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Everything posted by Seanzilla

  1. If you don't mind me asking, which songs in particular are you talking about? For the most part I agree, especially with Eien (Eternity), incredible song, but doesn't have the same fanfare as the others from the Universal Bunny album. I don't think she has even performed it live like several of the others from the movie. Does it get any significant airplay in the movie, or at least the end credits?
  2. Awesome pic! Looks like you had a great spot at the concert. Judging by the picture the venue does look suprisingly very small. Was any of her back up dancers there?
  3. ^ I'm interested in that as well. Another question I have is the Amiami link does have a disclaimer under shop information that reads: "Some items are strictly for sale and use in Japan only. If your order happens to include one(s) that cannot be sold overseas, the sale will be automatically cancelled and you will be notified." My question is about the Macross name in the US, is that disclaimer implying the possiblity of not being available to ship to the US? Or am I reading too much into that and they ship Macross items over here all the time?
  4. I do have one advantage though, I have a 12 inch sub, so some songs like Welcome to My Fan Club's Night, bump so hard (even with the bass turned all the way down) it is hard for anyone outside of my car to hear the Japanese singing. Though I will admit, in cooler weather when I did have the windows down, I did roll them up and turn down the volume some as I pulled into the parking garage at work.
  5. ^ They've heard Diamond Crevasse too. All frontier songs, back ground music as well. Embarrasses the hell out of wife. Yeah it is, I am in the Dallas area as well. Well about 25 miles north.
  6. ^ Same here. I have a system in my car, pretty funny seeing the looks I get from people as I drive around bumping Infinity or Lion or something else from Frontier. Though I live in Texas, I haven't had the windows down in several months.
  7. I agree about the makeup sometimes, but in my opinion she is well above average looking. I saw her pics from Anime Expo, and it looked like they had her "dolled up" too much, though still very pretty. Some of her cutest pictures in her blog are those without makeup. I thought Side B was in larger venues? That Budokan concert that you went to earlier this year was a sell out wasn't it? Maybe the Bluray didn't sell well. (Though I plan to pick up a copy) I would be pretty disappointed if she doesn't make it beyond Sheryl Nome. She has such an incredible voice that sounds even better live than on cd. Beyond Frontier though, hasn't she been doing some music for other animes, and I think I saw she will be singing a theme song for an upcoming movie.
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