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Everything posted by Seanzilla

  1. I don't think so, I think I read that they have at least 6 seasons planned. But I can't confirm that.
  2. Finally Season 5 Teaser Trailer: http://www.starwars.com/watch/tcw_season5_teaser_trailer.html
  3. I wasn't a big fan of the episode. Not liking Maul being alive.. that said, I hope Obi Wan finishes the job. Perhaps taking out both Maul and Savage. Though I can see Ventress getting involved, then her and Obi Wan defeat them. Too me it seemed like there was too many cut scenes or scenes showing characters "sensing" something sinister. The whole thing with Anakin and Ahsoka was completely pointless. As was the scene with Ventress having a drink with that bounty hunter. Also I would assume that Maul is no where near as powerful as he once was, seeing as how he would have about half his midiclorian count... right? That and like 12-13 years of no training with the force... Maybe I am overthinking this, but I would hope Maul in a one on one fight with Obi Wan (who defeated Maul as a Padawan) he would just get his ass kicked handidly this time around. That said season finale: Episode 422: Revenge Savage and Maul, no reunited, pursue Obi-Wan Kenobi in search of revenge, and the Jedi Knight finds himself forced to unite with a surprising ally to defend against the deadly siblings. Here's a preview of Obi Wan vs. Maul: http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/03/14/star-wars-clone-wars-darth-maul-obi-wan-rematch-video/
  4. Episode 421: Brothers The dark warrior Savage Opress is on a quest to find his long-lost brother. Could Darth Maul truly be alive, after more than a decade since his gruesome bisection at the blade of Obi-Wan Kenobi? Savage voyages into the depths of a twisted planet to find whatever became of the fallen Sith Lord.
  5. Actually she made an appearance in the Clone Wars movie which happened before her fight with Ahsoka and Luminara. But even prior to that there was an episode in season one with the traitor clone, that had Ventress. Anakin didn't seem at all suprised or angry of her still being alive. Plus outside of the battle in the trees, the Padawan Anakin mostly dominated her in their fight in the Micro Series. A more powerful Jedi Knight Skywalker has at times had some difficulty to just be even with her. Then there is the HUGE difference with General Grievous. If you consider the micro series a part of this one, that's cool. I just view it as pretty much seperate story/alternate timeline. Kind of like the Frontier series and Movies.
  6. ^ It was a deep cliff, and the look on her face was sheer terror... and she never returned. I look at it as though Anakin killed her in the micro series. Screaming out in rage at the end of the fight and returning to Obi Wan somewhat ashamed at what he had done. Episode 420: Bounty An aimless Asajj Ventress joins a team of bounty hunters under the leadership of young Boba Fett. On an alien world, they undertake a dangerous but profitable mission that tests the limits of their skills, and the strength of Asajj's character.
  7. Episode 419: Massacre Count Dooku is determined to have revenge against the Nightsisters of Dathmoir after their betrayal. General Grievous launches an all-out droid attack against the magic-wielding witches, and Mother Talzin and Asajj Ventress lead the defense with all the dark powers at their command.
  8. Anakin and Dooku have to stop dueling... It will take away from Revenge of the Sith. "My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count". - That won't have much meaning if they literally fight in the Clone Wars a week or so before their final fight in Sith. That said, this was one of my favorite fights in the Clone Wars. Anakin striking down over and over on Dooku while he was down, was kind of like Luke repeatingly striking down on Vader when he was down at the end of Return of the Jedi.
  9. Episode 418: Crisis on Naboo The Chancellor travels to Naboo to preside over a public ceremony, guarded by Jedi Knights. Dooku and his bounty hunters -- including an undercover Obi-Wan Kenobi -- launch their kidnapping plot.
  10. Graham, Rex was a major character in the Umbarian story. Probably the main character, conflicted with his duty to take orders without question. Plus he was in the Slaver arc too. However I would love to see the consequences of his actions from the Umbarian events. Like what is going on in his mind towards the Jedi, or what repercussions came from that.
  11. ^ Yeah. Bane saving Obi Wan as well. "If you're gonna kill him.. do it like a man"
  12. First of several attempts I guess. Heard they are going 6 seasons now instead of 5. Though the final season could be just one long battle that ends with Palpatine's kidnapping. Or it could be an extended look into Order 66... I guess the possibilities there are endless of what they do. But back to the question at hand, this plot is to get him on Naboo, so I doubt it has anything to do with Episode 3.
  13. Episode 417: The Box The disguised Obi-Wan accompanies Cad Bane and Moralo Eval to Serenno, where they enlist in a brutal competition with other bounty hunters from around the galaxy to determine who will participate in a plot to kidnap the Chancellor.
  14. I loved last night's episode. So much so, I watched it again here at work, on Starwars.com. Cad Bane looking for a new hat, at one point had Indiana Jones's hat. Freaking Awesome! haha.
  15. Episode 416: Friends and Enemies Fleeing across the galaxy with criminal fugitives, a disguised Obi-Wan, Cad Bane and Moralo Eval are tenaciously pursued by Anakin and Ahsoka, who have no idea they're chasing their friend.
  16. Episode 415: Deception When the Jedi learn of a Separatist plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine, one of them must go deep undercover as a hardened criminal to extract information from the conspirators.
  17. Episode 414: A Friend In Need A peace conference between Separatists and Republic delegates is interrupted by Lux Bonteri, the son of a late Separatist Senator, who involves Ahsoka in his dangerous search to find justice for his mother's death.
  18. ^ That song was released on her single of "Ready Go". It just wasn't included for some reason on the 'If You...' CD. The video took a while to load, so when I first saw that you were wondering where a song from that awesome concert came from, I thought it would have been that soft song she sings with the two girls in the nightgowns and the chairs... I had no idea where the song came from till I recently got Cosmic Cuune.
  19. Yeah, they are on a 4 week break. Good news is they have been replaying the Umbarian episodes during the break.
  20. Episode 412: Slaves of the Republic To locate the missing colonists, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka go undercover to infiltrate the slavers on Zygerria. Anakin struggles with his emotions as a wily Zygerrian queen forces him to take questionable actions in order to carry out his mission.
  21. Episode 411: Kidnapped Zygerrian slavers are behind the sudden disappearance of an entire colony of people on the planet Kiros. As Anakin and Ahsoka rush to defuse a series of bombs planted by the slavers, Obi-Wan must fight with their imposing leader.
  22. According to EW.com, The Dark Knight Rises will take place 8 years after The Dark Night. http://popwatch.ew.com/2011/11/21/dark-knight-rises-eight-year/
  23. That was such an awesome 4 part arc. The rest of Season 4 has a lot to live up to. SPOLIERS: That said, I agree about Krell, I wish he wasn't just straight up evil. When I was in the Army, I had a platoon sargeant like him that had the most idiotic plans of assault when we trained in the field for combat operations. Often ending up with our platoon getting wiped out. Then when our squad leaders mid mission, would change the plan of attack we would often succeed, yet that would piss off the platoon sargeant greatly. He was a real a&&hole and like Krell demanded complete subordination to his command. I was hoping Krell would have been a little more like that, just absolutely demanding his troops follow his command with no questions asked, regardless of the outcome. And perhaps in this episode have his orders been exactly what was needed to succeed. But the twist of him turning the troops against each other in the battle field was pretty awesome, then of course all the events that followed... WOW It was funny hearing Krell talking about being Dooku's apprentice. I know Dooku was one of the most powerful Jedi in the order and has since become even more powerful as a Sith... but Krell was absolutely dominating on the battle field. Dooku was easily taken prisoner by like 20-30 pirates in season 1 (I think). Yeah he didn't have his lightsaber, but still... Krell was wiping the floor with dozens of battle hardened, and heavily armed clone troopers. I think he would match up quite well against Dooku... Perhaps his plan wasn't to be his "apprentice" for too long... I think this is what makes me sad knowing he died... I would loved to have seen him take on Grievous or something... Hell this is exactly what General Grievous should have been in this series, you know minus the force powers.
  24. Episode 410: Carnage of Krell With two of his men facing execution for disobeying orders, Captain Rex must confront his overly aggressive commander, General Krell. Risking charges of mutiny, Rex must make a dark choice as the true face of the enemy emerges.
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