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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. Depends on your preferences in macross mecha.

    If you're a strict devotee of the original macross series/dyrl, then go with the vf-0S roy or hikaru.

    If you dont really care for classics and just want HOTNESS, wait for the VF-0S coming out this april....

    I agree with exo though... one valk?? noway~ Getouttahereeee~


  2. I always thought of the GBP-1 as a space-optmized enhancement... where the extra mass of the armour wouldn't hamper battroid movement as it would under gravity. So, for me, a green GBP-1 doesn't thrill...


    yep, exactly.... the 1/48 gbp in gravity would be a statue.

    Although I understand the business side of things, these remakes just SCREAM "MILK IT, BABY!!"

    If they're going to repaint stuff, I think they should either:

    1) Hire one of MW's master custom painters.

    2) stick to and be faithful to the original real world examples without putting their own little spin on it (judging by what they're coming up with so far, they dont seem to be too talented in the painting/color dept.)

    3) Just stick to the anime and repaint the schemes that have yet to be painted... ie; the green q-rau, tv colors, etc....

    Thumbs up for the effort though~

  3. hmmm... maybe if...



    I dunno.....

    whatever's dark blue is olive green, and whatever's white is now neon green (except the hands)...

    Although I think it's great that yamato is making more stuff, the remakes just look like I dunno dare I say,... recolored bootleg remakes.


  4. Great pics. Love the details on this. Makes me want to watch the ova again. Now I wonder how the boxart will look.


    regardless of what they put for box art, I just wish they can strink the box sizes...

    I wish the box design evolved as the valk design has...

  5. New pics of the Yamato 1/60 VF-0S from the April 2006 issues of Dengeki Hobby magazine & Hobby Japan magazine have been added to the Yamato VF-0S pre-production page. (click on link and scroll down to the magazine pics).

    These magazine pics have also been archived in the MW Magazine Section.



    Thanks for the scans Graham.

    wow nice. Man, you know a toy is just around the corner for release when they start releasing close up pics of the features. Can't wait.

  6. Thanks for the pics saverobotech and graham.

    It's great to see that they're releasing new stuff. (well.... old stuff with different paint jobs :rolleyes: )

    I guess they're planning to market these as limited editions to encourage people to buy these... I dunno... I'd like to see the stealth in battroid, and if that looks aiight, then I'll get one...

    The VF-0S is looking P.I.M.P. Every mode, angle, and mm of this thing deserves a thumbs up. I hope the sales of this valk seriously opens doors to yamato making more new generation valks.

    I like the gloss finish on the 0S, although I dont think it's painted as shin mentioned several posts back... it suits the 0S very well and I'd suppose if they were to make a yf-19 in the future, they'd use something similar.

  7. I still think the nose cone is too stubby. You can't see it from the top down perspective but from a side profile, it looks stubby. Like the canopy on the 1/48 Vf-1, its more obvious from certain angles.


    I'm pretty anal-retentive about this stuff, so I'll let people make their own conclusion.



    They could have made the legs skinnier to reduce the stubby fighter profile, but then the shoulders would be hanging below the legs and people would be screaming "Hey, Yamato didn't get rid of that hanging-scrotum-sack-lookin'- shoulder-in-fighter-mode problem!" I still think overall they did a great job.


    Looks pretty damn close...

    in any case.... it looks great in all three modes.

    that in itself suffices for me.

  8. thanks for the recon saverobotech.

    This is by far the best valk yamato has produced.

    I'm honestly not surprised by the increase in price, could be a number of reasons but as long as the QC issues are at a minimal... it's a price I'm willing to pay.

    I dont want to get too far here, but damn.... can you guys imagine the quality of a 1/60 yf-19 would be like now with all the experience yamato has?

  9. The cost of parts and making the valk, etc, really has nothing to do with inflated prices of the valks... these things can sell for half the price and they'd still make a lot...

    yeah, they got many small parts, but they also save in many other respects, like paint, and 95% shared parts for different valks with only a head that's different... they also obviously dont pay much for package design as well...

    Anyway, it's simple and it's been said over and over... there's just no competition... yamato is milking this cash cow all by itself...

    Though I never regret buying a valk, (yamato take note) I'd buy A LOT more if they were 30% cheaper... I'd probably spend more money on buying multiples...

    but yeah whatever... what can you do?

  10. hayao, very nice review indeed.

    The hands are amazing... I think I should just get 4 vf-0s (down one) and get the vf-1j and gbp... still think the chest looks like big boobs but it looks pretty badass head on.

    Again hayao much thanks for the great effort!


  11. man... I wish they released the dyrl hands and side body panel separately.

    They'd make an extra pretty penny if they did that.

    I guess if I were yamato, I'd release such a kit after the GBP sales peak and then subside... just think of how many 1/48's are out there with naked sides and chicken hands... profit waiting to happen...

    I guess a close second option is to wait till Rohby casts these. :p

    Me wants those hands as originals though... :( especially now that it's confirmed that they're pre-painted.

    I'd buy a set for every valk I have.

  12. wow it looks great.

    If yamato ever makes one they better have the skills to pull off an even longer cockpit (like the hasegawa model) or this will blow it out of the water.

  13. you'll have to count me out on this 1/60.  $150 is by far too much money for a small model, as Yamato tends to flood the market and stop producing and then restart producing with a couple improvements and reflood the market once again.  I'm going to wait and see if the price shaves off $100 down to 50 over time.  They've got to be nuts.  I could understand if it was a 1/48.


    You do realise that the 1/60 VF-0S is actually larger than a 1/48 don't you?

    1/48 VF-1 = 30cm in fighter mode

    1/60 VF-0 = 32cm in fighter mode

    The VF-0 is a big bird, far larger than the VF-1.



    That's the XXth time graham had to bring up that point~ :lol:

  14. By no means any offense to the other mag scanners, but NOBODY does mag scans like graham. *thumbs up* :lol:

    The VF-0 is looking great. I already got a freelance gig that'll more than provide the means for me to get five of these... barring any major QC issues.

    looking better every pic release.

    edit: typo

  15. So what do you peeps think? Will we get another 1/60 amputated pilot, or is there enough room in the cockpit for the first 1/60 valk pilot with legs? :p


    My money's on a 1/60 spud pilot.


    just given the extra room they have to play with in terms of cockpit space, I think it's very much possible that we'll see a 1/60 size pilot with two separate legs.

    if its full body and legs and detailed anywhere near the vf-11b fp isamu, then I think it'll do the valk it's justice.

  16. BUt the forearms reside a little higher than the 1/48. It won't scrape the ground. This is Yamato we are talking about, not Toynami. Yamato has QC issues, not design issues.


    IIIIII wouldn't say they have no design issues~~~ :lol:

    But yeah... light years ahead of toynami for sure.

    and I agree, the gunpod looks better beefier. now THAT's a fricken gunpod!

  17. the hands, oh my oh my, that's a neat looking pair of hands


    yes ! gundam manipulator hands ?

    finally they are true mecha" hands... not chicken hands :lol:


    they look like the same old chicken hands to me...

    just painted black fingers and wrist...

    that said though.... the vf-0s is looking better and better with each successive pic...


    thanks for posting the pic GC.

  18. as pretty as the VF-0 is it makes me want to hoarde as well.

    at least two.. that's what I tell myself... course, 300 dollars for toys is a bit much... even still.

    If the make the Sv-51 I'll be in heaven.. i loke the pope valkyrie to little bits


    it'd be great if the sv-51 came out but not quite heaven...

    To me heaven would be.... :rolleyes:

    new 1/60 macross plus series, complete with yf-19, yf-21, vf-11b all with fast packs. A ghost fighter would be icing on the cake :lol::lol::lol:

    But yeah back to macross zero... I think Zero is another yamato-kind-of-series. Make two valks (vf-0 and sv-51) and you have the base for a series of 5-6 different ones...

  19. HOLY CRAP!  Hmm...Glad I started to save a while back! And how accurate is HLJ in regards to release dates?  I hope it DOES come out in april, it';ll be a great b day present for me!


    :p;) and you predicted it'd be cheaper~ :D

    Hell, I thought it was going to be around $150 because of the size and extra stuff, so this really isn't a surprise.  I'm not saying it isn't expensive, though. 

    I really want to wait until after the first release to see if there are any problems, but I don't know if my patience can hold out.  I want this puppy NOW.


    I'm not waiting, QC issues or not... buying first two check them out for qc then buy three more if it's made well enough.

    damn I can't wait!

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