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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. It's like the Strike, V2, and God Gundam mooshed together. I was wondering when Kunio would whip out the G Gundam designs and incorporate them into Seed....hell, he's tapped pretty much every other series (except for Turn A, thank god) Still, as Blender Gundams go, it looks damn cool, and I can't wait to see it in action and buy its MSIA. Destinyyy....FINGAH! *touch*
  2. It started off great, but slid into mediocrity and nonsense by the end. I was pretty disappointed. There were a LOT of dangling threads left open, not to mention contradictions (shouldn't the main character have died when Kreia was killed, due to that whole Force bond thing?) Ah well
  3. I like it! It'll make a nice counter to the Freedom. What are those things on its fists though?
  4. Retain your own identity next time and don't play the part that someone else labels you with. Don't give into peer pressure, it's not worth it. I think you need to take a swim in "Lake You"!
  5. Goddammit Jemstone, the hell is wrong with you? Do you not know how to disagree but be civil about it at the same time? Way to nuke my thread.
  6. Oooh, those transparent MSIA's look nice! They're exclusives though right?
  7. Wow, check this out: http://www.trekunited.com/news.php?id=13 Some anonymous donors pledged 3 MILLION to help get Enterprise renewed! Crazyness! Although I have to admit, ever since Coto came onboard, the show's actually been pretty damn good
  8. Rey is also his love monkey
  9. Yeah, i collected them all, thinking that that was the end of the story. Then my girlfriend at the time came back from a trip to italy with an italian version of the book, which featured the Gigantics and some weird elf guy, and it threw me for a loop. I'd love to hear more about what the story is behind them.
  10. I actually liked the way the story progressed in this episode. I thought the idea of a group creating war for profit (while not a new one), was a good point to include in the Gundam universe. Dullindal might be a good guy, but damn does he ever have sinister and evil looks. I think his is the most fascinating character in the show - what's he up to? It'll be great to discover. You know, if it wasn't for the scene showing the Minerva Captain and Dullindal in a post-coital setting, i'd almost believe that "Gil" had Rey grown to be his personal boy-toy. If you guys think that Rey's hug was a normal guy's reaction to a 'father-figure', then I think you should probably go into therapy and get some advice on your own family situations If it wasn't the cry of "Gil!" then it was most definetely the blush while hugging. But at least it was offset by all the bouncing boobies! Sweet, sweet fake-Lacus boobies....
  11. Bail's on the way to save the day! Or else he's just cruising Twi'lek hookers
  12. They look like Pokemon gone bad Jesus, maybe all this Anime influence on Western culture ISN'T a good thing after all....
  13. The guy with the long hair in the Anakin pic is Nick Gillard, the guy in charge of coming up with all the lightsaber combat for the prequel pics. The girl looks like Mousy McCallum, Rick McCallum's daughter, getting killed. SPOILERS (do I have to still say this?) And yes, Anakin does kill the younglings END SPOILERS
  14. Hahaha, that's AWESOME!
  15. Damn! At first I thought that that Aegis was an MSIA, but then looking at the joints realized it wasn't Hopes high, then dashed. Curse you bandai!
  16. Oh nice one - so he makes 40 grand and then shuts the site down and hands over all the user logs?? I never download movies myself, although I do grab TV shows that i've missed. I wonder, does the MPAA cover television as well, or only films?
  17. LokiTorrent got owned today by the MPAA http://www.lokitorrent.com/ It's interesting though - the last I heard they had acquried a group of lawyers and were raising funds to meet their monthly payments. I wonder what happened?
  18. Oh hey, you're from Ottawa too? Cool. No, this city is a wasteland when it comes to Alternators .....I have a feeling we'll get a repeat of what happened with Silverstreak, Hound, and DeadEnd - a few more months of nothing, and then BLAM!, 6 new alternators flooding shelves at the same time. Which is something I really hate, because it usually bankrupts me to buy them all at once
  19. Oh man, there'd BETTER be a Gouf Ignited!! And yeah, Athrun is the man....
  20. Thanks for the reviews Graham! Could you give us a picture of the Freedom side by side with the Impulse and Strike?
  21. I would just like to add my opinion here and say that Battlestar Galactica is some of the BEST scifi i've seen on television in a loooong time. If both this and Firefly were airing, i'd be in geek heaven. BSG beats the crap out of Stargate, not to mention Enterprise
  22. When did they release that Lilly Marlene?
  23. That's totally a Katoki drawing! Looks very nice. It's funny though - usually Kunio's mechs are the ones which look a bit more rounded and plump than Katoki's, but here it's the other way around. This Impulse has thunder-thighs
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