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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. Hmm........I've spotted a couple of mistakes in the VF-0S CAD drawings.

    1) The head lasers in the CAD drawings are placed exactly in the center of the ear disc. This is incorrect on the VF-0S, as both head lasers should be closer to the edges of the ear discs.

    2) The VF-0S should have pointy toes. In the CAD drawings, the toes (front of the feet appear to be straight (like the VF-1).

    See comparison pics below.



    Well, the toes at least are correct, if you look at the side shots, you can tell that the feet assemblies are beveled... I think that straight forward shot is misleading.

    The head lasers are off though. oh well...

    Looks awesome! can't wait to get this thing! woohoo..!



    actually the only blatant error I see is the head laser which not only should start closer to the edge but off center aswell, sorta like a lower case d.

    The slightly scaled down canopy looks fine since it's for perfect transformation and the toes seem to be correct and just looks straight head on.

    Also, regarding the nose antenna sticking out on battriod mode, it supposed to... check out the first episode of Macross zero when you see the vf-0s first transform and blast incoming missiles... it's there. Here's a pic:


    I really dont mind it actually...

  2. I voted for the vf-0D.

    it's production is closer to the realm of possibilty which tips the scale in favor of it over the sv-51 DD.

    Man, I just wish yamato would print whatever marking on the valks instead of giving us stickers. Buying and painsakingly applying tiny stickers and panel lining really is a bugger.

  3. It's an absolute definite that we'll see a vf-0D first before we see an SV-51, if either... I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we're getting a 1/60 vf-0S...

    Again, It's paramount the vf-0S sells well... otherwise the most we'll juice out of yamato will be a vf-0A.

    Just as yamato made us say "holy poo a PT 1/60 vf-0!", we gotta make them say "holy poo! New generation valks = $$$, we outa make more!". Who knows what'll happen then... Yamato might then get an epiphany like "OMG how about a yf-19 FP? That might generate some $$$!"

    Everyone who's been saying "the heck with 1/100, bigger is better", 2006 is the time to put your money where your mouth is~ B))

  4. Given yamato's past tendancies, I wouldn't hold out on the vf-0S if you want a vf-0D.

    It's already a huge longshot as of now, and as s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d said, the vf-1D isn't even in plans yet. We'll probably see a vf-0A but anything that requires more than a different head would totally depend on sales.

    I really see the vf-0S as a HUGE opportunity to let yamato know that there is substantial money to be made with newer macross valks. THE LAST THING we should do is hold out. Money talks and and in this case it'll save and revive the life of our macross valk hobbies.

  5. OH MY @#!%$!!!



    No fair...

    I wanted to despise yamato and move on and now they make this. :(

    sigh... I'm confused...


    If you pull this off and FINISH IT at 1/48 VF-1 Quality,

    I'll be your biggest ass kisser at MW.

    Seriously guys... make it happen!

    P.S. Since youre in the giving mood, how bout finishing that yf-19fp? ^_^

  6. Are the hands really jointed or do they just look like that?  :huh:


    Given the fact that theyre four "poses" for the hands in the pic, I think it's safe to assume that theyre fixed and non-poseable.

    having said that, I think it's better fixed. Man... the black joints rule... can't stop lookin at em. (kinda sad that I'm drooling over some black paint...)

  7. Someone has to recast those hands in the event that Yamato won't make them seperately.


    Wow. the hands are amazing... Man the black joints on it and just the size and look to it... I sense more business for Rohby when it come out. I'm buying one for each 1/48 I have!

    Cannon fodder is looking Damn good, and the armor still has big boobs... :rolleyes:

    it looks O.K. frontal view but check out the one next to the VF-1s Roy. (yeah, yeah, yeah I get it... better then nothing.) :blink:

    I think I'll buy the armor for the original set of black jointed DYRL hands. YES the hands are looking THAT GOOD from here. B))

    Edit: BTW, any news on the 1/100 VF-0? Man, that was the one figure I was actually giddy about from the start. Hope it isn't vaporware.... :(

  8. The 1/100 VF-0A&S were actually the only to-be-released valks that I was sure I was going to buy.

    The vf-1's are getting a bit old and without any macross plus valks in the horizon, I was looking forward to these. :(

    My only gripe with it was the hips joints and it was actually fixed, so it's a shame that it's out of the radar now...

  9. Not to follow cliche, but it's truly all about the games.

    The playstation brand has had marvelous timing and marketing genius to skyrocket it's PS platforms to the top, but I believe theyre at a similar position nintendo was when Sony knocked them off the pedestal.

    There are many factors to why I believe Microsoft will seriously take a bite out of Sony this generation and dethrone them eventually, but I'll just list the two I think will be the biggest factors.

    1 - Price: Sony has always been the more expensive brand. Unfortunately quality has not always matched up to their prices of recent sales and thus they have been dethroned in the consumer electronics dept.

    Now theyre saying they'll make the PS3 blu-ray capable. Sounds great, but in reality, no. Blu-ray is new technology, and it WONT come cheap. Yeah sure it has enormous storage capability but it's much more than games will ever need for five years and it'll also cost more to make each disk. Even with DVD capabilities of both current generation systems most games used the CD format. Whenever it comes to format, cheaper and easy to produce ALWAYS WON.

    So, why the overkill? To win another war Sony is waging... Blu-ray vs HD DVD. I dunno about you, but I aint paying another $80-$90 bucks for a war that's not even decided yet. Not for a game console atleast.

    2 - Xbox live: Seriously, internet gaming is the future, actually, it's also NOW. Standard XBOX LIVE will be free for all 360 owners... And given the network edge and the already established support microsoft has over Sony, this is no contest.

    Overall though, I'm still going to wait till the dust settles... it's always about the games, but I'm hoping for tighter competition from MS. It'll only make both consoles better.

  10. Really I could careless about removeable missiles...

    what do they do as far as poseability goes? I mean it's not like you can display the valk firing one (with the missile shooting out)? :huh:

  11. oiy, its official.

    I think I'm just going to get a konig re-release (or current version if rumors are false) instead of the GBP.

    It looks retarded. Too retarded even for me to buy just to have one. :(

    Ah well....

  12. The GBP-1S "Sumo" armor looks really good, and the inclusion of DYRL? detachable hands is a very welcome addition.  But there is one thing that bothers me a little with the front view picture: the chest armor is so bulky that it makes the head of the Valkyrie look like its sunk in, like its a turtle tucking its noggin into it's shell; this may be just due to the angle of the shot or a poorly mounted prototype on the 1J, but that is my one bit of criticism with this 1/48 rendition...I have a 1/60 and it does not have this scrunched head look.  Regardless, I'm waiting with baited breath for final production pictures to better judge this thing, and I'll buy at least one copy once it is released.

    The armor is mounted right, at least compared to earlier photos. Looking back at the very first GPB pic we saw, I think angles will make a very big difference with this one... none of that 45-degrees elevated position for this baby!

    The reason I fell in love with the 1/48 series is because it looked good in all angles.

    However with the GBP, it's like trying to find the angle where you look least fat.

    The chestplate needs to go in about .6 to .8 cm and down from the head about .3 to .5 cm. The groin should also be slightly pushed in to look less "happy." The legs would look better if they were just slightly thinner but I wont push my luck here any further.

    I'm guesstimating it a bit but I think given the dimensions of the valk within and the size of the individual armor pieces, these changes are possible.

    but what am I saying? They probably made the molds by now. :(

    oh well.

  13. The hands look good, wonder if they will include a hand to hold the gunpod similar to the tv hands? (that is if it can even hold a gunpod properly while wearing the fatsuit.)

    haha fat suit.

    Reminds me off these suits here:


  14. well fanally here you go :D sorry I took too long :p tell me what you guys think?

    Keep the face that you created for the first man.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but you drew the "anime-style" face here (probably because of all the "anime-style looks better comments"), and it lacks the personality you captured with your first drawing. it looks more generic now.

    also, the lines you have on the hair seems a little inconsistent with the rest of the piece.

    You can also try extending the hair a bit, probably right around the stomach area to show where it ends. Your choice.

    Your stuff looks great man...

    You're making me wanna go back to my drawing days.

  15. Great stuff Isamu,

    Dude, I gotta agree with all of bake art's comments.

    Go with your style.

    A lot of these dudes are just so fixated on what the original anime art looks like, that they have little room left to accept different styles of art work. Frankly, I like the face type of first rendition (with the addition of the larger hands) the best. If I had to imagine millia, who is a killer ace pilot, and in some ways a cocky "I-know-I-can-kick-your-ass" kinda girl, that face with the smirk and grin you had fit's much better than the cutsy "anime style" these dudes are wailing about.

    And guys, it's really rude when you edit other people's art. Especially slapping on original stuff and saying it's "better". It's HIS ART and HIS RENDITION... The original is the original.

  16. Woah.

    What's with all the snobby faces when a new member makes a mistake?

    He was trying to give a heads up.

    "dad of twin boys", Welcome to MW.


  17. As graham mentioned, it's already too far into production to change anything.

    As far as what looks better IMHO,

    I like the left by far.

    I believe there is an equilibrium between size and intimidation factor.

    The yamato one just looks plain doofy... like an opera house valkdiva.

    Thanks for showing the comparison, seeing it side by side really makes one thing loud and clear:

    Yamato likes gigantic breasissts and thick ankles. :blink:

    We need a 200kg, opera singing Minmay to go along with it and it'll be perfect! :lol:


    At least yamato's making macross stuff~

    I'll buy one... but my fastpacks will remain on my hikaru 1S. :)

  18. Nani, if im one of the dumbasses your saying exist in this thread then your wrong. Yamato is a business. NOT a moneymaking friend. Do you think they really care whether or not some gaijins by their product? No what they care about is whether the stuff they make is gathering dust or flying off shelves in japan.

    And the VF-0? HAH! Tell me did macross zero even do that well in japan? Would the general populace by that over the Gundam IMplules or whatever the hell new figure in 5 differnet variations is out there in japan? What makes you think kawamori even approved the new sculpt they showed off at tokyo fest 2004? You DO realize without HIS approval yamato can NOT release the said macross toy? You DO realize that he can be just as anal as katsushiro nightow? YOu ALSO realize that kawamori is sometimes ballshard to get in contact with for approval meetings? You DO realize that he is also making other anime?

    And anyways Graham is a father now, hes got tons of stuff to do, and what else macross is yamato making right now? NOT MUCH!! Besides its not like they cut him off, hes got stuff to do, and they arent really doing much with macross now. If its that way then what does he have to report us? NOTHING! While I do think it was cool for them to keep in touch and all that, I mean look at it this way, Grahams got a kid to feed and raise, yamatos got other products other than macross to produce.

    You never treat your fans that way... Yamato smart? nah....

    YOu never treat your FRIENDS that way. And fans of a company>? Thats a different story. LIke I said they are out to make a buck, not friendships. Whether you got screwed over with a broken 160, they could care LESS, they got your money and they ain't givin' it back holmes, plain and simple.

    And besides if they really LOVED us before like you are getting at, then why is it none of their english speaking officials posted here themselves? Yea they really LOVED us. Oh man. hearts and stuff everywhere.

    I still cant figure out why a lot of you act like they owe us something. They cant even cater to our market DIRECTLY, why would they focus on us? And macross zero did not do so hot in japan, so im really not surprised yamato didnt do anything with the license.(and dont even say i DIDNT want a VF-0 youo ALL saw my polls from the past 2 years!)

    woah woah woah, shin....

    hold up.... I believe half of what you just said in the quote was things I did NOT say nor imply.... I never called you a dumb ass... I called yamato a dumbass... and I never said yamato "LOVED" us before.... they love money just like any other company.

    But before I continue, dude let me make this clear... I respect YOU and everyone here in Macross world. PLEASE read my post over again and see if I directed ANYTHING at you or other mwers.. I actually said, I give you guys credit for being so kind to yamato... I also said I've never seen a community so sturdy in support... BOTTOM LINE: I was in no way attacking you... if you misread my post then I'm sorry. PEACE :D

    Anyway to continue... I never said yamato loved us.... I've heard the "they are a cold hard business" argument many times and I assure you... I know they are a business... EVERYTHING you said about the kawamori and stuff, I agree.

    The only thing I didnt agree with you is the suggestion that YAMATO is an intelligent company crunching out genius marketing strategies that people were giving them credit for. I personally think they're just doing what's obvious and fool proof with the GBP and as in the three examples I've mentioned they fail to even do that sometimes!

    Anyway, nothing more about this man! People are probably already grumbling "who cares?" so yeah I dont care either... havent cared since the 19 went vapor. :p

    PEACE Shin, really... if I caused any offense, I'm sorry, I sure didn't mean to.

  19. You guys are giving yamato more credit that they actually deserve.

    It's you good men that are pulling these loose ends together that are smart, not yamato.

    They already made their money when they sold their initial run of vf-1J's to the retailers. Unless they re-release another run at vf-1Js, this marketing "ploy" doesn't really benefit them. They're simply going for a sure thing, the 1/48 GBP, an item high above the Macrossworld's most wanted list.

    I really got to hand it to you guys.... One helluva fan base for being so kind! Seriously, this community is one of the sturdiest I've seen. :)

    If you objectively examine many of their decisions to date however, not a lot point to "smart marketers." Yamato already tipped the scale for good when it comes to bad decisions...


    - Letting their licenses for the Mac plus valks (specifically, the yf-19 fp) expire while pouting over a fake pic from fans who've been understandably deprived of any news of it for more than a year! You can't get any more of a sure hit than a improved kick ass yf-19 and they still won't do it. Also, what happned to the VF-0? for all we know it's quite possible the license for that probably expired as well... Yamato smart? nah...

    - Making the q-rau and using millia's red color for it's debut was dumb. :o Sigh.... Setting it's price for almost the cost of a 1/48 was also retarded. Judging even by millia vf-1j's both 1/60 and 1/48, millia never did too hot. A green Qrau would have gotten them the returns they wanted... The poor sales of the red qrau as we now know, is one of the reasons Yamato is producing less Macross items. yamato smart? nah...

    - Totally shielding itself from the very fans that helped it become as big as they are now? Cutting off stalwart devotees like our very own Graham who by the way gave tons of free publicity for their products! You never treat your fans that way... Yamato smart? nah....

    These three are just examples that are clear cut and already transpired. If I were to start stringing loose end theories, gosh I'd be here forever.

    Seriously for me personally, if a good honest company came along and produced quality macross products then I'd be there in a heartbeat.

    All thanks to yamato's "smart" marketing!


    thank you YAMATO! You smarty pants, you!

    *cough*dumbasses*cough* :ph34r:

  20. I love the pair of 1A's.

    almost all customs nowadays have weathering and it's refreshing to see something clean and slick like what you got here.

    It looks really refined. like a fighter fresh off of assembly and ready to join a squadron.


  21. wow Thanks for the Pics Graham.

    I guess this will be my next yamato purchase (if they really cancelled the VF-0)

    I have the same tiny gripes Graham has but I guess we'll have to wait and see the final to really say anything.

    Look great so far IMO.

  22. you guys think a 1/48 VF-0 would be big?

    puhahahah :lol:;) check this out 1/18 Hornet

    It's not a model but a elite force toys and it's roughly the length of a person's arm.

    Most interesting however, is that despite it's enormous size and detail,

    it's only about $80 US. Yeah, I know, it doesn't transform,

    but it's still a helluva lot of BANG for the buck.


    To remain on topic, a 1/48 VF-0? Come on guys lets be real...

    a huge VF-0 wont be on their to-make list for a loooong time, if ever...

    Also regarding an older post by Shin about yamato being smart:

    Yamato is playing it smart. Will this be the last we see of them in macross? Hah I don't think they are that stupid. I tend to think they will utilize their expensive ass molds and make new toys when the time is right. I don't think it is right right now though.

    I ask in no disrespect...

    what's wrong with right now?

    How did you come to the conclusion that right now is "not the time"?

    Who said the demand took a nose dive?

    Anyone got cold hard stats?

    People are buying liquid stone 1/100 unpainted YF-19's for $900+, I'm sure the demand's not in dangerous lows. Even if they release a slightly modified yf-19 with plastic fastpacks slapped on to it, THEY WILL SELL....

    Yamato smart? nah... I think they're just ignorant.

  23. they should realise that they could make more profit if instead of targeting the japanese audience they targeted the US audience. i bet macross would be more popular outside japan. they only need to take HG out of the game. IMO i think japanese audience is more focused on gundam and other series.

    given the anime craze right now in the US, I agree...

    Yamato could revitalize their macross business if this were the case... People here (like me) buy this stuff even when it takes an arm and a leg to ship it, I can only imagine more if it was as cheap(er) as it is in HK.

    but yeah.... I suppose HG will never let that happen. <_<

  24. Agreed. I think that the macross plus vfs are the best-looking overall. I guess I'll try and get myself a 1/48. The shipping is going to be an irritance, to be sure. It's looking like it will be around 60 Canadian, which is just under half the price of the item. Anyone have a better place to shop than ebay? I've seen a few recommendations floating around here but the prices seemed about the same.

    the cheapest and at the same time the most expensive is on ebay.

    Just ignore the price jackers and you can find good deals there if you're patient.

    I go there because for me 10-30 dollars makes a huge difference.

    but I've also bought from Tam @ tmpanime (coincidentally the 1/72 yf21 fp) and the service there is great.

    I heard Kevin @ Valk Exchange is also good along with Neova.

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