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Everything posted by Neova

  1. When comparing Takara's and HT's Deunan's then HT's is definately the bargain. I did say the 1/6 scales are for the "ballers" out there but HT's is worth every pennie I paid for. The pair looks so much better than Medicom's Solid Snake which cost a lot more! I wish HT had the Metal Gear license then we can see some kick AZZZZZ and proper 1/6 figures from that series.
  2. The "model kits" are basically unassembled figures! Fully prepainted? yes "Snap in" limbs? yes Fully posable? yes, as posable as or more than RAH:GI Joes Sculpts? Pictures looks "really good" for 1/20 scale I have the Aliens Snap figure set from HT. Sculpts look really good, a tad more realistic than the Joes. ~ RAH:Gi Joe size, pop in the arms at the shoulders, and legs at the "thighs", walla, instant painted action figure! I expect the same if not better quality. You can buy these as a random trading figure in single small sealed box, or as a fully boxed set with a few duplicates but you're guranteed the landmate. I bet the landmate may be seperate pieces packed into each box as it is too easy to pull out the "landmate" box since it is so much bigger. Best to buy the boxset to gurantee a landmate. You can customize or trade out the extras. I might head over to the HT shop tomorrow and drop a deposit now...
  3. A few weeks ago I dropped by 2 of HK TRU's and nada. No Joes. The few that I see are online at the typical scalped prices. It sucks here for "American toys" even though its made in less than a 45 min ride from where I'm sitting. And I am jealous of Agent GHQ for his phat haul of Cobra Vipers. But not so jealous that I would give up my MIB LV1s for any of it. I think its time to do a surprise "factory inspection" on behalf of Hasbro for their RAH: GI Joe line. "We need ten cases of everything for LEAD and safety testing, including all those new unshipped items. And the concept prototypes! Send to xxxx"
  4. The 1/6 scale for all the ballers out there. <--- HT's version are truly Bad AZZZZZZZZZZ when compared to Takara's overly expensive but still cool Cy Girl Deunan. HT's is hands down the bargain of the two in terms of sculpt, quality and price. The 1/10 posables are for folks who just collects the key figures and looks incredible in the photos. Like mini HT's versions but molded in ABS. And the smaller scale 1/20 for guys who has "collect em all" or army building syndrome. I just wish the 1/20 were 1/18 scale instead for scaling / diorama reasons with RAH: GI Joes. I might pickup a set just to have that landmate! Anybody want figures alone?
  5. This is possible since you can rip and remaster BR discs but most people will end up downloading a BRrip instead, since I doubt many people have BR burners now. Also, for all that time and effort on your part to buy a R2 disc, rip it, add subs and remaster a BR disc, wouldn't you just rather have Bandai include the subs in the first place and at the same time increase their potential marketshare outside of Japan?
  6. That is just awesome! Great work!
  7. I was re-watching Macross Zero over the weekend and you can see a lot of this with Roy switching modes in his first battle with his VF-0S vs Ivanov's SV-51r. It appears in atmosphere, switching modes does provide increased manuverability and agility - fighter to gerwalk, gerwalk to fighter, then lastly to battroid for mid air CQB. Also the first battle with Nora's SV-51r vs Shin's F-14, Nora switches fighter to gerwalk when pursued by Shin to pull behind him. Thoses were some great transformation battles there.
  8. How high do you need it?
  9. Just some constructive critism to drive you to perfection. Don't take it wrong, I really love your site! I have both VF-X and VF-X2's game guide with lineart so if you want to update your site with the Vahalla III, I would more than happy to scan all of it for you or anybody else. I also have the original resin kit and can forward you copy of that manual. Just gotta dig it out of my Valkyrie Hanger. Let me know if I can contribute and keep up the great work. Now I wish I can find a site with details of the rest of the Macross Universe (destroids, civilian crafts, characters, races and etc... ) with picture references besides the nearly text only Macross Compendium.
  10. Wow... Great update and so many customs to make... sigh... Still don't see the Vahalla in there. Keep it up!
  11. If they make a R to A (adult) rated remake, then I would watch it. But I bet they will dumb it down to some PG-13 junk so meh. Wonder when we can see a Robocop vs Terminator movie? Then follow up with the ultimate crossover - Robocop vs Terminator vs Predator vs Aliens! I bet we can setup region MW group viewings for that!
  12. Bring cash and credit card when you head into Tokyo! So many toy shops to run through! Someone posted a thread in the sales section under dealers or where to find shops for Japan. Good luck!
  13. Corrected! Forms! But 15 times National Grand Champion, regardless of age, Jet Li is still faster and the better martial artists. Wing Chung is nothing to sneeze about. My friend is a 3rd level black belt Si Fu in Wing Chung and could take down a lot of people. Good thing he is a pacifist and in it for "excersize". If you watch a lot of Jackie's movies, his focus is still based on acrobatics, not combat forms so I don't know how hardcore Jackie is nowadays. Of course, the real winner would be Bruce Lee if we revive him.
  14. Former Chinese National Grand Champion Full Contact martial artist trained from Shao Lin vs Chinese Opera Acrobat turned martial artist / movie star? 1000 USD on Jet Li.
  15. Make sure you guys put up a BT link for those of us on the OTHER side of the Pacific Ocean! Must include the Mac II scene where Hibiki fights the Marduk with the metal Siren! Crazy action. And great idea EXO! Wish I could be there!
  16. I just picked up my kits from Valk009 last week and I have to say the detailing, size and craftsmanship is amazing. These are definately a great deal for the asking price!!! The sculpting is so awesome, it makes me want to throw my 1/48s out just to have everything in scale! I looking to see if there are any heavy duty ball joints to make it semi-posable.
  17. Neova


    MT, That is great! Do you have a more hires scan of that and any other DYRL specs would be fine with me. Can't beleive how big Breetai is compared to all of the other Zentradis! Wonder how tall Kamjin and the 3 infiltratrion spies were also. Thanks! Anthony
  18. Neova


    Sorry to bump this thread since I've been trying to find a definative Zentradi size chart and this is as close to what I'm looking for. So the 1/60 Yamato Q-Ra is really 1/72 scale? If so, great! I can display it next to my 1/72 Hasegawa's, Arii's and Imai's. So does anybody have a size chart or listing of Zentradi and Meltradi characters outside of their battle suits handy? Comparing the SDF:M Zentradi (grabbing Roy Focker's VF-1 foot) vs Zentradi surrounding Focker during Hikaru/Minmay's Saturn rescue shows clearly different sizes / scale. Need help here! Sorry, no Gold Book for reference. If you have one to sell, email me.
  19. DRYL HD vs DYRL Perfect Edition: I have the R2 Perfect Edition in big the LD size box, HK Licensed Edition (not bootleg) and clips from the newly remastered HD DVD edition. Best version on my 37" LCD upscaled to 1080p from my computer via HDMI is the R2 edition to me. LCD is calibrated to my computer for movies and the HD DVD edition is way too grainy. It might be my LCD TV with too large of a dot pitch but it is very "noisy" looking. Or wait for a cleaned up Blu-ray edition - I am holding out after comparing my R2 to the HD DVD version. Forget the HK or bootlegs. The low bit rates has a lot of compression noise. Better to just download a fan sub to hold you over if you cannot pick up an R2 DVD. Note: HD DVD and Blu-ray rips at 720p and 1080p look stunning on my LCD so I know its not my eyes. SD DVD looks fine if the masters were digital sources or cleaned up remasters. Macross Plus - do not about the AMV but if you spare the cash, get the new R2 Remastered Box set and find the subs on the net. Quality is fantastic! Or wait for the Blu-ray release. Macross Frontiers - download a fansub and you'll be saving your pennies for the eventual Blu-ray Box set!!! I know I am. You did't ask but: Macross 7 - newly remastered box sets (2 boxes) looks great but needs fansubs. Macross Zero - R2 Blu-ray boxed set is coming out! Macross II - R2 OVA edition looks fairly good to me on LCD upscaled. Do not have the "movie" edition so can't comment.
  20. Corrected! Thanks! Still wish the Macross Zero Blu-ray set has English Subs. Anybody have AonE or or ANBU-ONE's Zero Sub in SRT format to share?
  21. I picked up the AnimEigo 3 boxed sets for myself and another fan ~ 120 USD shipped 2 years ago and do worry about DVD rot. I might pickup the 40 USD set as a backup instead of the 25th Japanese Remaster SDF:Macross DVD set now as no one has side by side comparisions It also looks like there is a possibility of a Blu-ray edition, with Plus and Frontiers going Blu-ray! If true, I will pickup the entire Macross Saga on Blu-ray! Just need to find good subs to load up with the Blu-rays.
  22. Shin, Thank you for the detailed summary! Makes it easier for me when I'm hitting the shelves over here. Will advise on what I find here. I'll be more than happy to assist you guys with any TRU exclusives if I find it.
  23. Just checked out the list at hisstank. Pretty cool list to work off of! So would the two pack comic sets be good or should those be avoided as well for Wave 1-3? When I have time, I'm going to head to TRU HK and see what I can find.
  24. Shin and Southpaw, Thanks for the great summary and that checklist!! It looks like I should start with Cobra packs, and work on individuals from Wave 4 and up. The bad thing is there are not a lot of Joes here in HK but we do have TRU so I may be able to scoop up some of those exclusives. I'll check with BBTS also.
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