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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Daaamnnnn, I can't wait to see the episode that that spoiler pic features!
  2. I saw the Master Replica's Vader saber at my local TRU for 150 dollars, and I was very tempted to buy it. But I'm going to wait instead for the "Build Your Own" saber set coming out. As for Master Replica's....i figure when they eventually perfect the technology of the removable blade (it's bound to happen), then i'll buy one.
  3. Oooh, very purdy. I just wish they could've had some of those Hi-Mat wings detach and become funnels. Ah well, maybe on the third, Even Nu-er Freedom MS that'll be released for Gundam: Seed: Destiny: Athrun's Counterattack
  4. How does this compare spec wise with the 360?
  5. I seriously doubt that it's not Athrun who's piloting Justice. Maybe he steals it from Neo or something, but there's no way he's not getting end up in it. Although they could probably rebuild Saviour...we do see them salvaging it in the next ep, and from past precedent it seems that an MS has to be completely vaporized before it can't be rebuilt (see Strike and Freedom )
  6. Holy god I wonder what sort of job this guy has to be able to even afford all of that. Surely that indicates some basic social skills, doesn't it?
  7. Holy God, what a great episode! Although to be honest, I'm annoyed at the way you can have 5 shows of talk, and then suddenly one show where so much suddenly happens! Blast Impulse explodes, Chaos and Saviour get pwned, Luna gets taken out, and Abyss goes bye-bye. Best part of the ep was DEFINITELY Shinn v. Kira.....Impulse flying horizontal over the water with Freedom above was beautiful, and the look on Kira's face when Shinn evaded his strike...FINALLY we get to see Shinn become an ass-kicker. I just loved the way they paralleled Kira's introduction with Seed ep.34, and the way the parallel suddenly takes a downward turn, resulting in the last half of the show being a complete and total clusterfart. Awesome! The only part I didn't like was the way Athrun got owned soooo badly by Kira. They're supposed to be comparable warriors, and Saviour is supposed to be a next-gen MS, yet within a second Kira utterly disassembles it. Honestly, i've been pretty unimpressed with Athrun in this series...he just seems to fly around and never actually be effective - you'd think he'd finally be the one to take out Chaos this ep, but it ended up being Kira as well. What the hell happened to him?? Maybe his ass-kicking skills will reawaken with Knight Justice.....
  8. It looks like when the hand held guns are stored, the railguns+beam sabers fold back to form the rear skirt armor of the mech, then fold out to the sides when the hand helds are being used. Very cool twist, I like that a LOT Its just a shame that there aren't any weapons in the new Hi-Mat wings though. Knight Justice having a beam shield is kinda cool, but he still needs more ammo.
  9. Boy, is the Knight Justice ever undergunned. Saviour has more firepower than it does! If anything, it should've been this MS that got the chest cannon, not the Super Freedom.
  10. What the hell? The Justice is completely unchanged apart from semi-folding wings! That's so lame Jesus Kunio, I didn't think you could sink so low
  11. Hey all With all this Star Wars hype abounding, i'm thinking of signing up for Star Wars Galaxies. Ideally, i'd like to one day have a Jedi character (naturally haha). Do any of you know what the process is like for this? I mean, is it random, or will I have to spend 14 hour days sitting in front of my computer for a year before getting it? Any info would be appreciated!
  12. I will bet a doughnut that Rey will become the pilot of the new Providence. As being something like a Raw clone with the newtype ping I can't see anyone else piloting it.
  13. Ok, seriously, I know some of you guys are ripping on this, but I think that the designs look pretty damn good! Yes, it's Robotech, yes it's Harmony Gold, BUT it's also a new anime with transformable airplane mecha and a continuation of mospaeda designs, which people generally like. Given that there's so little Macross/Robotech anime out there, the more we have the better. Why is that such a bad thing?
  14. That's either a product of late 90's form-over-function design or an indicator of some of the torture that the damned go through in hell: Satan "Bwa ha! I'm so evil, I give you only ONE boot!" Spawn "Waaaaandaaaa!" Bleh, Spawn's dead. It was cool for its time, but end it already.
  15. Those looks more like ZZ etc designs applied to Seed than Brave. Cool though. The Full Armor Strike Gundam looks pretty deadly, but i'm not sure if it can actually move I thought that was Rey's job?
  16. A new GuAiz? Weird. Justice looks to be pretty expensive....that must mean it has one heck of a backpack! I'm looking forward to all three....can't wait to get em.
  17. HOLY! I hadn't even noticed that! Wow, good call! That makes the happy ending in TPM all the more insidious then!
  18. Good eye! That's what it was! The leg on the lineart and that in the preview are identical. It'll be fun to see these guys in action (and get owned by kira hehe)
  19. Look at the price though! Would you drop down 400 dollars on a large grey sphere of lego??
  20. Can anyone tell what type of MS the Freedom is fighting in next week's preview? You only really get a glimpse, but it looks like it could be a new EA suit....or an EA suit with a flight skateboard? hmmm
  21. Yeah, I figured that that was Justice and Freedom's primary advantage over other MS's in atmosphere - they didn't need a flying skateboard like the rest of the GAT series. What I was alluding to was the fact that along with providing Freedom a hiMAT, its wings also hid two massive cannons. I don't see where Nu-Freedom's Wings can hide any weaponry in them so far
  22. Who wants to bet that Yzak's gonna be getting that new Blue Gouf? Colour scheme matches his Zaku, and it looks like his Zaku's weapons have been grunt-ified. Woo! New Justice! I can't wait to see this sucker! I always thought that suit was underrated. Anyone got any clue what the Nu-Freedom's wings are for (apart from looking pretty and making a large target?)
  23. Isn't that the point?
  24. Yeah, Cagalli going Seed mode really made zero sense to me. Humans can do it now? I've never gone Seed mode (except when I was blindingly drunk I think....) I'd write it off as due to her relation to Kira.....maybe since they're siblings, he's doing some newtype hocus pocus and sending her some of his power? Or maybe her genes WERE altered a bit? dunno....
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