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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. I hope so and would love to have an SDF-1, problem is - Yamato would only be able to milk the mold twice (Macross and DYRL versions) ... so I doubt they'll make it.

    A shame.



    That's one more variant than the Koenig Monster. :lol:


    Not to mention the SDF would be on EVERYONE's list if it came out~ :lol:

    I had a thought once when I was in a local comic shop... I saw these marvel toys with the regular figure and a PART of a much bigger Galactus figure with it as well that you can put together... Collect them all and you got yourself a huge Galactus~

    It was one of those Guiness "BRILLIANT!" moments.

    Eventually I came to the realization that although it would be cool, that 1, yamato is not anywhere near as generous, and 2, most of the 1/48 are already out.... and their rate of production is no more than 2 at a time so...

    Sigh.... One thing is clear for me though.... if they're making one, I atleast want it to be around twice the height of a battroid 1/48.... and something like that'll cost an arm and a leg... :(

  2. Has thought of comparing these $130 toys to those $6 toys we bought as a kid? Taking inflation into account as well? Did the old Bandai and Takatoku's ever sell for $6USD?

    Call me crazy, but I think that part of the reason these toys cost so much is how expensive they are to design and produce.


    Not totally crazy... but maybe closer than you think if you think they cost anywhere near $120-$140 to make... :p just playin man~

    but for real... I think the price has more to do with how well the sales are for these things rather than production costs. That and the fact that these are niche market collectibles and not JUST "toys"~ Some are as good as printing money like the 1/48 vf-1, and others are a disappointing "Why the F**K did we listen to those damned fan boys" productions like the Q-rau, or Konig Monster. ^_^

    These days I think they're definitely looking more towards NET PROFIT from their Macross Toy Division, rather than putting too much weight on the success or disappointment of a specific product... The deluge of products coming out the last half of this year is so far STELLAR.... The perfect blend of printing money with repaints and making the fans happy and excited about their brand again with the new stuff.

  3. G mode looks exquiste.



    pfffffffff~~ G mode?

    Who cares about G mode pics anyway?? :lol::p











    Graham, you're evil.

  4. heh... for the big releases, we still get at least half a year advance notice. That's 20 bucks a month. If you can't afford 20 bucks a month, I agree... time to get out of the hobby.

    I am annoyed that they're only giving three month notice on repaints now.


    Well, you really don't have to get it just when it comes out~

    If money is a eat or get valk issue than the logical thing to do is wait... usually ya got about 3-5 months before the price goes up... somethings actually go down in price.... like millia's Q-rau....

    Knowing what to buy and what to wait or pass on is an ART. :p

  5. There's been some changes in the tail markings from what I was told a few months ago.

    Apparently, the VF-0A is not going to have any Tampo printing on the tails as according to HRH, there is no standard markings.

    Tail markings will now be supplied as optional stickers with both Rabbit & Skull markings. There will also be some other US Airforce or US Navy markings (if I understood correctly) on the sticker sheet, although whether they are for the tail fins or elsewhere on the plane, I'm not sure.



    ACK~~ Don't tell me they're getting cheap with this crap again... <_<:(

    If they said something about having U.S. Navy and Airforce stickers, I suppose it's obvious the leg, fastpacks and gun-pod wont have printings because there's no "standard"...

    This seriously sucks... having the vf-0S all nice and tampo printed and then to have a vf-0a right next to it with stickers on it~ and I actually like the vf-0a more!...

    BOOOoOOOoOOOoooOOOooOOooOOooo~~~~~ :angry:

    I'd rather they release two versions, one with skull and one with bunny... it'll give me a legit reason to buy two! :p

  6. A reissue?!  Then I'm glad I held off on getting a VF-0S as much as I can... :)

    But I still won't rush to this re-issue, not until I read good reviews and less complaints from buyers...


    Same here!

    Plus I don't want to end up with a first edition 0S that an online vendor still had lying around.


    ehhhhhhhh..... toe-dippers~ :lol::rolleyes:

    Life without risks is no life at all~

    I have a first edition myself, and it's fine. Comments about the elbows being loose are definitely stretching it as a complaint because it really isn't THAT loose... It looks even better in person, and easily smacks the 1/48 down in build quality.

    I know these things aren't cheap... but c'mon, you're gonna wait even AFTER the re-issue for any bad reviews?.... :lol:

    As Russell Peters once said, "Be a MANg!"

  7. When Graham said Yamato has some cool stuff to release, he wasn't kidding.


    You think this is the cool stuff? You ain't seen nothing yet! B))



    See, not a morsel of information other than "you aint seen nothing yet!"

    Man, I wonder how it feels to wield such a powerful torture device~

  8. Yes to that..

    I also noticed that the wing roots (the part that the main wings fold into) are smaller on the 1/60 compared to lineart and the 1/72. I think it's becasue the sweep angle is too steep. Even if they made these wider and kept the main wings the same size, the illusion would be a larger wing span. Of course, it would be an easier re-tool to just make the main wings longer.


    The wing "roots" are indeed wider in kawamori's lineart but the fighter itself is a tad longer as well. Simply making the "roots" wider would make the valk bulker and that'd be the last thing I'd want.

    I think the wings are fine...

    The vertical stabilizers is where I'm iffy.... especially when the 19 has it's shoulder fast packs mounted in fighter mode.... the stabilizers will look TINY... *refer to picture below:


    now imagine those on yamato's 19.


    I always wished yamato would include non-poseable mecha hands with each valk...

    I'd forgive the size of the PT if it WORKED properly, but they sometimes drove me nuts... I end up just mounting the gunpod on the forearms. <_<

    It's one thing that I wish they'd change. They dont work and they dont look good.

  9. Yes to that..

    I also noticed that the wing roots (the part that the main wings fold into) are smaller on the 1/60 compared to lineart and the 1/72. I think it's becasue the sweep angle is too steep. Even if they made these wider and kept the main wings the same size, the illusion would be a larger wing span. Of course, it would be an easier re-tool to just make the main wings longer.


    The wing "roots" are indeed wider in kawamori's lineart but the fighter itself is a tad longer as well. Simply making the "roots" wider would make the valk bulker and that'd be the last thing I'd want.

    I think the wings are fine...

    The vertical stabilizers is where I'm iffy.... especially when the 19 has it's shoulder fast packs mounted in fighter mode.... the stabilizers will look TINY... *refer to picture below:


    now imagine those on yamato's 19.

  10. The only reason the 1/60 vf-1's dropped in price is because of the better 1/48 version... drop in demand eventually leads to drop in either production or price... in the 1/60's case, both happened....

    I dont think the 1/48's will ever drop in price... unless another version of the vf-1 (with comparable price) comes out that totally blows it away.... which, I dont forsee happening any time soon...

  11. Anyone else got any good ideas to scrape some more money together for these? i'm out. :(


    Sell just one of every multiple dozen you have and viola! you got enough for a couple dozen more. :p

  12. I have a feeling we'll be seeing two seaters...

    it'll share a lot of parts with regular one seaters hence share some of the ready made molds...

    They can milk another dozen variations off of it with people lined up in droves to buy it... I woulda thought it was impossible just 6 months ago but now, lets get crazy, why not?

  13. Anyone know how to hack into Graham's computer and steal some files :p  :lol: !



    You know I never knew the point of yamato letting Graham in on all this stuff early when either way, we're all limited to knowing when the hobby mags come out and not a day sooner~

    He's like a scout that comes back and gives us the heads up when we're already under attack and decimated~

    :lol: ..............


    :o sigh..., it's good to be Graham.

  14. The 1/48 releases are clearly to cash in and make some profit... perhaps to fund new projects. :D

    I wish they rerelease the max and millia vf-1j's again... didn't have the money to buy them then... and now I got a plenty~ :D

    Heck rerelease all them suckas!

  15. I found a pic of art for the YF-19. It seems to me that the wings in this piece of art doesn't look any larger proportionally than the prototype 1:60. But you can also see the shoulder intake looks differently than the prototype too.


    yeah, which is why I ultimately thought the wing size was debatable...

    As far as the shoulder intake... look at the prototype and imagine a big black hole there... :huh: meh... I rather take what yamato has rendered.

  16. I have some serious doubts as to how well this thing will sell.  It's an off-color production of a toy that was already doomed to have a small fanbase... I wish it luck.


    hmmm... it might not need your pity~ :p

    I think it'll do just fine... Nothing will compare to how much the 1/48 molds racked in, but I'm sure this will do aiight~

  17. I have to agree about the wings being too small... Makes the Fuselage look too fat or something. On the bright side, I image it wouldn't be too hard for someone to make a custom pair of wings and recast them in colored resin and sell them by the pair.


    First it's Vader's small hands, now it's the YF-19's small wings! Sheesh, what is it with you people and size? :p:D:lol:



    You know what they say, people desire what people don't have...



  18. Someone forget their prozac today?  At the very least, reserve judgement until you've seen it from other angles and in other modes. 

    As for the stabilizers, I would think that you wouldn't be able to make them bigger unless they folded in half or something.  They're already going to stick out from the other side of the leg as it is in battloid, from what I see in those pictures (and I could be wrong).


    Exactly, they already are sticking out. And with any rendition of a perfect variable yf-19, the stabilizers will have to be 1/72 vf-11b tiny for it to not stick out.

    Given this fact, it wont hurt to add a mm or two to make it look better in fighter mode. :p

  19. I'm not sure if the wings are indeed too small...

    All the shots are isometric so there's a whole lot of foreshortening...

    The only thing that's definitely a bit small are the rear vertical fins.

    Like I said before, I really want them to take their time with this bird... Given there will be two other must get releases coming out, this bird definitely can use the extra time of refinement...

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