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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Magnus

    Yamato 1/48 GBP Pic

    Given how heavy my 1/48 is with the Fast Packs on, this sucker will weigh a ton Better order a couple of backpack hinge recasts.....
  2. Hey Graham, good to know that the Blast Impulse is alright (I ordered that and the Saviour....lol even with QC issues i'm a sucker for MSIA's ) The Windam looks really cool.....this is the type of mass-production suit I was expecting. Those lower legs are pretty funky - almost devil-like. It looks like the EA's version of the Zaku: above cannon-fodder, but not quite Gundam level. ....at least that's what I would have said before Ep.6 - seriously, are the 3 Gundams all depowered compared to their predecessors or what? They got their asses handed to them by Zakus! Oh the irony... That actually sort of blows. I know pilot skill factors into it, but I mean, come on. What's the point of even making Gundams then if they aren't really all that much better? And shouldn't their phase armor have stopped them from getting limbs chopped off?
  3. I thought these reviews were kind of funny considering how many problems people have been reporting. I think its the duty of all macrossworld members to add in their comments! http://www.popcultureshock.com/reviews.php?id=2512 and for the Alpha: http://www.popcultureshock.com/reviews.php?id=3452 Oddly the 1/48 Low Viz only received an A rating, half a rating above the Toynami stuff http://www.popcultureshock.com/reviews.php?id=2529
  4. I mentioned the Shadow Fighter in Toyfare about 2 weeks ago! Grr, why won't anyone pay attention to meeeeee
  5. For those considering buying the Impulse MSIA's, i'd wait for a month or so for the second or third generation of figures. I bought the Sword and Force Impulse as soon as they were available and they both have pretty crappy QC problems - bizarre for an MSIA actually. I think maybe Bandai was channeling Toynami during October
  6. Did people have quality issues with the Jack Archer YF-1, or did Toynami have all the QC bugs fixed by the time of that release? I'm thinking of maybe getting one, just for the hell of it, and because I want a real valkyrie toy I can play with (unlike the fast pack 1/48 VF-1s, which explodes with flying missile parts every time I sneeze gently)
  7. Maybe by the time they get to the Shadow Fighter things will have improved enough for me to consider buying one...
  8. Hey guys, i'd still have whoever's babies in exchange for an R-L2 and an L-L2 leg parts for the 1/48
  9. Just as a heads up, for any of you interested the new Toyfare magazine which hit shelves today has pictures of the Shadow Fighter MPC in battroid, Gerwalk, and Veritech mode. I didn't but the magazine, but from what I saw I noticed: The chest intakes are different, and it has some sort of gun/rifle attached to the top of the fighter plane in between the missile racks/arms. Not sure if it has clawed hands though, as they were in fists. The head is new as well. It looks pretty slick, I might actually pick it up.
  10. No Man-Faye? Someone post that link again!
  11. How crappy is the one you're selling?
  12. I'm still dying for an R-L2 and an L-L2
  13. It looks like the Toynami Voltron can't bend at the knees. For 130 bucks, that's really frigging lame.
  14. Yup, those Autobot jets combine to form a gestalt in the old school way - that means interchangeable limbs, but with articulation. The Decepticons get the same deal, except its an upgraded Devastator and a Bruticus combiner (construction vehicles and combat vehicles) They all look awesome. Galvatron is the re-deco of Energon Megatron, and looks absolutely gorgeous. Swoop and Grimlock actually combine together to form a large robot....it doesn't look that great, and honestly, if you saw bigger pictures, I have a feeling you'd be less enthused about Grimlock.
  15. FYI - the other mystery character is Luke Cage, the Power Man. Also, She-Hulk is to be a member as well. Actually, it sort of makes sense. I view this as Bendis's "JLA-ing" of the Avengers, and in the JLA you have Batman and Superman, who each have something like 5 monthlies or whatever. Since Spider Man and Wolverine are arguably THE most popular Marvel characters, having them together on a team is a money making idea. And let me just say that I LOVE that the Sentry is on the team...his character has so much potential, he absolutely rocks. Plus we'll get a kick-ass villain in the mix too. The only thing that's got me scratching my head is Spider-Woman....she's a lame character to begin with, and with Spider Man on the team seems to be totally redundant. Why is she even here? Does anyone care? Personally I would've added the Hulk and Captain Marvel to the roster.
  16. How much is each volume, out of curiousity? 10 volumes....that could be quite a lot of dough
  17. Oooh, is that the new Shadow Alpha I see there??? -no, I don't think it is. Anyone have any clue what this could be? http://afigures.com/g/?mode=view&album=200...ize=800&start=0
  18. As a die-hard fan, my first impressions on the Gundams: Meh I don't HATE them, but i'm not really enthused about them. They're re-hashes of re-hashes. I dunno, they just seem really uninspired and, quite frankly, BORING. Impulse Gundam - how is this guy any different than Strike? It just has more and bigger weapons. The Sword-type reminds me a lot of Rising Gundam. Saviour Gundam - Aegis again. Great. Two guesses who's gonna be piloting this one. Chaos Gundam - has Aegis's feet, although those rounded engines on the back seem cool - kind of an A-10 tank-killer thing going on. Most unique one of them all I think. Abyss Gundam - a cross between Forbidden and Mermaid gundam, right down to the legs....which isn't a good thing. It looks like a little egg. Gaia Gundam - Its Raven gundam that transforms into a dog instead of a bird. Argh, where's Katoki when you need him??? Go AWAY Kunio! You're done! I'm sure the suits will grow on me, but first impression is pretty bleh. And toywise, these are gonna be pretty top-heavy.
  19. Hey Haterist, just wanted to say thanks for the stand, got it in the mail today - my Valky looks beautiful flying off into the sunset (or towards a stack of folders on my workdesk hehe)
  20. So Jessica Biel has joined the Air Force. Lucky flyboys....
  21. I #*&$!! hate Canada Customs, and i'm a canadian! It seems like every package I get sent to me gets held up for at least a week. And IT IS Customs, NOT Canada Post, who actually do a really good job of delivering mail quickly, when they can. To add injury to insult, Customs then CHARGES you about 10-15 dollars for their "handling" fee - so you have to pay them to have your package delayed, rifled through, and taxed. Thanks.
  22. Wow, I didn't think WB could possibly come up with anything more idiotic than Catwoman. Way to beat my expectations WB!
  23. That just sounds so wrong....
  24. Dang. I was hoping they were seperate parts because one of those grey pieces actually popped off. Thanks though.
  25. Hi guys, I need the following part which isn’t listed on the parts display at the beginning of this thread, so bear with me. On the right leg of the Valkyrie, right below the exhaust vent, look at the first joint that can bend the leg forward 90 degrees so that it can stand in Gerwalk mode. Behind that joint is a pie slice shaped piece meant to fill in the hole that would otherwise be left between the bottom of the leg and the top of the leg when it is bent. It is comprised of two pieces screwed together, is dark grey, and has 4 lines etched into it. I need a them lol. If anyone has this, please please let me know, I’ll be glad to pay. Also, is the this the thread where you can order one of those backpack recasts? Thanks a lot!
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