lot... It's become almost standard reaction here to silence or degrade anyone who brings up anything less than happy thoughts. Not to say you're stirring the pot but really... thanks a lot.

  11. I'm more inclined it has something to do with the Christmas season?

    yup. no faster way then to get grip for some discontinued macross stuff than x-mas.

    BUt still, its kinda odd don't ya think?

    odd, why?

    it looks like just yer average ebay up and down supply and demand.

  12. I'm choking myself because they were $25.99 at tmpanime for a week.

    I didn't check my mail for a while so I missed it. :angry:

    it's usually about $35 in the US. which is insane for a mini figures.

    the 10 bucks difference probably isn't much if push comes to shove,

    but I'm just going to try my luck with the wanted post....

    hopefully someone will reply... :(

  13. I might be jumping the gun here, but does anyone know if either TAKATOYS or ANASAZI37 would come out with their custom stickers/decals for the this particular 1/48 armor?

    really jumping the gun...

    but my guess is it's more than likely.

  14. hi,

    feel free to pm or post if you got a set to offer... currently the best price I can get with shipping is about $32. can anyone beat that? Displayed but in good condition and complete set more than welcome.

    Ideally hoping for a complete displayed set at a discount.

    thanks in advance.

  15. I say $125 retail.

    Not geting one personally. My single set of 1/60 GBP fills that requirement for me.

    Unless I win the lotto. Then I'll get a 1J with the armor.


    good lord, no.

    thats how much a tranforming, designed-piece-of-art valk is going for and I'll be damned if a snap on gbp costs that much...

    like haterist said. worth $60 tops.

    guesstimate yamato markup: +$15

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