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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. New Justice?? Ohhh, nice! They should make an MSIA of the old Justice first though
  2. Huh, finally Ok good, so it still has hip-rail guns or whatever - I was really worried that they would be dual blasters. They're probably just as powerful as Freedom's old guns but more compact (they look like Guaiz's though...) Chest Gun - COOL! Wasn't expecting that, but the more firepower Freedom has the better Arms - Ok, those must be beam shield generators - or Freedom Finger style melee weapons? Hmm....my money's on the shield, but it could very well be both! The more I look at it, the more I think this is a new suit and not an upgraded one - the head, feet, legs, torso, backpack, shoulders, and forearms are all new. Either Freedom gets utterly owned (which is doubtful) or Kira self-destructs it or something and gets a new suit. Lastly....I really want to know what those new wings are hiding! Guns? Or bits? Ahhh, the suspense! But it looks cool - I like the use of the gold. The design changes a lot but keeps it looking like Freedom. Overall, thumbs up!
  3. Now all it had to do is transform into a giant robot! But seriously, i'm very disturbed that more people aren't speaking about Rey's boobies. I mean, this is Rey.....with boobies! There should be at least 5 pages on this already!
  4. Looks good, I like what I see so far! (except for the SDF 4....bleargh, there's one Mospeada design they could've ignored )
  5. Turn-X had Shining Finger, which is weird because it was rumoured to have extra-solar origins or something. Anyway, Moonlight Butterfly is a sort of ultimate attack - it unleashes a horde of nanotechnology that basically wipes out (or buries) all other tech in the area. That's how the Turn A world ended up being set so far back technologically - Turn A pulled a Moonlight Butterfly on the entire planet.
  6. AAAHHHH!!!!! REY BOOBIES! Wow, now THAT's a spoiler! huh.....I wonder how he/she/it can get their voice so deep? kinda disappointed, i've always thought that that was a rather lame plot twist.
  7. Ooh its so NU! Looks cool, although you still can't tell too much overall. Those look like energy shields on its forearms eh?
  8. Yeah no kidding! The prequel trilogy seriously blurrs the lines between good and evil and smears the Jedi order pretty badly. If anything, they're all just as, if not more, manipulative than Palpatine - plus very restrictive and cold. I don't think i'd want to grow up in an environment like that! The whole celibacy thing doesn't help either...
  9. www.allspark.com is good. Always fun times there.
  10. Even with those explanations Evangelion still makes little sense. The only conclusion I have is that everyone goes swimming in Rei milk at the end.
  11. It was Ani-Rupt - they're fast on the subbing, but the quality is pretty low. I usually upload a better version later. You can find it at: http://www.anime-source.com/banzai/modules.php?name=Releases
  12. Just watched the subbed version of ep.23 Two words JOY GASM Oh yeah! Hot and steamy MS-on-MS action! Wow, what a great ep! Destiny has a lot of talking heads, but when they pull out the Mobile Suits do they ever! Seeing Kira with Freedom just owning everyone on the battle field made me tingly all over! The only thing I was disappointed with in this ep was Shinn.....I was hoping he'd react more strongly to Freedom, but he just sort of stood around with his mouth open until Impulse's arm got cut off. Boo Destiny rules, period!
  13. How hard is it to become a jedi on there? If I bought the game, would i have any chance at all of getting force powers (besides playing 15 hours a day that is )
  14. Holy......God...... You have to give this for the writers of the show, they can SURE leave you screaming for more! Those last moments of this ep sent a chill down my spine.....it looks like its gonna be a massive brou-ha-ha for the next one, and damn if the weekend can't get here fast enough! WOW!
  15. Hmmm.....I hope Freedom gets upgraded and not downgraded (i'm worried that there might be a Gundam X / X Divider thing going on here). Still though, i like the stylistic changes to Freedom So we now know what Stellar will be piloting eh? I can't wait to see the Colossus MSIA!
  16. I really wish they'd started the Clone Wars in the first movie, and had the same actors throughout the prequel - Hayden instead of Jake. I think it would have helped the flow of the prequels much more. Ep 1 just feels too removed from Ep2 and Ep3
  17. If its Aayla or Quinlan Vos you guys want, then definetely get the Republic book. Lately they're the ONLY ones who've been featured in it He's cool and all, but i'm rapidly getting sick of the dreadlocked jedi.
  18. I'd say the latter. Baaaah sheep-fan, baaaaaaaaahhhh!
  19. That's a clone pilot. He gets it in the Star Wars: Republic comic book, came out a few months back, and its from Asaj Ventress, right before he tangles her up in cables and drops her down into the bowels of Coruscant
  20. I disagree. In regards to the cartoon, the fact that it's pulling in good ratings speaks to the quality of the show and the fanbase, since Cartoon Network certainly have NOT gone out of their way to promote it - instead putting it in a Friday 1am timeslot, correct? (we don't get CN up here, but that's what i've been told). This is in contrast to the daily airings Wing had. The handling of the Gundam product is what my ass-tastic comment focuses on though and i'm speaking primarily about MSIA's and not the models - go to any of your major toy distributors and take a look at the shelves. For a show which has already aired 2/3rds of the way through, with supposedly good ratings, there is not a SINGLE Gundam toy out there - and what IS on the shelves has been heavily discounted. Instead of following what looked like a winning formula with Wing Gundam, Bandai screwed the pooch with G Gundam, and likewise with its Seed Gundam products. Their distribution system was horrible - G Gundam and all the Mandor and Toro MSIA's flooding the shelves (not to mention the endless Burning BS figures) killed any minute momentum the product had from the lethargic UC line, and Bandai's release of 3 different versions of the Strike Gundam MSIA, not to mention the Astray's (which were cool but which did not figure into the show at all) in the first wave, while the iron was hot (so to speak) pretty much were the final nails in the Gundam merchandising coffin from an action figure standpoint. Why Bandai didn't release all 5 of the prominent 'hero' Gundam figures in the first wave is still beyond me. Regardless though, they were able to take a franchise which had excellent toy sales with Wing and run it UTTERLY into the ground - there have been NO new US Gundam action figures for nearly a year now on the shelves. Hell, even He-Man lasted longer than Seed. I loved being able to find Gundams on local store shelves and buying them without the inflated prices. But it's become apparent that Bandai USA do not know what they are doing, and that their actions have hurt the Gundam franchise as a whole. Thank god that the japanese market is still going strong, otherwise we wouldn't be getting any MSIA's at all.
  21. There will always be some group out there who will ignore the license and continue subbing. When you have a raving fanbase and literally thousands of downloads per ep of your product (generating huge profile), then you'll have someone providing it. Honestly, now that i've heard Destiny has been licensed i'm sort of disappointed. Why? Because of the completely ass-tastic way that Bandai America handled the Seed license, including the products. I honestly don't expect much better from them, and would rather that Bandai as a whole keeps Gundam in Japan instead of taking massive losses in the US
  22. The answer? WHEN THEY DON'T GO TO THE STARS!!!! ARGH http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=19608 WHAT THE F**K?? Ok, this franchise REALLY needs to die right now. As exciting as it would be watching a drunk fly around in a rocket with warp engines on it in our solar system, thanks i'll bloody pass. Enterprise has a hard enough time navigating around the galaxy. With a ship that's set so far BEFORE Enterprise, we'll probably have a rip-off of Apollo 13 or something, with no anti-gravity, no phazers, no shields, no transporters....guns with bullets, large spacesuits.....if I want to watch that, i'll catch the next shuttle launch Jesus CHRIST, what the HELL is wrong with Paramount? I just don't understand it!
  23. Woah! Kinda makes you wonder if Stellar is even capable of drowing
  24. Those crazy guys at millenniumfalcon.com are reporting that the live-action Star Wars tv series will be set to bridge the gap between Ep 3 and Ep 4. They're usually pretty accurate with their forecasting, so i'm gonna go out on a limb and believe it to be true: http://www.millenniumfalcon.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3251 This, IMO, blows salty monkey nads. We've had to put up with this bloody prequel trend for, what, 7 years now?? Star Wars set the ball rolling, and others picked it up like Star Trek, Macross, Smallville etc... Even Robert Jordan wrote a bloody prequel book! Enough is enough! If there's one thing I CANNOT stand it's knowing how everything turns out in the end - it honestly detracts SO much from whatever it is i'm watching. While I understand there's something to be said for knowing how things came about, I'm constantly hampered with the knowledge that "Yes, Anakin turns into Vader" "No, Roy doesn't die in Mzero" "Clark will end up with Lois, so the whole Lana love thing is pointless" whenever I watch any of those shows/movies. I was really hoping that Star Wars would set the ball rolling again by not focusing on the past but instead forging ahead into an untapped future (and while the Expanded Universe is nice, I don't give two craps if it's over-written by a TV series). Those rumours i'd heard of Mark Hamill returning to play an older Luke in a post Ep-6 tv series made it sound incredible! Just think how cool that would be to see the restoration of a new Jedi Order on screen, following the exploits of some NEW, original characters, who we don't already know how/when they die. Instead, we'll probably see Vader wipe out MORE Jedi (how sunny! ), or follow Boba Fett around until he trips and falls into the Sarlaac. If it's the adventures of Young Han and Chewie, I will murder someone.
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