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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. whine whine whine.. looks bloody righteous to me.


    ditto that.

    what's the complaining about this is a new valk they finally put out after the 1/48's.

    Be happy.

    3 for me! :lol:

    edit: by the way thanks for the pics! Anyone got the bottom portion of the page?

  2. I think prices will be about the same or more. You have to also remember Yamato need to cover the cost of their failed attempt of the 1/100 VF-0S. Not to mention we will be getting leg FPs, individual removable missles, and it also may be bigger than the VF-1.


    You guys just can't judge by mere size, the scopedog they put out was bigger than any macross toy they have ever released yet it is cheaper. And the qrau, look how much that costed.

    And why the need to cover the failed attempt of the 1/100? It never came out, why pay for something that does not exist?


    They need to cover cost on the 1/100 becos they spend time and money on developing something which never earn any revenue for them. They have to pay the sculptor for his time to develop the 1/100 prototypes.

    I think the GBP may also play a factor in the price of the VF-0S. Most of us were shocked with the sudden jump from their 8000 Estimated price to 12000 retail. If the GBP sells well then Yamato could very well just charge the same or even more for the VF-0S as compared to the VF-1.

    Anyway time will tell.


    Ya know he was probably paid in advance. And the thing is its totally different sculptors, SOLID and Nishikawa are taking on the 1/60, atelair sai took on the 1/100, I doubt that atelaer sai would have spent all that time sculpting something if he were not paid beforehand. He's a freelancer. Not to mention the 1/100 was sculpted probably 1 year or longer ago...its old news.

    THe GPB is expensive due to the amount of small internal pieces sculpted. Tiny details like that cost more to tool molds for. From what I recollect yamato made every single missle removable on the thing, on the FAST pack set, some missles were bundled in pairs. It is easier and cheaper to mold 2 missles bundled than it is to do each seperately.

    And guys I said SLIGHTLY cheaper, concerning the 1/60. If you guys thought I predicted this to be under 100$ then all of you are wrong. I am thinking more like 125$ USD.

    I am basing all my estimates in the notion that yamato has grown as a company and has more technology, experience, and knowledgeable sculptors, as well as the fact that they know more now than they did before, and are not the virgin company they once were. These things do cost a pretty penny to produce, but with yamato's experiences from the past 4 years, I am sure they are pulling out every trick in the book to make this beast easier to produce.

    It seems like all of you are basing your price estimates on the fact that it is just a couple centimeters longer than the 1/48 VF-1. I tend to think the toy has simpler transformation mechanisms which equates to much less small parts mold tooling and less small parts and hinges needed for transformation and a simpler transformation overall providing a simpler toy to produce in comparison with the 1/48. (and we all know getting the chest to sit flush in fighter mode while having a mechanism to slide the shield out and remain underneath the chest plate too was a hurdle for the team to overcome...as NOONE was able to do that until yamato came around~!)..

    So who knows?

    Yamato wouldn't overprice this thing, I mean yea they are no longer a virgin company new to the game but they aren't stupid either, overcharging could lead to no product being sold and potential bankruptcy. They know how takatoku ended up, and as far as I can tell, business wise and strategy wise, they have been making much sounder decisions in comparison to their predecessors.



    if yamato finds a way to produce these things easier and cheaper, it will financially benefit THEM, NOT US necessarily.

    They charge $140 dollars already for a toy they dont even bother to panel line and tampo print important decals. This is possible because they DOMINATE basically because of the lack of choice in this market. I dunno how many times I gotta say this but yamato is a business. And a business is all about increasing margins. Yamato will most likely change nothing as far as price is concerned if they find a cheaper yet more efficient way of producing products. Customers go about expecting the same old, while the company increase margins to fill their pockets or invest in company expansion or OTHER projects like say for example, producing the yf-19 (another high potential seller)... :p

    anyway... if this thing costs the SAME as a 1/48 it'll still be a generous gesture on yamato's part.

  3. I think prices will be about the same or more. You have to also remember Yamato need to cover the cost of their failed attempt of the 1/100 VF-0S. Not to mention we will be getting leg FPs, individual removable missles, and it also may be bigger than the VF-1.


    You guys just can't judge by mere size, the scopedog they put out was bigger than any macross toy they have ever released yet it is cheaper. And the qrau, look how much that costed.

    And why the need to cover the failed attempt of the 1/100? It never came out, why pay for something that does not exist?



    but it's still gonna cost about the same if not (and most likely) more.

    wanna bet? :lol:

  4. Agreed,

    I'll be happily shocked if the vf-0 is the same price as a 1/48. Like I said all of this stuff is overpriced but they have the right to when they basically have a monopoly on high quality macross toys.

    Shin, Shin, Shin... always steadfast on yamato's side. Sometimes, I wonder what you're a bigger fan of, macross or yamato~ j/p :p

    either way.... I'll say this again, this is the first valk I'm buying more than 2 of... If there's anything yamato listens to, it's $$$. Hopefully then they'll finally make a redesigned yf-19. :rolleyes:

  5. I'm not happy about having to remove pieces to transform it, and the fact that its larger then the 1/48's so that makes a good chance of it being more expensive....I'm starting to get really picky about things lately and this is certaintly one of 'em.

    I'm passin up on this one.


    uhhh.... you dont have to remove anything to transform it... perhaps you got the scrapped 1/100 version and this one mixed up. ;)

    also, Yamato's will always be expensive as long as they remain the sole company producing quality macross products. If you think about it, even the 1/48 is overpriced... but that's the business... go into a niche market with a one of a kind product and you can demand a higher margin.

  6. The more I look at the pics, the more psyched I'm getting about this toy.

    The fighter mode looks georgeous, seems absolutely accurate to the lineart and without the ugly hanging shoulder problem of the 1/48.

    The battroid mode proportions also look excellent.

    Transformation seems to be based on the 1/48, which IMO is a good thing as it is a proven system. If anything, the transformation should be quicker as there is no need to retract the hands or heatshield.

    I for one am glad Yamato decided to drop the hinged flaps and detachable nose cone. While in theory it's a good gimmick, in reality they were a pain in the ass and won't be missed by me.

    Can't wait until next year when this thing is released.



    ditto couldn't agree with ya more...

    This bird is going to rock

  7. we shouldn't discuss price... :ph34r:

    All skeptism anyway and price should be around what we've come to expect for a toy this size from yamato.

    I'll be buying three. First valk I'll be doing the "one for each mode" for.

    I hope everyone who hopes for future new generation valks will show their support for it by picking one up... The way I figure, this is a huge step for us to eventually get a YF-19. In the least, it'll speed their arses up to release one.

    We really got it our way for this valk folks... it's time we show yamato that if they make what we want, they will make $$$. :lol:

  8. Guys I'm gonna disagree, I don't think this is the same as the wonderfest one.

    For one thing the wonderfest version had no pilot, nor did it even look like it could open the canopy.  Also in comparison, the wonderfest version looked messy in comparison...which is understandable since Mr. Tofu did point out to Noel that it was essentially a heavily kitbashed 1/48.

    The parts fit seems better in the dengeki photos, not to mention more refined. I think a bare minimum of 1/48 parts(landing gear to an extent, some hinges,missle pylons, turbine and covers,  and gun handle) are used...but thats about it. This saves some money for yamato since the VF-0 would not consist of entirely new parts. 

    Not to mention look at the arms.....now THOSE are all new.  Those are not the ones on the VF-1!  That and the vertical stabilizers and Bp8 parts....god I hope that back piece is diecast this time...either that or a copy of the 1/60 VF-1s backpack. 

    NOT TO MENTION.  I don't think any one pointed this out yet...

    Okay, the wonderfest VF-0 was a kitbash of a 1/48 with VF-0 pieces glued on presumably in resin...

    So that means that there was an existing 1/48 VF-1 toy laying in the office, and nishikawa or solid sculpted some parts out of resin, painted them, and smacked them onto the 1/48.  Bear in mind the 1/48 toy laying in the office was most likely a production VF-1 made a while back that one of the workers had sitting on his desk.

    Yet the 1/60 prototype in dengeki shows ALL resin parts....in gray.  If this is the same kitbash as the wonderfest, where are the painted 1/48 parts?

    Get my point?

    So yes folks, IMHO, this is definitely what dengeki says it is, the 1/60 prototype. 

    If you stripped all the paint from the wonderfest kitbash, you'd see numerous plastic pieces and some gray resin.

    Yet the dengeki one shows no painted parts whatsoever.


    Shin, you're on crack... you can't kitbash VF-1 parts into VF-0. I think Noel lost something in translation.


    Except for the "shin's on crack" statement, I agree.

    Maybe a couple of inner parts here and there but I think it's generally the same.

    Even the rear landing gears coming out from the leg is the same.

    I agree with shin that the wonderfest one was probably put together on the fly, but still, all the parts we see from noel's picture match the parts shown from the Hobby mag. The pilot not being there isn't really an issue since that can go in and out...

    The reason why we see just the fighter mode right now especially in the early stages is because it can be put together the easiest without having to need all the other function innard parts present... which is probably why the wonderfest version is not holding together all too good.

    Either way... we all know what yamato is capable of with toys this size, so I'm not worried... If the final looks like the wonderfest (plus the parts necessary to transform the valk, which will also take away most of the biggest gaps) I'll be one happy camper.

  9. the feet engines stay as one even in battroid


    Not sure what do you mean by that?



    I noticed tha realistic detail too. In the VF-1 line the feet engine / reactors are spiltted in 2 parts when transformerd in Battroid or Gerwalk mode whereas for the VF-0S, it remains entire. I hope I made it a bit clearer. :p



    sorry for the poorly worded description.


  10. it's almost 4 am here in Chicago, US and I'm still looking at the pics...

    wow... I'll be counting the days with this valk.

    Upon my further observations and comparisons from the pictures Noel took at the wonderfest and the pictures posted by graham, I've come to conclusion theyre essentially the same!

    Both seem to be resin prototypes, perhaps the one at the wonder fest was built with some 1/48 parts to keep it together.

    There's a couple of points that give it away...

    First, the porportions of both are identical to each other.

    Next I'll show comparison pics:

    First pic:

    1) the head is the same.

    2) This flap covering the bottom portion of the head is the same.

    3) This gap on the leg is in the same place on both prototypes.

    Second Pic:

    4) The landing gear area is the same... the rear landing gear is diagonally slanted outwards in both the wonderfest kit and the hobby mag kits...

    like so: / \

    In fact, the legs as a whole seem to be identical.

    There are misaligned parts and gaps, but this is a prototype after all.... Everything will fit nicely like the 1/48's, and again, wow... awesome stuff...



  11. Hopefully, Renato or someone can translate the text around the pics.

    Oh, and I just gotta add, this updated forum software sucks for posting pics. Bring back the old form software I say. Crappy 1.95mb posting limits :angry:  :angry:  :angry:



    It's the content and the hard work that counts!

    Both kick ass!

    And it looks like we gotta yamato spy within our forums... or perhaps mind readers...

    The lower case "d" turrets are correct, and the feet engines stay as one even in battroid... two main changes we were talking about for improvements of the CAD renders and the 1/48 vf-1 series.

    This will be the first valk I buy more than two of...

    Bloody awesome.

  12. And if it takes this long to make it, so be it.

    Almost there. (the one year anniversary of the thread)

    Can't wait to see it! I've been patient. jk

    I just thought it would be fun to bump this thread once every year to remind them we are still waiting..


    good idea. perhaps we can stamp out enough demand to reach yamato...

    it's just, if they dont know by now that there's interest in the yf-19 FP they'll never know. :rolleyes:

  13. It'll look good with the gundam markers if you do it right.

    I used the Gundam marker (dark grey) and panel lined it section by section. I used Q-tips, some of my girlfriend's makeup removing cotton squares and rubbing alcohol to rub off any excess marks and mistakes. I also played around with the alcohol, rubbing a dab of it into the lines more so that they look more natural and thinner. the whole process takes a while but it looks great and a great alternative to the wash method.

  14. If they were willing to upscale this, how about a 1/60 macross plus line? (I get the feeling that if they were to do this it would compete with sales of thier existing 1/72 releases reissues though - are people still buying these?)

    The only thing I didn't like about the 1/48 vf1 were the loose wrists of the chicken hands so I will be glad the hands will be more sturdy to at least take the weight of the gunpod. And I also didn't like the 1/48's feet where the big circle thing splits in half rather than looking like the circle thing is housed deep inside/within the leg instead of part of the feet itself.

    Please do not make us use stickers. Print the details on. It makes a huge difference. (my macross plus stickers are starting to come off now)



    I rather they make removeable hands non poseable hands like the 1/48 GBP than poseable chicken hands.

    and I truly hope they finally do away with Stickers and finally print the most important markings on on all of their releases from now...

    A 1/60 Macross plus line will be welcomed with open arms NO DOUBT... and on the contrary, 1/72 FP releases were out for a while now, did enough business and wont affect and wont BE affected by a 1/60 line.

  15. The VF-0 has an  engine that isn't supposed to power it either!  It was  meant to have the engines on the VF-1 but those engines were not ready in time. The VF-0 has a regular HUD.  The VF-1 by DYRL time has a HUD imposed on the windscreen.  Not to mention the VF-1 has the better engines.  The missles on the VF-1 also have sleeker folding fin missles. The VF-0 does not.  The VF-0 is bigger and presumably harder to handle not to mention heavier and undoubtedly slower(there was a comparison saying that the SV-51 was meant for combat to begin with where as the VF-0 was a test fighter for the most part....technology demonstrator?).  The VF-1  has more booster options....and armor enhancements. All the VF-0's stuff are test things.  Remember the key point  here is that the VF-0 is an interim fighter in itseld, and I believe it was meant as a technology demonstrator. 

    Good observation and comparisons shin.

    but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, macross, though as realistic as it can be, isn't, and doesn't really try to be for that matter.

    I think we're just giving ourselves a headache trying explain the continuity between two different anime fighters that are reversed both at the time designed by kawamori and their existence in the macross timeline.

    Also one point I might mention as just FYI is that both the yf-19 and the 21 are "bigger" sized fighters than the vf-1, and they're set in the timeline ahead of it. I'm just mentioning it since I hear alot of people using that as a bullet point to say that smaller size serves as an advancement in valkyries, which those two examples state otherwise.

    Anyway, lets just continue to talk about how gosh darn happy we are the vf-0 is actually coming out in kick ass 1/60 scale. This caught me so off guard that it's actually giving me hope that we might see a yf-19fp someday.

    Props to the classic vf-1 but next gen valks all the way!

  16. I live in hope.  Your past reviews were the most thorough and objective critiques of the Yamato products.  The reason I purchased a Yamato 1/48 was based in part on your review and I should have listened more to your critique of the 1/60 before I purchased one :(


    I most definitely concur...

    Graham's preference of the 1/48 vf-1S hikaru actually tipped my decision to buy one over the Roy version and dog gone it I'm glad I did. Roy 1/48's are still in production while the hikaru is a rarity. So yeah, his reviews are definitely an influence to my purchase decisions.

    Now imagine if yamato actually was nice enough to provide a near complete proto for the review as well... woah... :o

    imagine that.....................

  17. Heh...hey guys since apparently this will not have any diecast(says ABS/PVC on ad),...anyone getting the feeling this willl be...


    YES!!! More affordable is good! Although I do not mind paying more for some diecast. ;)


    Nope. The Qrau is 99.9% plastic (except screws), still expensive.

    If they saved a couple of cents per valk by not using diecast at all, those two cents are going in their pockets. :lol:

    I'm thinking yamato will have the common sense to incorporate past experience and at least make the important and most vulnerable to crack parts metal. (just like the 1/48)

    As something extra however, I just hope they'll at least tampo print the main markings this time around. I hope I hope I hope..

  18. Good to see yamato look into mking it a larger scale.  I still may not get this but then again, I havent seen M0.  If I did, I am sure it will inspire me to buy it and possibl piss off my GF  :rolleyes: . Now if Yamato make the yf-19FP, Destroids, enemy battlepods,  and the 1/48 2 seaters, I am set.


    You should see it man.

    It's not every year we get a macross series (more like every 5-7 years at that) and Zero is definitely worth the time (only five episodes). You'll definitely appreciate the vf-0 valk more when you see it in action. I could be wrong but yeah, what's holding you back?

  19. Just wondering should I try emailing my old contacts at Yamato about the incorrect head lasers?

    They haven't spoken to me in more than a year, but I guess it can't hurt.




    yes please. :p

    It wont hurt and given the early stage it's in right now and the fact that it's such a easy problem to fix, definitely!

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