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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I'm curious, i'd like to hear from you all exactly what the appeal of the FIX line is for you. I'm not being snarky or anything, I just really want to know. I picked up one FIX figure out of curiosity's sake (The GP-04) and really wasn't impressed - it was more fragile than an MSIA, had very poor articulation, and the paint apps were just a shade less messy than on the MSIA's. Yet it cost much more. It's not a good toy, and if you want it for display purposes the models seem to do a better job when it comes to detail etc. So what's the allure of these guys? What do they have that a model or an MSIA don't?
  2. Bwah? How the hell did Lacus get the Gaia?? That's too much of a plot hole not to address in the actual series. Dang.... There's no way the Akatsugi could defeat Legend or Destiny. It could last against them for under 10 minutes depending on the pilot, if that.
  3. Wow, you can really see the design elements of the Strike in the Akatsugi. But this should then lead to the logical conclusion that the Akatsugi will get raped in battle, especially against the Destiny. I mean, 2 seconds combat time tops. The producers really shouldn't have shown Strike getting wiped out by the Zakus last ep.....
  4. Do you have any sales figures to back that statement up, or is it just speculation?
  5. New pictures of the Strike Freedom and the Net premiere of the Infinite Justice MSIA's right here: http://pine.zero.ad.jp/~zbm98327/LIST/ibe/ibe8.htm I'm getting more and more nervous that the Strike-Freedom figure doesn't have detachable Dragoons. Lord, I hope this isn't the case, cause it's a beautiful figure. Infinite Justice looks......(wait for it).......infinitely better than the Justice AMSIA! *ba-doom-boom*
  6. Ah geez, that sucks. I hope HaroHaro and Seed-Fansubs can keep it going. I know that when the original Seed aired, most of the groups died around the end of the series, just like now. Having to wait an extra day is bleh, but c'est la vie. HaroHaro usually gets their subs out within 48 hours.
  7. Hero Legends is good - the AG Turn A sub is probably slightly better in terms of translating quality, but HL is very close, and has double AG when it comes to the amount of eps released.
  8. I don't know about that. From everything i've seen, Seed Destiny is ragingly popular. How many other series do you know that have 3+ fansub groups devoted to it? And everytime I go to download a new ep the seeds and leeches number in the very high hundreds. I think it's also doing very well in Japan, although i'm not entirely sure. I love the Turn A universe, I love the story, the characters and everything. I watched it once, and am now rewatching it, so i've seen the Turn A Gundam in action quite a bit. But even then, its design still bugs me. I can't stop thinking how much cooler it would be to have a more classic Gundam design in the Turn A setting. If you want to see what I mean, take the Turn A MSIA and replace its head with the RX-78-2 v.2 head. Just that change alone improves the MS fourfold.
  9. A Turn A prequel as an OVA would be cool, but i'd love to see a Turn A sequel with a better designed mech. I don't think the Turn A went over well with fans, so it wouldn't make much sense for Bandai to resurrect it again. Another series that really deserves more credit is Gundam X. Now that the myth of its 'crappiness' has been dispelled, maybe Bandai would revisit that world with a sequel or so. Or they could do something completely new, never-been-done before. Like time-travelling gundams, or gundams vs. aliens, or whatever. It seems that'll be the only way to please those fans screaming that everything since Zeta has been nothing but a 'rip off' of the original story. Seriously, be careful what you wish for, or you could actually end up with something like G Gundam again. And that wouldn't do any of us any good, now would it?
  10. With Seed Destiny wrapping up in 10 eps, what do you guys think the next major show will be like? Another setting in the Seed Universe? Another side story in the UC? Or something completely new and bizarre, as in G Gundam. The term "Mobile Suit" had me thinking - a new twist on the Gundam series could have the MS's actually be person-sized suits, a la Iron Man. It'd definitely be different lol. Or do you guys think that sort of thing would be too much of a risk for Bandai to take? Any other thoughts? I wouldn't mind seeing a continuation of the Turn A universe....hmm.
  11. Only if the purpose of the show was to be a completely brand-new addition to the Gundam franchise, as opposed to a revamping, in which case the suits are great! I'm going for the explanation that this is a second Gaia. I can't think of any way they'd be able to steal the first one, although it would tie things together a bit closer in terms of story and plot. I guess Andy saw the specs of the Gaia, saw that it had an MS similar to his old Bucue, and said "me wants". I like the colours of the new one also. I'm wondering though - comparing SF to Legend, Legend actually seems rather inferior now. They've both got 8 dragoon unites, but SF has lots of other doo-dads while Legend really doesn't.
  12. Hmm......i'm liking that new SDF much more than the previous "flying zap gun" model that they were going to use.....although it still lacks the sheer beauty of the SDF-1. And i'm failing to see where all of this Shadow Force is coming into play, what with the purple Alpha's and all. I agree also that a battle with the VF's, the Alpha's, and the Hovertanks would rock my socks.
  13. Holy God, I swear.....Seed Destiny is like a 30 minute orgasm. Seeing Andy out in the awesome Gaia recolor, seeing the Meteor being used as part of Eternal's armament, seeing Kira piloting Strike (and seeing it getting totalled due to its outdated tech) was just fantastic! And then of course there's the Strike-Freedom. If I could have its babies, I would. What an amazing MS, and an even better introduction! I am getting insanely crazy for Shinn vs. Kira round two! While yeah, there seems to be a lot of crying Cagalli in the next ep, it at least introduces a cool new MS, which is always a good thing in my books. Dammit, I can't believe there are only 10 more eps of this show! boooooo
  14. Ok man, fair enough, so the logical thing would be for you and the other people who hate the show to stop watching it right? I mean why would you watch it if you can't stand it so much, unless there's something about it you actually like? Just got the Destiny MSIA - great figure, although it has some flaws, specifically the energy shield hand guards - they fall off if you look at them funny. The beam boomerangs are also a little loose when stored in the epaulets. But apart from that it's an excellent figure, probably one of the best, most stable, MSIA's made so far.
  15. Ok, there is no way Destiny is even close to the insanity that was the Duck!
  16. $200??? Why am I not surprised The first thing I thought of when I saw that was "no way in hell are they only going to charge $80 for that, even though it's what the price SHOULD be". Taking the risk with $80 dollars on an Alpha with coked-up monkey quality control is one thing. Taking that same risk with a $200 Beta is entirely different. And one I probably won't take quite frankly
  17. Damn, what an amazing episode! Seriously, now that Destiny is ramping up for its final arc it's getting crazy awesome! Destiny is just as powerful as it should be, although I was a little disappointed that Rey didn't do much with Legend. Hopefully we'll be seeing more of that suit in the next few eps. I LOVED Destiny's "shining finger" attack. Everything about that MS is wonderful. While I normally am lukewarm on Kunio's design skills, he did a bang-up job with Destiny: 1) Continuation from Impulse, yet different from Freedom? Check 2) Shades of Zeta Gundam? Check 3) New and unique weaponry not currently used in the Seed Universe? Check My only complaint about Destiny is that the MSIA doesn't come with those gorgeous wings. Boooo I agree, the opening music kinda sucks, but again I liked the homage to Zeta by having Shinn running along there at one point. Color me crazy, but from the way people were set-up in front of their respective MS's in the opening and closing, I really got the impression that it will be Mwu who'll take the Bling Gundam, not Cagalli. Which would be just fine in my books. To all of you who hate the show, you're forgetting the whole point of Seed and Seed Destiny: to take those parts of the old Gundam series, rework them, re-imagine them, and re-invigorate the franchise. If you guys want brand spanking new, totally unique stories, characters, and MS's, go re-watch Turn A. Seed and Destiny have always been about RE-TELLING what's come before. As someone who's watched (and sometimes suffered) through ALL of the Gundam shows that have come before, I have to say that the Seed and Destiny team are doing an EXCELLENT job. Quite frankly, I think that Seed was far superior to the original MS Gundam, and Destiny completely owns and outshadows Zeta in every single way (hehe, can't wait to see how many people I have screaming at me for that, but it's true).
  18. Dammit, when are we gonna see the Strike Freedom and Knight Justice?? I swear, the writers of Destiny are prick-teases of the worst kind
  19. Dude, did you not read the part where I said I loved the show itself and thought it was one of the best Gundam series produced? If Syd had even just moved the mustache down a bit lower on the face to make it like a chin-guard and had the two distinctive Gundam nose-slashes on the mask, i'd have been happy. Ah well, c'est la vie.
  20. I have that idea in my head because it's true If you compare any of Katoki's mecha revamps, they all look amazingly cooler than the originals. Just take a look at his Gundam Wing redesigns to see what I mean. Of course, our tastes could differ and I understand that. I also think his take on Turn A is a lot better than Syd Mead's. But to be fair, I only really have a gripe with the design Syd went with for the Turn A's head. The rest of the Turn A body is cool and neat, especially the thrusters. But making the head a bit more traditional (in the way that Katoki did) would have gone a long way towards making the mecha more generally accepted instead of inspiring a "wtf" reaction when seeing it. You know that when the characters in the cartoon themselves are calling it ugly, something ain't right (see Episode 15 for this, and Lily Borjarnon's comments).
  21. Turn A was an excellent Gundam series, one of the best around period. I just wish they'd have let Katoki work his magic on the Turn A Gundam instead of having it be pure Syd Mead. It just looks so damn goofy, and for the last, ultimate Gundam, doesn't look like a Gundam at all.
  22. Hey all, from the planet of the Giants, comes the new Transformers Cybertron Metroplex! Now with "bend-over-and-take-it-like-a-man" action features! http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachment.p...tachmentid=8639 http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachment.p...tachmentid=8640
  23. That was awesome! hahah!
  24. AWE - FRIGGIN - SOME! I thought that while Strike Freedom looked cool it seemed to be kind of depowered to be a new "upgrade" - if the wings are all funnels, then that suit is gonna rule. And those wings are about as Aerodynamic as the Nu Gundam's funnels, and they still flew around But again though, Knight Justice really needs more weaponry....maybe it's got some funnels hidden in its lifter pack somewhere too.
  25. guys, just go to www.anime-source.com to get the latest subs, they were released yesterday by the Cellphone group.
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