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Everything posted by Seanzilla

  1. ^ It's not even really setting up for the next episode. I mean, all this did was show how Cad Bane got the floor plans for the senate building. Which he used in last episode of season 1. A whole episode dedicated to showing him trying to get the plans, when it could have easily been explained that Darth Sidious gave him the details. (Not that anyone was asking how he got the floor plans to begin with. I mean he seems like a pretty capable bounty hunter, I am sure he has his resources.) The only redeeming part of this episode was the final moments with the Hutt council and Bane stepping up to take the job. Plus the Hutts actually speaking Huttenese (I think that is what it is) instead of Galatic basic like everyone else. I watched like 6-7 episodes of season 2 yesterday on bluray, I am telling you it is like they have an entirely different set of writers, directors, and overall mindset this season over the previous two seasons. I would be interested in knowing what their ratings are. I bet their repeat ratings are really low in when compared to the repeat ratings of previous seasons' episodes.
  2. ^ Yeah, I think it is another prequel episode to the Senate Hostage episode that ended season 1. Not really sure why they are bothering with prequels like this, especially since there really isn't anything going on or a decent story to tell. I think every episode this season has been a prequel to a previous episode from the first two seasons. Anyways tonight: Episode 308: Evil Plans Synopsis: In the middle of a routine shopping trip on Coruscant, C-3PO is abducted by the bounty hunter Cad Bane. Bane is looking for information about the Senate building and soon both C-3PO and R2-D2 find themselves trapped and tools of a plan that neither understands. Routine Shopping trip? Nothing says Clone Wars like an episode showing C-3PO running to the grocery store to pick up some eggs and milk for Padme. I just rewatched the season 3 trailer again and was reminded that there is still some good stuff to come. At least I hope.
  3. Seemed like most of the songs from the Universal Bunny album were not in the movie. Unless I just missed them? I didn't hear- Eien Izolado Gira Gira Summer Tenshi ni Nacchatta Aenai Toki Of that group, I would love to have Eien playing somewhere. Plus Gira Gira Summer seemed like it would have fit Alto and Sheryl's date more, though was happy to hear Pink Monsoon. To me they recorded a whole mini album for the movie but resorted to using many of the older songs. I liked Diamond Crevasse, Lion, and Yousei in the movie, but the rest could have been replaced with the new songs.
  4. No, week off. Seems like they could use it. Even though last week's episode was decent, it followed up too many slow episodes to really spike my interest. Had this been an episode in between several large scale action episodes it would have been better, IMO. Also it was clear that the time line continues to jump around as Ziro was back in jail. (He was freed in the final episode of season 1) On top of that, Anakin when confronting Ziro was awfully calm for someone facing down the one who put a hit out on his wife. Even with Ahsoka there, I expected at least some anger and agression. Recently got season 2 on bluray, and went right to my favorite, Landing at Point Rain, wow what a difference! I just kept watching through the entire Geonosis Arc, and realized how badly season 3 needs something like this.
  5. Episode 307: Assassin Synopsis: Tasked to protect Senator Padmé Amidala during a political mission to Alderaan, Padawan Ahsoka Tano is plagued by recurring visions of the recently-deceased bounty hunter, Aurra Sing. Finally an episode that sounds interesting. Well at least in that it has Aurra Sing in it. Though like last week, I will end up missing this episode for the Rangers/Yankees playoff game.
  6. New Macross Frontier cd out on 11/24: http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/m-serve/-/Information2/Z0221.html Using Google translation:
  7. More information including new songs for the event: http://natalie.mu/music/news/39232
  8. Tonight- Episode 306: The Academy Synopsis: Ahsoka is assigned to teach a class at the cadet academy on Mandalore. Soon after she arrives, Duchess Satine's zealous nephew and his classmates uncover a nefarious plot. Sadly, this is another episode that I am less than excited about. I sure hope I am wrong, but it seems as if the writers have chosen to lighten up this season. Outside of the second episode, it really seems as if they are strictly making these episodes more kid friendly, less violent, and a lot less about the war. Which is even all the more weird when you throw in the constant political elements that kids could care less about. Looking back on the trailers, it appeared as if they were looking to go darker and more serious. Hell, I thought there was an interview with Dave Filoni practically stating this?
  9. I thought that was on purpose though. Like that was the style of dance she was going for. Even May'n when doing Universal Bunny dances similar through much of the song.
  10. This was the first episode that I didn't finish. About half way through, I quit watching. Even the Jar Jar episodes or bad episodes like Senate Murders didn't have me stop watching. But this one bored me so badly, I just quit. I sure hope they go back to the war soon.
  11. ^ I can see the final battle in the second movie being more like episode 25 though. By that time, Ranka will have been established as a major pop singer, add in Sheryl, and I bet they have a new version of that Nyan Nyan Service Medley but with the songs from the two movies.
  12. Episode 305: Corruption Synopsis: Padme, on a diplomatic mission to Mandalore, guarantees the pacifist planet the Republic's full protection, but she and Duchess Satine soon find something sinister lurking beneath the planet's serene facade. I have to admit, I was really excited for this season, but thus far it hasn't really compared to last season, especially the first half of last season. And the synopsis of this episode doesn't exactly fill me with confidence in a great episode. I hope I am wrong, and the truth is, this could be like Senate Spy from last year that lead into the great Geonosis arc. This one could lead into some really good episodes... at least I can hope.
  13. I just got done watching it here at work thanks to the links provided in the other topic by Sketchy. (I must be a crappy employee, the last two days it was the Ranger's playoff games against Tampa, and today Macross Frontier consuming my time away from being productive) I have to say that my understanding of the Japanese language is limited to what I have learned watching Godzilla films over the years and of course Macross. But even with that, I absolutely loved the movie. Even the middle section with the character development was well done, as the story was somewhat different from the series. They had to re-establish a whole new story structure, and to me it worked. I liked the twist of Sheryl being a potential spy, and the events that transpired because of that belief. Also Alto's new connection with Sheryl when he put on the earring. I loved the songs at the end as well, from both girls singing Diamond Crevasse to Obelisk, to Lion. Still missed Eien (Eternity/Forever) though. I swear, I didn't hear it anywhere??? Nor Isolated now that I think about it. Overall, I now have a buring desire to go back and rewatch the series again.
  14. No problem. I am actually suprised to see it up online so early. Last year, they posted last Friday's episodes on the following Friday.
  15. Here you go, the full episode: http://www.starwars.com/theclonewars/?video=v001118#vid
  16. I get a message that says: sorry it is not available in your country... Damn!
  17. I like it a lot as well. I am glad to see them have a little more production value for her videos. Seems like they often just have her in a dark room sitting or standing there singing. Or in the case of Ready Go, just a pure white background. This one however rivals the production of U.S. made music videos. I hope the song is a success for her.
  18. While I don't agree, infact I could argue against a lot of that, I do agree with Palpatine killing three Jedi masters in like 5 seconds, two of the hardly moving. Even Mace was just toyed with long enough to look like the villian in Anakin's eyes. I do hope that the bluray release of Sith extends the Jedi Temple attack. I remember back in 05-06 there was talk about more was filmed with Anakin actually striking down several Jedi knights, and I would love to see that. However, sadly it was just reduced to 5 second security hologram. As for the series, it would be awesome if they do show order 66 on a broader scale. Especially if they keep introducing more and more jedi for the viewers to get attached to. Oh and the Padme thing, totally agree, I just keep telling myself that Anakin did permanent damage when he choked her... yeah that's it, I'll go with that. ---------- Tonight's Episode 304: Spere of Influence
  19. May'n's new video Shinjitemiru for the movie "The Incite Mill"
  20. ^ Well he definitely brought down any scene he is in in with The Phantom Menace, but he only had a couple of short and much less annoying scenes in Attack of the Clones. In Revenge of the Sith, he was just there for one shot at the end, during Padme's funeral.
  21. Tonight Episode 303: Supply Lines Sadly featuring Jar Jar. I thought they had learned their lesson, which is why he wasn't in any of season 2... Oh well.
  22. Andrew Zimmern of the Travel Channel, while in Japan covered Cosplay, and every now and then you will see Sheryl and Ranka cosplayers. http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Bizarre_Foods/Video/Explore_Cosplay_In_Tokyo
  23. I can't wait to read the impression from the show you saw. I read she did Eternity at the Zepp shows, at least the last one, which is one song I would love to see performed live. One of my favorites and sadly one of the least recognized from the Universal Bunny cd. Wish she did it at the Big Waaaaaaave concert. As for the upcoming Budokan concert, you're right, she is going to have plenty of new songs. From Frontier 2 to the Incite Mill theme (shinjitemill)to Ready Go, to probably another release of her own... I would assume. She seems extremely busy, I guess trying to strike while the iron is hot.
  24. During her final show of her Phonicâ—†Nation tour that just ended a couple of hours ago, May'n announced that she will be doing another big show in Budokan on March 6th 2011. That gives everyone about 5 and half months to save up.
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