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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. ... so just how many of us are still waiting for the review before investing a cool 200 US? I am. :( All this talk of being non floppy SUCKS!

    I'll wait dammit.

    I'm not... Graham already said it's tight as hell and that we'll be pleasantly surprised with the QC. Preorders are also closing left and right...

    The yf-19 is the diamond in the rough as far as quality goes compared to the crappy colored, lazily made, feature lacking add-ons coming out...

    The yf-19 is as good as gold.

    Not having something as special as that this holiday will only be your loss. It should be on everyone's santa's list.

  2. Perhaps the toys aren't wrong.... and your TV color-settings are all screwed up :rolleyes: ?

    TV settings won't explain how the vf-0A itself is a bit darker than the one in the anime and the Ghost MUCH lighter than the anime... inconsistent inconsistencies... ^_^

    Hence, it's not my snazzy HDTV that is failing me but the color blind eyes of yamato...

    The color and the schemes are all wrong. I don't particularly care... and maybe people are me are the reason Yamato is doing it. They must have felt that the schemes in the show weren't attractive so now they're selling attractive schemes instead.

    The color being off is a QC issue just as a loose elbow is... The whole look of the thing is altered when the colors are off... in this case, more than slightly.

    For an addon we'll be paying good money for, they should have paid extra attention to color... paint the missle launchers metallic bronze, the fuel tanks dark drab grey, and the ghost, at least make the plastic about 40% darker... That's what I expect for the kind of money they call for these things...

    Instead they make another ghost I've never seen in the anime, making that look better than the canon one... Seriously, some of the decisions yamato makes are so stupid, it stupifies me just thinking "how the hell?"

  3. IPB Image

    Why? How and Who?

    How color blind do you have to be to get it THAT light?

    The color of pastel orange missile launchers remind me of the fish cake sausages I used to eat when kid...

    I really wanted the ghost... I really did... :(

  4. I'm probably the minority here, but I actually like the look of the Yamato F.P.

    For some reason, I keep thinking the fast packs on the S.H.E. seem to look a little off when the wing roots overlap them.

    Not trying to stir up any bad blood, just my $.02

    the SHE is inaccurate as well... it's not suppose to overlap that much. no grey is supposed to spill over to the top of the valk.

    If they made the fast packs attach to the fighter without having to bend the legs, it would have been the saving grace for the fast pack fold booster set for me... but both are off.

  5. Oh well, maybe it does mean that Yamato honestly didn't intend to release a VF-0 Shin but then the HFH caved and told them to go ahead and make some more $$.

    yeah and watch.... they'll make an anime accurate colored brown and white CF VF-0A and say "OOPS~~ we did it again~"

    Seriously, the idiot at yamato who makes these coloring decisions needs to be shot.

  6. Makes no sense, but a lot of money.

    No less sense nor less infuriating to the fans than telling everyone "there's not going to be a Shin VF-0A because Kawamori says this is how Shin's REALLY looked so buy this one" then a few months later releasing one that looks even more like Shin's, with a new Shin-esque pilot...


    hey, there you go~ :p

    but I think the separate bundle is without a doubt the one with the greatest possibility.

    but what do I care... I'm not buying it anyway... the ghost is too light, the extras are too light, and I can give a rats ass about the drone ghost (I dont even remember seeing it on screen).

    oh yeah, SHIN! Grrrr... dont remind me... They could have at least colored the whole thing a bit differently with some blue tones and less contrast. but instead they release what they should have in the first place...

    You know what also was misleading? the red stripe on the box for the CF vf-0a.... shin's color. <_<

    I think they'll sell only one ghost pack, i was looking to the pictures and i noticed that de Canards and the "rabbit ears" are removable, look at this:

    if you look to the second picture you'll notice my point

    yeah, hence supporting the fact that both are identical and hence both mountable...

  7. That fanmade custom looks a LOT better than the Yamato. :blink:

    yah, well it's an airbrushed custom with weathering and the works~ of course it is... :D

    that said though, yamato's effort looks good too.

    too bad it's still too expensive and it's still as big as a sumo suit...

  8. My theory:

    The drone Ghost will be available separately, but a Ghost that can attach to a VF-0 only comes with Shin's, or a re-released Roy.

    That theory makes no sense Dave~

    If that happened that'll piss off a mass amount of people who bought the cf vf-0a.... cuz not only do they have to buy a whole 'nother valk to have a ghost mounted zero but the one they CAN buy separately can't mount!

    that makes no sense...

    My guess: Both Ghosts in one set only available separately running the same cost as a GBP.

    That's not my hope, that's my guess.

    Oooooooh.... you talked about price~ I'm gonna tell Mr. H.~ j/p :lol::p

    that's my guess too... and I think BOTH will be mountable.

    Regardless if they sell the shin vf-0a with the ghost, they HAVE to have a separate package because what about ROY?

  9. Wha?? How do you figure? You think because a few members made the obvious "it'd be nice if the blonde guy was there too" they went and did that?? I think if a few members here did that there were probably some truly diehard Yamato designers who had thought of it long before we even knew a 1/60 YF-19 was coming.

    :) Yamato is not a god. It doesn't take much for them to decend on down upon us minions and read a couple posts here and there. And like you said, if they're die hard fans (at some point :p ) then they most definitely would care about what is said here.

    You're also underestimating us, the international market, which includes two huge markets the US and HK.

    Corroborating what Graham flat out told us and from being in a company myself where forums are a central hub where our customers gather, again I am adamantly sure they listen to us...

    I wonder if graham can confirm.

  10. I surmise that yang will be included with the fast pack/fold booster add on.

    I also suppose it's THE last special feature Graham had on the tip of his tongue...

    It's also further proof that this site has some influence over yamato..., to which I'll take advantage of

    and say:

    Release a major QC-free yf-19. Take your time and work on the fold booster and fast pack. Release it when it's not a half assed peice of plastic that screams "PLASTIC S.H.I.T FOR MONEY!"

    The vf-1ish leg bend Dave mentioned definitely turns me off with the fast packs. The whole purpose of the yf-19 is sleekness... hence the aero-dynamic dildo-like fold booster. If they're so intent on official HFH certified color schemes then get the basic design official.

  11. Digging the Shin vf-0a.

    Not diggin the ghost colors... it has to be darker... the ghost itself should be at least as dark as shin's heatshield canopy cover... the attachments also need to be about 15-20% darker.

    I don't know what yamato's standard is for coloring... it's like they have cross-eyed color-blind people pick out the plastic colors... They make the CF contrast more and darker overall than the anime, then they contrast way less and go lighter with the ghost, which is obviously supposed to be darker....

    Also REALLY NOT DIGGIN that they release a Shin version AFTER the CF, telling Graham that that's the only color scheme there is for the vf-0a, causing mass confusion, then only to bloody release a shin version... And you KNOW everyone will have to buy it because it's Mr. Main Charater SHIN's and it has a chest stripe.

    It's f-ing dirty if you ask me... capitalism sure, but dirty nonetheless.

    Honestly, I really hate HATING yamato... I really wish they just think of us just a wee bit more than money printers, so both them and us fans can feel like we've gained... Why is that so f-ing hard for them to do?

    Pity really...

  12. woah, new pics~ thanks for the heads up guys.

    man... the fold booster is indeed a disappointment. Bah, that's it then... I'm not getting one unless it's dirt cheap.... because that's exactly how it looks.

    I'm hoping I'm wrong but why is it also not parallel with the yf-19? it's tilted downward in the front...

    AND what's up with ghost???? everything is painted so light... wtf? and I know it's not the camera or the lighting because everything else looks fine... damn that's light.... again... if the ghost is coming out with that paint job... I'm passing... the attachments definitely needs to be treated with some dark metallic paint... The color they got now is borderline pastel...

    c'mon yamato if you're going to sell em seperately, it HAS to be better than this...

    I was really hoping yamato will up the quality with these but they're half assed if anything as is...

  13. Nice job! That looks really slick.

    I think there's a slight error however, relating to the (almost) vertical tails you have colored as part of the Ghost. They're not really part of the Ghost, and are instead the normal tails from the VF-0 that pass through gaps between the Ghost wings and and body to give the illusion that they're actually part of the Ghost when they're not. You can see it more clearly by looking at the side shots on the first page.

    Aside from that it looks amazing. :)

    ahh~ so it is~ thanks~

  14. it kinda looks like two frogs humping (not the coloring, just the toy in general)

    :D Yeah after crazy canuck mentioned that I'll never look at it the same way again.... of course, dante's comment about the light up dildo fold booster on the yf-19 was classic~

  15. Since I have contributed to the wayward direction of this thread,

    I'll put it back on topic with a technicolor version of the ghost pic shot at the convention:

    IPB Image

    I can't wait to see the actual thing colored~

  16. since you couldn't just let it go and since theres real no nice way to put this, i'll just have to be blunt...

    i don't like you, i never liked you, i don't like what you post, i don't like how you post. i try to avoid you like i avoid people with cold sores....4tehW1N!!11!!!

    :lol: Well, there it is... The "hater"ist we all know in his pure unadulterated form~

    btw. the last post was me letting it go... this one's to confirm why people (not just myself) have a problem with you.


    Edit: Moderators, delete the last few posts by myself and "do not disturb" if you deem necessary....

  17. i'm not jittery at all, i just know better than to post something somewhat controversial and not be "attacked" or feel like i'm going to be "attacked" by certain members.

    my last post wasn't meant to piss you off but somehow you managed to take it that way....or atleast thats the way i'm perceiving your post.

    i don't expect anyone to agree with me 100%, even 50% but to me, you just have an abrasive way of agreeing/disagreeing with people...again perhaps that just how i'm perceiving your posts, and vise versa.

    its certainly doesn't help that its impossible to hear someones "tone" via a messageboard but know this, i only post when i'm in a good mood. even if it seems i come across in a bad way, i don't mean to be, i'm usually sitting here smiling when i post, i'm actually quite the cheerful guy. :)

    Ok. I'm happy for you. :)

    I am however going to stop responding to your posts for the sake of people here at MW and for the sake of my hair turning white...

    it's the same thing over and over... you bite back after a less than applauding positive response, and then you turn the tables around and say others are being abrasive toward you... One thing you should take note of however... what's the common denominator with the back and forth you had with me and others you sparred with here? You.

    I agree we really are handicapped by not having the benefit of hearing each other speak as far as discerning tone of voice... and I truly do hope you are really a cheerful person that's just misunderstood because of the lack of an audible voice.

  18. Jenius' statements echo mine.

    First, let me make this clear haterist... I agree with you and I fully comprehend your "logic"... I actually commented early in this thread that it'd be priced too high if the ghost costs more than a set of fast packs...

    It f-ing pisses me off everytime anyone responds with anything less 100% positively to what you say, you go into a jittery "why are you attacking me?!" mode... CHILL DUDE. I AGREE WITH YOUR LOGIC. and yes, I even practice it.

    I was merely adding to it that ultimately the rising base price of yamato's will rise whether we want it to or not... Price jacking retailers are a monster by themselves and a whole 'nother story... I only buy from respectable and reasonable retailers anyway... Any prudent person can remedy that by buying somewhere cheaper... And as long as there's more than one retailer, they'll be one cheaper...

    It's yamato's rising base price I'm concerned with and hence I said it was out of our control... and it is... bottom line...

  19. Your logic makes complete sense haterist.

    but Ah yes,

    there's another logic (the wicked logic yamato goes by) that must also be considered... and that is, that there is a following of people who f-ing love swamp land..... an odd community of swampthing-like people who would go ape-shyt over anything pertaining "swamp". So all of a sudden the deal you laid out there is a bloody bargain!

    What makes it more f-ed up is that there's only one swamp dealer in town and yes... that's YAMATO.

    If I were them, I'd already know my products are the shizzle to the fans compared to the competition (what competition? eXactly~) and that if they make valks that are popular and cool enough, we'd buy them anyway regardless if they kick our nuts for fun, dangling pics and tid bits of info...

    The thing I hate most is the increment at which they raise prices... JUST enough... you feel the pinch, but juuuuuuuuuusttt enough... that people figure, "F---it, that's MINE."

    I can swing either way regarding discussing price. You got a point. But you gotta admit... it's yamato with the leverage... they know that already regardless of whether we talk about it or not...

    The subjects I think we do have an influence for is advancement as far as quality and minor, easy-to-change details and voicing what we'd like to see made. Hence, that's where I spend most of my time talking about...

    *disclaimer to Haterist* dont think every counterpoint is an attack on you... the whole point of forums is to debate and discuss. ^_^

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