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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. I'm getting my first one in the first run...

    It'll probably be the only time I can get one for $150... once the demand rises retailers might charge a couple of tens more for one...

    The whole "wait for the second run" fiasco is a bit ridiculous to me though... it's a problem yamato started, and it bugs me when I think of why in the heck a toy at $150 or more should have the amount of QC issues yamato's got...

  2. much like all the other $200 yamato offerings, this should be no different.

    valk $135 + fold booster $45, then $20 for shipping = $200

    anything beyond this, they can suck my brown eye. i'm kind of tired of being raked over the coals every time they release a new toy, its getting old real fast and i could just as easily walk away from this hobby all together.

    i just don't see how the MP starscream which looks like it has 10 times the features is only $100, while this thing with no features is $200? granted macross is a smaller fan base, and yamato is a smaller company, but how can anyone justify charging double for a lesser toy? i'm sure it didn't help that the 2nd coming thread got as big as it did. any vendor could see the amount of interest in this toy and see it as a potential to cash in on the fans. ...which is whats happening right now. one can only hope that all the hoopla will die down a bit and vendors will drop their prices to something more reasonable.

    Looks like they're going to suck your brown eye. :p

    Unless it some HK or singapore vendor on ebay with shipping costs of $40 plus, I doubt the price will sink anywhere below $150... The cheapest NEW vf-0S I can find is around $160 AFTER shipping... meaning the yf-19 will probably be about $180 after shipping... MAYBE $175... It's bloody robbery for a no accessory included piece-of-plastic-coolness, but I guess it everyone's choice if they deem it worthy of their money.

    I agree with you that yamato is using the yf-19's popularity for their profits but,

    if yamato saw a lack of interest in the toy as you suggest we pose, you probably wouldn't be seeing a 1/60 yf-19 coming out.

    As much as I hate the bloody price, I'd take it over not having it at all any day...

    Instead of showing a lack of interest, we have to be honest and voice our opinions about the price. In the least, we have Graham voicing majority opinions to yamato... I honestly think they've got their own people coming in here every once and while, so if common complaints are voiced by a number members repeatedly, it'll go to them.

  3. Actually, the YF-19 has more parts and is slightly longer in fighter mode than the VF-0, so higher tooling and design costs.

    AFAIK, FPs will come as a set with the Fold Booster.


    After the price announcement, I've since decided to buy one for now and later a second instead of three I've planned earlier...

    Considering that the yf-19 will likely sell a lot more than the vf-0s did, I really don't see why the price has to rise... Is the cost of making a plain yf-19 more than that of a 1/48 vf-1 with super strike parts? No... and yet the yf-19 costs more for us...

    The "milking" profits made from the 1/48 vf-1 repaints should have well satisfied yamato and yet they're so unwilling to take the slight increase in production cost for a new toy...

    They're trying to tell us it cost $20 more than the vf-0S to make EACH of these WITHOUT accessories??

    pssssstt... get outta here yamato... <_<

    The prices yamato demands is always a punch in the gut but even despite this being my all time favorite valk, the price of it knocked the wind out of me the most of all previous valks... and That's bloody saying A LOT.

  4. Actually, yes the YF-19 does have the option of exterior wing pylons and that's what those missiles on the TIAS cover are for.

    As for the question of are they coming for the toy, well as usually my lips are sealed.



    hmmm... when graham comes in and says his lips are sealed regarding the release of something we're talking about, it usually means it'll likely happen~

    but huh? where would the pylons fit into? dont tell me they got magnets IN the wing now? :lol:

    Graham can you confirm whether we'll get any accessories other than the bloody gunpod? *cough* Fast packs *cough* or are your lips sealed for that as well? :):(

    My memo to yamato: Great job on producing the best yf-19 EVER (model or toy, IMO) BUT I think at $200 the fast packs should be included.... if it'll just be the plain vanilla yf-19 only, then lower the damn price~!

  5. Do you guys think we'll see most of the goodies here included in the Fast Pack set?


    where would they go? the yf-19 has no exterior missles, they all are internal which the toy definitely has no room for... They'd have to be displayed exactly as you see it in that pic there.

    I'd be happy if they include the fast packs in with the yf-19... at $200 bucks Fast packs in the LEAST should be included.

    I also hope if they release a fold booster, that it'd come in a box that's not a %1000 times bigger than the actual object within...

    Oh and by the way, the new pix rock!

  6. actually come to think of it...

    I guess this topic will be better if it's call the "new 1/60 valk speculation" thread to make it more general... I'm sure more people want to talk about the vf-11b, the sv-51, and the vf-0d.

    I guess this can be a general thread where we do all the rumoring, speculation, hopes and desires and stuff until official word comes out.

    If a moderator agrees, by all means change the topic title. :p

  7. essentially the 1/48s, but smaller. Its a shame toy molds cant be shrunk down.


    yeah, it's a shame because even if it were just a shrunken 1/48 I'd still buy AT LEAST the whole skull squadron....

  8. wow... That looks NUTS. That looks absolutely brilliant.

    Damn this is nuts... now I have to get another vf-0s and two vf-0a's and two ghost kits....

    that and three yf-19's and a fold booster set....

    :wacko: I'm getting woosey~~~

  9. I had the whole set of 1/60's back in the day which I loved to death before the 1/48 era.

    If they can up the quality to the kind we're used to today (PT, make them 90% plastic, full figure pilots, etc) I'd buy it... You know thinking about it, a cheaper than $80 US alternative high quality 1/60 vf-1 line is very appealing....

  10. Ok, this time I actually have the upper intake move like the SHE kit--the previous pic merely had it as a separate, yet fixed piece.  No fancy hinges, it simply slides straight down just a bit--yet makes a big difference visually.



    meh.... it's better as it is.

    I want an accurate 3D replica as best as it can be... I dont even consider kawamori's lineart to be accurate in terms of what the yf-19 will be in flesh and blood... and what yamato's got now is pretty close...

  11. A few issues that no longer bother/worry me at all.

    1) Gunpod - It doesn't look as small as I feared. It looks like a close quarters carbine, and I'm fine with it.

    2) Wings - I LOVE how the roots taper into the wings. Wing size seems fine.

    3) Battroid mode - everything from the wider legs and the shoulder pads, everything looks grrrrreat just as battroid. any changes would compromise the fighter. Good balance.

    4) Gerwalk mode - My God... I might have to buy three now... one for each mode because they nailed the gerwalk right between the eyes!

    Things that still look a bit off: (mind you, this is for the sake of total honesty and not to "complain")

    1) vertical tail fins look real small. I was hoping that their diagonal angle simply didnt translate well on the CAD renders, but the fighter prototype pic shows it dead on.

    2) The lack of a straight on side shot still makes me wonder about the pelican neck. All the shots so far are like glamour angle shots that hide it. As with a gut in real life, you gotta have a look from the side~ :p

    Looks amazing overall. I hope this thing comes tampo printed and relatively QC free~ It's a winner~!!

  12. lets not bug Graham too much about the pictures or further details regarding the YF-19.

    God knows he was to maintain the privilege of holding on to exclusive information =P

    just kidding but i know he'll give us additional information as soon as he can with Yamato's permission. so let's not expect too much out of him besides officially permitted release of information.


    besides, the Chara Hobby event's just a couple of days away. we can wait, right? we've waited years for it anyway, what's a couple days more?


    I agree.

    I've since learned that Graham is non-existent, like santa claus, the tooth-fairy, and mr boogey-man. :p

    There's no point anymore... might as well post a comment a couple times hoping a yamato snoop will read it~ :rolleyes:

  13. David... your ardent enthusiasm for the anhedral wings will probably be better served for changes that are more likely to be made and honestly, more beneficial.

    A lot of people were on board with your opinion about the removeable neck landing gear and the legs not fitting into the wing roots correctly...

    However, the moment the wing angle comment came up, the "complaint/criticism" haters (a.k.a. secret yamato employees :p) started snearing...

    Besides, I don't even think your favorite, the hasegawa kit, is sloped down from the top intakes like you say.

    It's ok man, let it go~ :p

  14. Not to sound too ignorant, but if they (Yamato) are willing to show pics of fighter mode, why would they not show pics of the other modes? I'm much more of a battroid fan and I'd really like to see the other modes. Oh well, I guess we'll see it when they feel like letting us see it. I just don't understand the secrecy.


    I said something along those lines a while back when yamato was a run by ninja's who were sworn to secrecy and left hundreds of people who pre-ordered the 1/72 yf-19 FP in the dust... <_<

    Although I must admit I expressed myself with much more anger (:p) than you are and as a result was schooled by some members that MW is not a news site... hehe... ahh memories... :D anyway...

    Frankly though, even in retrospect, I HATED yamato's policy toward their customers then...

    They're doing better now and I only hope it improves... Graham's back in the know, and Yamato is rolling along with good products after another...

    It's the peak of the golden age for sure~


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