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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. ,Aug 13 2006, 05:14 PM]


    lol...panel lined with pencil and stickered up. the stickers do suck. i don't think these should be $20 but they do look great displayed next to the monster.


    wow That's Niiiice :o

    that picture alone will give me a second opinion of toynami's.

  2. If you think a conversation or point or opinion or statement is stupid just ignore it and move on your way.... what's so hard about that?

    His suggestions are on topic, valid with a point, and not laced with anything insulting.

    No one forced you to read it... it isn't a complaint directed at YOU... nor is it a "complaint" at all... it's a suggestion HE thinks will make the yf-19 better. <_<

    Gosh the next thing you know people here will start getting "whacked" for saying something "mentally challenged"... :lol:


    Hold up, somone's knocking on my door now....



    !! BANG !!


  3. I'm so glad I'm not burdened with extensive knowledge of aircraft technology. I just look at the pics and think "cool toy, I want one".

    Don't get me wrong, I want the toy to be the best it can be, but I'm convinced Yamato would make the legs skinnier if they were able to. We haven't seen the battroid pics yet. Maybe when we see it in battroid mode we'll all praise Yamato for making it look so damned anime accurate.


    Yep, I agree.

    They'll make whatever changes they can... Graham seems to be a fan of the yf-19 in it's other modes so I'm not really worried.. I just want to see the damn pics~~ it's the 12th now, so I guess another week or ten days we'll all be drooling.

    I sincerely hope that the flaws mentioned (the gut and the legs) aren't as noticeable as they are in the CAD renders.

  4. I'erno~

    since this is polling in everyone's independent opinion of the BEST mode for each company, I'd have to say yamato 1/48 all across the board.

    the 1/60 fight may look more faithful to the lineart, but the 1/48 looks more believeable to me...

    Gerwalk is truly a masterpiece on the 1/48 and though

    the 1/48 battroid is the the weakest of the three, with the fast packs on it still looks better than any other version...

    If this poll was about what company has the most accurate mode, my choices would be more varied.

  5. Yeah, but we want them to get the 19 to be as perfect as can be. :D


    Yeah, and complaining here is going to make anything happen. :rolleyes:


    And complaing about people making critical comments is going to make something happen right? :rolleyes:

    If macrossworld was limited to only positive feedback then there would be no purpose to these "forums" which by definition (in case you didn't know) is a public meeting place for open discussion; a medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas...

    The 1/60 vf-0s is a prime example of what suggestions and ideas shared here in MW can do.

    Bigger scale, correct head lasers, magnet fast-pack attachment, full tampo printing, all that was discussed right here. B))

    and.... if beating the dead horse into oblivion and beyond can influence a single change that makes the 19 better, so be it... where's my baseball bat?

  6. Why can't we all just get along? (jk)

    Seriously, just be happy Yamato's making the thing. You know you're going to buy one, no matter if the feet are too big, the wings are too small, the nose is too fat, or the battroid mode is too skinny. You're going to buy it and then talk about how much you love it. Admit it. Heck, even if you don't like it that much you'll probably buy 3 of them; one for each mode.

    And then you'll buy the YF-21... and...

    EDIT: Hey look, I just became a bridge bunny. :D


    oh hell yea,

    possibly three yf-19's & two yf-21's and two vf-11b's, a vf-0a, vf-0d, Sv-51.... :D

    I understand your point that we should be happy.... and believe me I think I speak for everyone here when I say we're all really happy this thing's coming out.

    but as happy as we are, you gotta understand this valk is a favorite to many... and as a favorite, people will want it to look and be the best it can be.

    It's all comin' from LUV~ :p

  7. And to counter that point, another comparison!  :)


    :lol: nice.

    Actually, to me the legs not fitting under the wing properly was personally, the most unsightly difference between the yamato and other renditions (even Kawamori's line art)... It looks more off than dare I say, the beer gut. :p

    The triangular part of the side of the leg should fit right under the wings so all you see is half of the triangle. As always though... judging by the fact that Graham is sold on it by seeing more pics, I'd like to see for myself if it's really a problem in full 3D.


    Comments regarding portions of a toy that are off are important, if not essential to this hobby. Just because Graham and the MW community as a whole is singing a merrier tune because of the many FINE quality releases coming out nowadays, doesn't mean that critical comments should be considered "nit-picking" and "whining".

    A lot of the advancements in quality yamato has comes from such "nit-picking"...

    To me, people who keep saying critical comments like those above are "whining", are annoying... What's the point in posting in ANY forum if everyone's going to sing the same chorus? :rolleyes:

    Debating and critiques are the BEST part of communities like these... I mean bloody hell, if you're going to drop $150 per valk, it's a right you most definitely exercise~

  8. Question for Graham:

    You keep saying the real thing looks better in person than the CAD drawing. Does that mean the prototype is actually DIFFERENT than the drawing, or it merely translates to 3D better than people think? 

    Also---the Hase YF-19 just looks so "right" to me, and I think most everyone else. 

    PS---just have a removable nosegear!  Solves all the problems in the entire front half of the plane...


    Given the short amount of time it took them to make the fighter prototype after we started commenting (complaining :p ) about it, I'd say whatever Graham's looking at is a direct translation into 3D. I can only speculate on the pictures he's got, but I'd also say they're angled to highlight the good stuff rather than straight on profile.

    As for the landing gear, I guess I already repeated this as much as you have mentioned it, I'm all for removeable landing gear if it helps the look of valk in any mode. It's basically gear up or down anyway~ I'm also into the idea of better looking fixed robotic hands~ That's my limit as far as removeable stuff goes~ :p

  9. I'm just saying that I don't (definatly no expert) see an easy way to work that into the manufacturing process and get the nice results I'd want for panel lining and make everyone happier for it having been done. I'd rather, myself, have it stay as it is - deeply etched, but not filled. Looks much more precise then the licorice they had on my 11B


    the 1/48 LV1 is panel-lined... and an excellent example of how it's done right. They (yamato) can more than do it.. like tampo printing... They can... but they don't most of the time. I just hope they tampo print the valks from now and get rid of stickers as a whole... we have people in the community who make better ones anyway.

    Panel lining is annoying to do by hand. I've done my vf-1S hikaru, and I don't want to do it again... If I wanted to customize stuff on my own, I'd be into model making


  10. So you've seen the actual product?

    Every time I see the pics of the resin prototype it looks better and better.

    I'd just like to see some battroid pics now. Couldn't care less about the Gerwalk mode though.


    the 1/72 gerwalk mode was deplorable... It's the mode that I'm expecting the most improvement on when the 1/60 comes out.

    As I've been saying just like with the VF-0S, the actual product looks much better than the CAD art.

    Also, I wish people would stop comparing the Yamato YF-19 to the Hasgawa YF-19, especially as the Hasegawa is so skinny, it's positively anorexic and definitely skinnier than how Kawamri draws it.



    I agree.

    Comparing the hasegawa to the 1/60 variable is like comparing apples and oranges... two totally different things.

    However I wouldn't necessarily call the hasegawa anorexic. :p It only has to think about the looks of it as a jet and in that respect, it's the best representation of what a real world yf-19 jet would look like.

    Unfortunately for yamato, they have two other modes to think about...

    God, I wish I can see those pics now. sigh... :(

  11. It'd be nice if Yamato divided the Ghost into three pieces. When you buy each of the M+ VF's you get a piece of the puzzle.

    Now that's incentive.


    yeah, I mentioned that idea for the SDF-1. but I think it fits the ghost even more because it doesn't transform and hence the easiest to sell in separate pieces...

    probably wont happen though~ :(

  12. Well I gave in to temptation... :ph34r:

    I've just ordered a VF-0S. I've ordered some other stuff along with the VF-0A and that'll probably arrive somewhere during october. I just couldn't wait that long to get a VF-0 in my hands.

    I'm so excited!!!

    I hope HLJ processes my order a little faster this time.

    I plan to display it in Gerwalk or fighter mode, so the arm being too loose shouldn't be too much of a problem...I hope. :unsure:


    That's the spirit~ :D

    The looser-than-1/48 elbows are a non-issue in fighter.

    Actually it's a non-issue until you make it hold the gunpod. Even so, it really doesn't take too much to make it stay.

  13. Agreed with David 100%.

    If it's possible to do the retractable landing gear EASILY then do it... but if it's the sole cause of a section that looks wrong because of it, then I say go with the swappable landing gear... What's the diff? I still consider it perfect transformation because it has pretty much nothing to do with the transformation...

  14. 1) VF-0D

    2) VF-1 2 seaters

    3) SV-51

    4) 1/60 VF-11B

    5) 1/60 YF-21

    6) Tampo printing on all future releases.

    7) Redesign the generic robotic hands

    Give Graham permission to release production information the instant he is provided it.


    I'm fully back that suggestion, although i'm doubtful it will pan out. <_<


    Well, I understand that it may be prudent not to reveal information regarding future releases, but for the projects they've already announced, what's with keeping pics secret?

    Can anyone see the reasoning behind this? I mean secretly giving Graham a prototype to post a review to coincide a new valk's release makes complete sense.

    But what's the purpose of giving him pics of a resin mock up that he can't show until AFTER the the next month's hobby mag comes out?

    A wider range of fan feedback (always valuable overall), maximizing hype and excitement, touching base with the fans on a more personal level, all of this would be benefits of showing something exclusive to the forums. I do realize it might have something to do with a deal they have with the mags for exclusive pics, but why not release a hype shot for the forums of a different angle of the toy?

    I guess it's just my crazy logic~ ;)<_<

  15. The size of the box is probably the reason why Yamato did the wings too short, come to think of it :p


    I highly doubt that was the reason why they made the wings shorter. :)

    This is Yamato we're talking about here right? :lol:

    Release after release, the boxes are bigger than they're required to be. I think box size was the LAST thing on their minds~ :p

  16. How is anything impossible today in this world??? it's not like we're asking them to make a 3000 Bhp engine that runs 100 miles per gallon of petrol... It's NOT rocket science by any stretch of the imagination! B)) Sorry, but seriously, I can't help but chuckle when I remind myself we're talking about a variable toy here....

    Bottom line... It's very possible... and when they've milked the 1/48's till they're aint anymore milk, they'll find something else they could make a couple of variations of... :)

    I'm also skeptical about the supposed high retooling cost we keep hearing about again and again... ;) I work for a company that develops it's own products and that also uses forums to spread word and generate buzz... and there's definitely A LOT of things we keep general for OUR benefit.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Yamato's doing the exact same thing with what they tell Graham and eventually, the MW community. They give Graham what they want us to hear and see at a time of their choosing... and not a morsel more or second sooner. That's how business is...

    Yeah, yeah, yeah retooling can cost a bunch initially... but that's the nature of their business. You invest wisely on developing a product that you think will bring a good return on the investment. That's why listening to customer demand and not pissing off the Co-founder of your oversees advertising hub is absolutely vital... :p

    Regardless, considering Yamato gets to sell variations of some of these things with sometimes nothing more than a different colored STRIPE, it's all a moot point... Sometimes they get to print money, sometimes they have to use their heads and earn it~

    Yamato, just do what you're doing now~ Generating positive, OPTIMISTIC buzz among fans with new products that a majority of the fanbase desires. You know you'll make money. :)

  17. G mode looks exquiste.



    What? No pics to back up that claim? :D


    Oh, there's pics, just can't show em.


    (Torturing Macross fans since 1999)


    If you can't show em, then there are no pics~ ;)

    It's alright though, you can have your pics,

    I'll just sit here and twiddle my thumbs~ :p


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