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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. From what I was told, depspite the fact that it completely contradicts both the anime and Hasegawa, the view of the HRH is that there is only one VF-0A color scheme, there is not supposed to be a separate Shin Type & Cannon Fodder type.


    They can call it something else if they want... but if they make em, we will buy! :D

    I really hope they make the vf-0D... I saw a pic of it again recently and gosh... I'm actually wanting it more now than the sv-51.

  2. I just dont use the chicken hands at all for any of my 1/48's.

    I flip the wrist vents for fighter and in battroid I put in fixed posed hands.

    unfortunately, I CAN't do this with my beloved 1/60 vf-0S...

    I swear I sigh and grimace each and every time I look at the bastard hands that try to hold on to the gunpod.

    It's a total lack in quality compared to the rest of the valk IMO... If anything, in the least, fixed posed hands should be included with ALL new valks...

  3. The hands look to be about the right size, actually, going by design works. As long as they grip well, I'll be happy with them.

    For the 1/60's it's still a tad small, but for the 1/48, it's tiny.

    And it's not just the size that's sub-par, it's just the whole look of the thing compared to the quality toys they're attached to... The atrocious trigger pose it's limited to forces me to pose all my valks with the gunpod, or else I have a bunch of valks looking like their eager to pick each others boogers...

    They're subpar because:

    - they can't make a normal fist

    - bloody hell they can make any other hand pose

    - look skinny and skeletal

    - tad too small

    - have poor use of articulation

    - and subjectively speaking, they look like crap.


  4. Correct me if i'm wrong, is the part I circled the magazine? Cause if it is, i don't see why it can't fit beneath the shield housing.

    nope not according to the anime it's not. it's actually the whole bottom part along with the part you circled... (see pic below)... it's quite a big part at that. it also doesn't look detachable in any of the pics I've seen.


  5. I wish that they came with fully articulated hands of a decent thickness, so that there is no need for removable fixed pose hands. Like an MG Gundam for example.

    That would be ideal, but yamato probably wants to think (and pats themselves on the back) that they already produced one: the chicken hands or as I'd like to call 'em, the faggy hands. Someone's gotta tell them they suck nuts, and it's time for something new.

    I also hope they're smart enough to offer them standalone for relatively cheap... if Godzilla and kensei alone buy one set for every 1/48 they have yamato will make good profit. :p

  6. i'm don't know why everyone getting so psyched on having a removeable mag? i can't speak for everyone but i'd much rather have them spend the money on tampo printing or something to make the toy itself better, than a extra feature that any recaster down the road could make for us.

    I agree.

    I'd rather have tampo printed markings and macross kites over the removeable magazines any day.

    And given the yf-19 has chicken hands, it's not like it'll look any good reloading anyway~

    that said... I wish the yf-19 and all subsequent valks came with some cool fix posed hands. NOW THAT will be cool.

  7. I don't really think that's a real surprise. If you look closely to the picture Graham posted, it's easy to see that the two frontal 'sticks' for the booster go here:



    The two points you circle seem possible... although if they'll use the screwhole near the ankle then why would they not use the one half way up the calf?

    If you look closely, the rear attachments kinda sit ON the end of the shield and not extend into the side of the leg. The little slit you point seems like a possible connection point for the forward 'sticks'.

    I dont know about Dave's different shield idea.. I think they designed the 1/60 valk from the get go to support the fold booster so they probably designed it so there are no replacement parts.

  8. I second that. I'm drooling over this, but I'm not plunking down my hard earned money until I know how they're handling the ghost release. I don't want to find out you can only get it as a combo pack after I've already bought a 0A and I don't have room for two of these badboys ...

    I think it's safe to say that the ghost will likely be sold as a seperate set. Given the VF-0S also uses it in the anime as well as the 0A, it's the most logical & likely scenario. The yf-19 fold and fast pack set will also be sold like this.

  9. Just think: we got two more months before the release. What other wad-blowing surprises does Yamato have in store for this bird?

    I think the surprise features will be two of the following:

    - method of fold booster attachment

    - perhaps something to do with the feet. the YF-19 has a unique way the feet open and close at fighter.

    - ball jointed neck.

    - the black part above the nose where the cockpit begins can be pushed down for battroid mode.

  10. Though I do plan to see what could be done when I get mine---but I suspect a good fighter mode shape for that piece may make a very bad battroid.

    Not necessarily.

    The stomach area (where the landing gear retracts) where the crotch folds up to is relatively flat, so the back of the crotch piece wont have to be so rounded. yeah it'd stick out a tiny bit more in battroid, but, it's really close to the stomach as it is right now, a tiny bit forward wont be too bad.

    While I'm not confident that it can be TOTALLY smooth and inconspicuous in fighter mode, it definitely can improve from the bare form as it is.

    Anyway, it's only for the sake of discussion. I know it wont change and really doesn't need to. I totally agree that it should be considered for battroid more where it's most visible unlike in fighter where it'll be no where to be seen. Great point.

  11. Actually, the way the crotch-piece folds and is stored in fighter mode, is correct to Kawamori's transformation lineart.

    The Yamato 1/60 is the only toy to get this correct so far.


    It's accurate in the WAY it folds as the crotch peice but the back side of the piece should actually be shaped so that it matched the contours of the neck before it.

    I havent noticed this until I got a better look at the underside with these pics.

    I'm fine with it now but I'm wondering why something relatively simple wasn't given that extra bit of polish.

    Also the loose joint issue will be MOST scrutinized if that peice can't keep in place while in fighter.

    Do you have any info you can share about that Graham?

  12. e_jacob--no, that's a painted resin prototype, the same one from 2 weeks ago, just more pics from that photoshoot. Those pics could be months old, only just now being released. The pics on the first page of the thread are actually the most recent version of the mold, and closer to the final product.

    These are definitely of the resin prototype... My guess is graham had all of these official pics when we was teasing us about how exquisite it was in each mode.

    The more I look at this, I can't express how PERFECT the colors are... given we have a possible color change coming, I seriously hope it doesn't change from this...

  13. given the comments here, there's one thing that's clear.

    Just make everything TIGHT. In fact, make us get a work out transforming our valks.

    I personally don't see this as a QC issue (unless it can't stand up or raise it's arms even when it's holding nothing)... but many here include it in their lists if it's anything less than the 1/48 so take this down yamato...

    Just make it all bloody tight~ Everyone wins! :D

  14. i didn't call anyone "impatient fools", i said if someone is impatient, its their problem...how is that an insult?

    a fool and his money will soon be parted is an old saying, i don't want to be a fool is my statement, who am i calling a fool?

    also, loose elbows weren't the only issues with the 0S, loose knees, broken tail spikes, random pins falling out, gunpod not holding, and other various issues have been posted here. just because the one you got only had one problem means that you were lucky, but theres plenty of people here that weren't as lucky and got the shaft on a rather expensive toy. if you got the craptastic version that some of the guys here got, you'd be singing a different tune wouldn't you? and who could blame you? i know i'd be pissed.

    anyway, i think you're reading way too much into what i post so that being the case, i'll just walk away before this becomes more of an arguement than a discussion.

    peace out dude :)


    ^_^ *thumbs up*

  15. i like 2 seater fighters, but i dont expect to see one of the 19. we'll see the 0D before we see that.

    **drools after having the thought of owning a vf-0D one day~**

    I recently saw macross zero again and I have to say Im wishing for the vf-0D more than the sv-51 :ph34r:

  16. well these aren't exactly cheap where people(alteast i'm not) are willing to deal with it if its a lemon, and someone being first to buy/do something by definition makes them a test dummy.

    theres those people who have to be the first on the block to get something, i used to be one but i learned my lesson with the konig monster and it was a $150 lesson at that. so i don't see the problem with the people who would rather wait for a review for 'test dummies' to take it out for a drive before getting behind the wheel themselves. what if graham got a 19 and it turns out that its a total POS? i can't speak for everyone but i know i'd be first in line to say, "phew, i'm glad i waited for the review", i mean its a $200 toy for crying out loud! if someone has to be first to get something because they're impatient, then thats their problem isn't it? whats the old saying, a fool and his money will soon be parted and i don't want to be a fool. :D

    haterist. Please read my whole post to the end if you're going to reply specifically... it seems you skim just the top and middle and I hate repeating and explaining to you what I've already wrote.

    I say in the bottom of my post that we should wait for graham's review for any flawed design-related QC issues. What I say we shouldn't do is plain out avoid the first release in MASS just because it's the first release and because there are some slighlty loose joints reported here and there... It can leave mass amounts of first releases unsold and hence risk a second release from ever happening...

    Also, first run buyers are often the REASON you get a second run... I don't think calling us "impatient fools" is something prudent for you to say...

  17. Although I wholeheartedly agree that yamato should make their first runs just as good as their second or third, I think the problem also lies in the tolerance level of most of us here. The VF-0s is a prime example of QC issue paranoia. It's really not that bad... I mean, think back in the day when we had tab b issues, broken hips and floppy bodies. The stuff we're looking under the magnifying glass is nothing compared to those atrocities.

    Skipping the whole first run might sound smart individually, and ONLY IF there is a second run for a particular valk, but I dont see how that helps the whole community in general if enough people just deem the first run "the one to pass"...

    Even though I understand why people are paranoid, I kinda find it annoying when it comes to the point where people outright say that they'll wait until OTHER members get it, see how messed up theirs is and post "PHEWWW, I'm glad I waited!" all for some slightly loose elbow. :rolleyes: You know that's just mean... wtf are the first run buyers, then? test dummies? c'mon now...

    We should instead focus on QC problems that yamato's designers made (which are virtually minimized these days)... Those graham usually catches with his reviews. Small minute manufacturing qc issues dont disappear 100% at the second run either... if an factory worker in the line is chatting up with his/her friend for a couple of valks that he/she failed to screw 2 revolutions less, then hell, there's a qc issue right there.

  18. Although not entirely Yamato's fault, I wonder if QC problems can be eliminated at the 1st release this time round. Maybe Graham can (or already has) stated the fan's grievances when it comes to QC of Yamato stuff.

    I actually wonder who's fault is it. Is it the factories that churn out the Yammies? Design problems stemming from resin to actual product? Are the blueprints for the toy done properly?

    It's likely due to the factories in China that churn em out... the managers there have a job to check every outgoing batch and it's clear that they're sweeping stuff under the rug.

    Usually with anything, the first batch is prone to issues because the workers are making something new and likely have no idea if a bloody skull is supposed to be parallel or or perpendicular to the V-stabs, etc...

    To their credit, yamato has gotten a lot better with QC issues that originate from poor design, but regarding how much (or how little) they clamp down on their factories for continous quality issues remains a question... and thus I bring up the gripe I have with them... With the money they demand from us for one of these, they technically should be perfect. When I design a layout, I do a test print to see if everything is good to go... Yamato's test print seems to be the first batch... :rolleyes:

    Regardless... the recent issues have been within my QC tolerance level, so I'm ready to buy at first batch... Everyone's different when it comes to this stuff...

  19. sinking below $150? i already got a guy who quoted me $130 shipped! ;)

    Dude if you got a guy who quoted you a shipped 1/60 yf-19 for $130, spread the word~ that's where I'm buying it from.

    I'm sure us fellow MWer's would appreciate it.

    how can you say this when there was absolutely no talk of any kind yf-19 toy whatsoever? there wasn't even a peep, not even a wish thread about the 19 until graham got the go ahead to release the news recently. and IIRC, graham mentioned something about yamato secretly working on it for the past 2 years. they were already making this toy whether we showed interest or not, they know it was a proven seller in the 1/72 scale. they also know that the macross fan base will shell out for bigger and better versions of the same toy as proven with the 1/48 vf-1 valks.

    Some people had their sigs devoted to the yf-19 FP... there was PLENTY of talk and expressed wishes for a new yf-19... perhaps in your self-imposed exile from MW not too long ago, you weren't here to follow up.

    I do agree with you that in all likeliness, people at yamato knew for a while that the yf-19 is a popular valk... But that doesn't mean they dont listen to what's said here and what people here are interested in...

  20. if this were 2 years ago, i'd agree but....

    if yamatos past counts for anything, they will certainly pump more of these out if/when theres a demand. they've done so numerous times already, 1a max, 1s roy, 1s hikaru, 1a hikaru, 1j hikaru, etc. if theres enough demand they'll reissue it, they're not stupid, if they can make money off the same mold they will...i.e. a whole lot of VF-1's.

    also seeing as the 19 doesn't have too many varients, it would be in their best interest to make as many as the fans will buy and continue to buy. i can guess that they will come out with the 19A blue version since they do have the license and its been proven that it will sell. i also see a grey LV schemed 19 because its been proven that the fans will buy non-canon varients.

    sorry but your logic is flawed captain. :D


    I never said they wouldn't reissue it... why would I mention a FIRST run if that was the ONLY run I thought would come out?

    A second run for the yf-19 is something I consider the surest of things... it's popularity WARRANTS it.

    My whole comment about not liking the whole "wait for the second run" was with the QC issues yamato SHOULDN'T have with the money they're demanding (staying on the topic) NOT whether if they'll be a second run...

    Sorry, but the way you read is flawed skipper. :lol:;)

    When retailers get a hold of the second runs, they often charge $10-$20 more than they charged for the first run. When the wait is long enough between the runs, prices CAN and have gone up for some... For something as popular as the yf-19, I kinda expect it... That means I might have to pay $10 to $20 bucks more and wait 3-4 months for one... Since I plan to buy two, I'm buying one now and a POSSIBLY "less flawed one" later on...

    is my logic clear to you now? B))

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