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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Aw man. I have the original Exia release and the R3. Do I really need another one just to get a new backpack? I keep thinking about that Malibu Stacy "new hat" Simpson's episode... Likewise, I have the Metal Structure Nu - do I really need another variant?
  2. I have him in hand. No QC issues to report on my copy, and it seems quite solid to me with no fears of breakage anywhere, at least so far. Does anyone have any specific questions I could answer?
  3. I would go bananas for a real-life firetruck Rodimus Prime toy.
  4. Thank you. That's actually the best and most rational explanation i've seen to my question, and that makes a lot of sense. Ahahaha. THIS is exactly what i'm talking about! Why won't it stop?! We're at such a point now with Trek that my first reaction to news like this is "oh no". Can't wait to see how they ruin Worf, Beverly and Geordi now. I feel sorry for Wil that he wasn't invited back, I think that's probably driving him crazy right now given how much of a fan he is of these shows. What a world....
  5. I get all of that, and this isn't a new phenomenon from what I understand. Complaints about Discovery etc. have been around since the first season, and I can't tell you how many Youtube videos are out there of people claiming that THIS time Kurtzman Trek will definitely be cancelled, only for a wave of renewals to be announced shortly afterwards. By all metrics they are hemorrhaging both viewers and money, yet the shows keep getting renewed! So does that mean, inexplicably, they are actually doing well and making money? That's the only logical assumption to make, right? Paramount shareholders wouldn't stand for it otherwise. This is what's baffling me the most.
  6. That's really awesome, and as a fellow Canadian i'm super happy for you. At the same time, Doug Drexler has been similarly promoting Season 2 of Picard and swearing up and down that it wasn't like Season 1, and for fans to give it a shot. We now know how that turned out... I really, really want to believe you, I really do. I'll definitely watch the first few eps just because i'm a huge Anson Mount fan and his Pike was the only good thing about Discovery s2, but I am not going into this series with any high hopes or expectations. STD, Picard, Lower Decks etc have burned my optimism too badly (I NEVER thought i'd miss Berman and Braga, yet here we are). That said, i'm really curious to see how they will address Pike knowing about his future. Like Seto Kaiba said, the fact that they revealed Pike's fate to him and that he still remembers basically puts him in godmode - he can't be seriously hurt or killed and he knows it. Will they reveal that his fate can be changed after all? I'd love it if they do, and keep him (and the audience) in a constant will they/won't they guessing game. I'd also be completely fine with him not getting Vader'd. I don't really consider any of Kurtzman Trek to be canon anyway, and i'd have no issues with this being an alternate timelime or something.
  7. I think I was one of the first people to get the original 80's commander releases, and after only opening up Ace I immediately sold them all off and made my money back, like the day I got them in. It wasn't so much the body sculpt or the weapons, but the weird bald extra heads that really turned me off. I did po the v2 cartoon release though, and it looks like that was the right choice. I hope the weapons are a bit more sturdy now, but otherwise I think these should do the trick and can't wait to get them in hand.
  8. I've given up trying to argue with people about Kurtzman Trek. I often feel like i'm on crazy pills actually. What seem to me to be glaring plot-holes, poor characterization and nonsensical writing doesn't seem to matter to the people who are fans of this show. When I point them out they're dismissed - is this what gaslighting is? I truly do not understand how these shows are as successful as they seem to be, or what the fans of these shows love so much about them. I'm not trying to be an a-hole, I genuinely do not get it.
  9. Ok, so I guess there's the explanation. I'll amend my statement to just aiming it at this Spencer guy as being scum. I hope his lighthouse suffers continuous blown fuses.
  10. So resurrecting this thread as it's been close to 3 years since I paid USD$102 as a deposit to MAAS toys for their Hovertank, with no news and their website gone without a trace. I'm guessing i'm never getting that money back at this point right? Scum like this make getting legitimate projects started that much harder, since, at least in my case, I doubt i'll invest in one again.
  11. Who was asking for this? Who wants to watch a psychotic, megalomaniacal murderer flounce around the galaxy? And I still don't understand how she got such an easy pass from Burnham et al. while Lorca was condemned as a literal Hitler before being stabbed and vaporized.
  12. Just paid for my shipment with Anime-Export!
  13. Thanks jenius. Do you think that Sentinel's QC will be better than Evolution toy's and break the Legioss curse? I've also heard mixed things about their Ride armor.
  14. So i've been able to snag an unopened Evolution Toy ETA Legioss for about Y17000, before seeing all the reviews on this site (of course). My question is: is it worth opening, or would I be better off just trying to get rid of the thing and waiting for an eventual Sentinel release? I know that one of the main complaints is that the toy is overpriced for what it is, but with close to $100 off the MSRP, would you say it is worth it?
  15. Magnus

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh man, the 31A is like a better version of the 30 without the stupid missile pod and an actual military style paint scheme. If they release it it will be an instabuy for me.
  16. Magnus

    Hi-Metal R

    Is it a fun toy?
  17. Magnus

    Hi-Metal R

    So I can get the GBP VF-IJ priced for Y12700 at a local store tomorrow. I'm very torn, so i'm asking you guys for advice: 1) Is this figure more of a toy than an expensive model? Meaning, is it fun to play with? That's kind of what i'm looking for. 2) Is the transformation relatively simple and easy compared to the 1/60's and 1/48's? 3) Is the partsforming a pain or relatively painless? The add-on landing gear instinctively bugs me, but i'm wondering how much of an issue it would be. Overall, do you find that it's worth the price?
  18. There's one auction going on on Yahoo Japan for the Yamato figure, and it's already gone past $750. If this is less than that then I will happily buy it. I was really, really hoping that Arcadia would have re-released their figure, but you snooze you lose.
  19. Holy god, I have to say that that is the best looking Voltron that I have ever seen. It makes Mad Toys's Golion look like junk! I just wish it wasn't a Toynami product - you just know that the QC is going to be horrible. Still, it looks so good that I may take the plunge sight unseen....
  20. I have to say, it looks incredible. And at 18" it'll be the same size as Hasbro's new Devastator. Triple the price though probably. Still, i'm gonna get this. It just looks too good, even with Toynami's terrible QC history.
  21. Yeah, brick and mortar in Japan is almost impossible to find stuff like this for. My best bet right now is Amazon.jp, where I snagged one for Y28000
  22. Toysbuddy is also sold out! You guys move fast.
  23. And it's sold out. Dammit.
  24. Can you cancel easily with Nippon Yasan?
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