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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. I'm guessing based on the VF-0's release date, we'll see at least 5-6 more of these hobby mag shots before we see the actual product and that's 5-6 months. :(


    Just imagine. In a couple of months we'll all have at least one of these on preorder and we'll all be drooling over pics of the YF-21 prototype...


    btw: Is a YF-19 bigger then a Vf-0? If so, then this is going to be one massive toy.


    IIRC, Graham said it was just a tad shorter.

  2. Thanks for the pics Graham~

    All the gaps and seems we see will probably be a non issue when the production version comes out... it was the case with every resin mold so no sweat~ B))

    I wish we can see a good side view of the proto with the landing gear up... just to see how the under belly looks in full solid 3 dimensional form. it may not be a problem at all...

    One Question Graham, Will the point where the wings attach to the leg (the squarish piece) be diecast or a strong chunk of plastic?

    I kinda see a draw back for both cases as a plastic piece might be a tad fragile and a big-square-shiny-slightly-off-colored diecast metal piece might make it look off.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see~ :D

  3. I've been out of the macross loop while just building up my tFormers collection. Saw the Vf-0A here and got hooked, but whne i went to go check prices (checked vf0s prices), i was floored by it's "i'm more expensive than the 1/48th" cost.

    To show you how out of the loop i was, i went to Valk-Exchange to check prices and learned it was closed since 01-06!!!

    I can defintely throw money at it and get one - it's no big deal, but wow... that's a lot $$$ for 1/60th scale plastic.

    but dyaaaammm the detail is amazing.

    and if there are improvements, that's awesome.


    But do you know that the 1/60 VF-0 is about the same size as the 1/48 VF-1. When you get it you'll be floored again! :D



    heck yeah,

    I was tranforming mine back to fighter this morning... I love it more than any 1/48...

  4. Okay. I'm confused. What is Yamato's strategy here? Was there a vote on Yamato's website or through Dengeki Hobby? How did this repaint come up? In fact, how did the Super 1J Stealth and Forest Camo come about? I understand that the customized version of the original Low-Viz 1a received a lot of attention from Yamato staff during hobby shows. Is it the same here?

    I'm tickled pink that Yamato is releasing this 1 episode wonder, but what about the main character vehicles?

    The head spins...


    I dont think anyone knows yamato's strategy... (wait, maybe graham, but that's about it) They never fail to make things interesting that's for sure... I assume it's a peculiar form of one of their brain academy games~ :huh::p

    Either way, they're taking great strides in making this hobby fun and full of anticipation again... and honestly, that makes my head spin~ :lol:

  5. That's weird... The macross zero main site has a standard vf-0A mecha picture and it DEFINITELY different than the colors yamato was given to use... The shin type has a white stripe across it's chest... and the wings of the standard vf-0A (the official pictures, has no darker stripe on it like the yamato colors do... 

    haha HFH is definitely on something...  :lol:


    I know, I pointed them to the pics on the Big West site and the Bandai Visual Zero site, sent screen grabs from the anime and scans of Tenjin's box art and Hasegawa paint guides to make my case. From what I understand, anime accurate samples were shown to HFH for approval, but he nixed the idea and told them to use his color scheme.




    Yamato had a 1:100 vf-0 on display in one of their showcases that had a more correct regular vf-0A color scheme. Is it POSSIBLE that yamato can issue a anime correct vf-0A and call it something else?

    Frankly, if it's possible, they can call it whatever they want, my money will be there for any VF-0~ :lol::p

  6. As some of you have already noticed, the paint scheme on the Yamato VF-0A is not accurate to either the anime Cannon Fodder VF-0A colors, or Shin's VF-0A from episode # 5.

    Here's were we start moving into Twilight Zone territory. According to the Hory Froating Head (HFH), who gets final approval: -

    1) The VF-0A colors shown in the anime are not correct.

    2) There is actually only one type of VF-0A color scheme, (not 2 separate color schmes for Shin & Cannon Fodder).

    3) The colors on the Yamato VF-0A are the official HFH approved colors.

    Personally, I think HFH has been smoking too many funny cigarettes recently!

    I've been discussing the VF-0A paint scheme issue with Yamato for months to try to get them to change to anime-accurate schemes and while they are aware of the colors shown in the OVA, the HFH's word must unfortunately be followed to the letter.

    I like the scheme that Yamato is using for the VF-0A and will definitely buy it, but I also want versions in correct anime colours.

    I guess if anybody wants truly accurate Cannon Fodder or Shin's versions, it's going to be up to the customisers.



    Thanks for the clear up Graham.

    Wow, although I figured that there might be a possibility that the anime has the colors changed a bit, but now there's no separate shin type vf-0A?

    That's weird... The macross zero main site has a standard vf-0A mecha picture and it DEFINITELY different than the colors yamato was given to use... The shin type has a white stripe across it's chest... and the wings of the standard vf-0A (the official pictures, has no darker stripe on it like the yamato colors do...

    haha HFH is definitely on something... :lol:

  7. Hm.  Here's the Hasegawa version as culled from HLJ.  Rather different.  The Hase' looks more accurate to my eyes.


    You know, looking at that pic, I prefer yamato's color choice.

    Besides, The environment lighting in the anime changes so often that no one can really tell which is "accurate"...

    If they're going to change the color of anything, I'd say make the headshield a tad lighter... it still looks great left alone though~ :p

    Edit: I gotta say this again... Man, that OA head looks good......

    Yamato, Dont forget to Tampo Print markings!

  8. I think I have Yamato's plan figured out.

    Question; Why didn't Yamato release Shin's vf-0A after the initial vf-0s Roy relaese?

    Answer; Because they want to release the ghost pack along with the vf-0A Shin and it would be too soon to release that right after the vf-0S. By releasing the Cf vf-0a first they are making sure we all buy a normal vf-0A first and then all buy the VF-0A shin.

    any thoughts?


    Other than the darker color of the heat shield this looks a lot like Shin's vf-0A.

    Graham can we get a verification?

  9. That F'ing Rocks.

    WOW... The color looks good and the Zero-A head looks awesome....

    I'm assuming Yamato will follow it's brilliant tampo printing for this release, so the skulls not being painted I'm sure will be fixed... remember the vf-0S didn't have printings either in the mag scans.

  10. Yeah trimming the "waddle" makes a huge improvement to the look of the toy.  Looking at the original wire-frames again it looks like they could upsize the wings and control surfaces and still keep the look right in batroid (I watched M+ again last night and I had forgotten how much the wings stood out in batroid mode).    Overall I think what we've see so far is a good start, but a little more work will make this the ultimate YF-19 toy.


    I guess I was too happy about the fact that we're going to have a 1/60 yf-19 that for a while I didn't make the slight changes myself to see what a difference it can make... Ignorance on my part... :mellow:

    The more I look at the yf-19 and given the I had time to toy around with the design a bit, I REALLY want yamato to take it's time with this one and get it right. I'd be content to see modified CADs next couple of months... but that's just me... :p

  11. I colored the 19 battroid from scratch... The stomach portion of the valk seems a bit unclear as to what color it will be in the production toy...


    I also edited the side profile a bit with the most frequently commented changes made...

    Raised/slimmed the neck 2mm and enlarged the rear wings.


    I'd have to say, it definitely benefits from the slimming of the neck... Whether it's a plausible change tehnically, remains unanswered.

  12. I can't have that attitude with something likely to cost around $150.


    good for you, stand your ground! you tell Nani what's up!


    It's his money, not yours, what does his "attitude" have anything to do with you?


    I think you completely misunderstood me, dude.

    What I was trying to say to Nani was: I can't have the same attitude he has (namely, "stop comparing it to the official line art... We're never going to get a perfect match... cut them some slack...The underbelly blows... so be it...Rejoice.") regarding a $150 toy. For me to spend that kinda cash, it's gotta be damn near perfect.


    I understand your point of view as far as price... $150 isn't a chump change by any means. What you feel is worth that hard earned money is your decision to make.

    However, I think it's closer to "perfection" than most people think it is... If you consider all the elements this valk has to have (perfect transformation, landing gear, good looks in all three modes, and sturdy build) and the fact that yamato doesn't have the benefit of anime magic, I think you'd start to appreciate the effort more...

    Suggesting changes is great... we have every right to... but that doesn't mean lets just go wacky~ :lol:

    Also, I've noticed that if you slim down the neck, then you also have to slim down the legs to make it look smooth... If that happens the we'll have stick man for battroid...

    Like I said... it's a compromise. :p

  13. Guys, lets see this thing in the flesh first before we start suggesting spring landing gears here... Larger wings and canards, cool... but spring landing gears? That's a QC problem waiting to happen.

    My desire to have an all around good looking yf-19 supersedes any reservations I have of it's side profile in fighter mode.

    I'd advise people to look at the yamato CAD solely and stop comparing it to the official line art... We're never going to get a perfect match for all three modes... at least not as a practical toy... And certainly not as a perfect variable.

    The yf-19 is miles harder to get right than the vf-1 or the already 3 dimensionalized vf-0 so lets cut them some slack...

    The underbelly blows... so be it... we have the yf-19. Rejoice. :)

  14. As I've said a few times already, trust me when I say it looks even better than the CAD lineart.



    I remember having some initial reservations regarding the CAD 1/60 vf-0s in fighter but we gotta remember that lines can not completely represent the curvature or 3 dimensional shape of the toy.

    Given how the vf-0s turned out though, I have no doubt in my mind this will be nothing short of striking.

  15. What I think would be an innnovation would be an 2 part opening split canopy.  (Like how its seen in eps3/4 when Isamu and Yang enter the craft, and when Yang is ejected).  A covering to cover the 2nd cockpit would be cool to(the shell like thing that showed up when Yang ejected).

    I think Yamato could pull this off buy making the rear part of the canopy hinged and swappable, so that the hinge remains to enable folding but is swappable at the point immediately afterwards, to enable the shell covering or 2nd canopy glass. 

    Besides, no YF-19 toy at this point has an accurately opening canopy.


    I think it's a good chance we'll see the 2 part canopy. After all, if yamato has the balls to create a rotating cockpit for the 0S, then a two part hinge shouldn't be much of a problem...

    However, swappable canopy for a function that's only shown for less than a minute total in the whole series I think is a bit useless... another part "removeable" can also mean another part "loseable" :lol:

    I'd be happy if they make the two part cockpit with a adequately detailed rear cockpit.

  16. All of the plus valks kick ass and deserve the 1/60 treatment... but unfortunately they're not the sure-fire BONEFIDE HIT that the YF-19 is... Thus, I'm not sure if I should expect anything but the YF-19.

    So far, lowered expectations have paid off in dividends for me and I'm running wit it~ :p

  17. Yamato is still a relitively small company and they can really only afford to concentrate on VFs they think will sell well, i.e. the main VFs in a series. Saying that however, they have thrown us the occasional surprise before like the VB-6, so who knows!

    Although, thinking about it, I think the VB-6 lost money as it usually needs more than a single production run to break even, let alone make a profit.



    Which is why I cringe when people say they'll wait for second runs as if it will definitely happen. In fact, waiting can very well prevent that second run from happening, or worse... Yamato pulls back from developing anything new and decides to just milk it's current molds as it has with VF-1's. <_<

    If you voice your delight over something developing and have desired something to the point of annoyance like I have with the YF-19, then ya gotta have the balls to support the initial run~ B))

  18. I really like the yamato version.

    There's a considerable amount of anime magic and distortion for the yf-19 in the anime so considering yamato had to make something that looked good without the benefit of removing parts etc, I think it's a great effort.

    One key element of the yf-19 design that I do miss from the yamato design however, is the curvature of the underside of the neck in fighter mode. I guess it was for the sake of the landing gear, but the yamato design does away with the neck completely. The tail fins also look a bit small no?

    Anyway it's clear yamato was juggling to please both fans of battroid yf-19 and fighter yf-19, but I think the balance is about right, with each side with a fair share of sacrifice.

    And Graham, please be sure to pass on to yamato a collective applause, they're making this hobby FUN again~. :)

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