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Everything posted by Neova

  1. Turn on your air conditioning and it would de-humidify the room for cheap. I recommend you try to buy one of those air cleaners from Sharper Image. It works by using magnets to filter the pollen, dust, airborne pathogens, and etc from your rooms. Its amazing and the air is much much cleaner. It cost about 150 USD for a nice 3-4 ft tall one though. You can absolutely get rid of fungal or bacterial growth with a diluted bleach solution (the more bleach the faster the cleanup) but I would be very weary of trying it on plastic. You could find some plastic safe bleach but you would then worry about yellowing. Or try some "orange" citrus based cleaners. They work on light fungal / bacterial growth and are almost everything safe. Good luck
  2. Wrap anti UV - anti static - waterproof bags that don't deteriorate around them, bubble wrap, double box and store them at your parent's home until you get done with RL? Even if it takes you 10, 15 or 20 years to remember and find them, you would NOT regret keeping them. Ask how many of us here could have a 2nd chance to go back and keep all of our favorites toys from the past. The guy who invents the time machine and sells tickets for time travel would be so filthy rich, even if its just for the past.
  3. Hikaro and Azrael, Thanks for the summaries. It was VFX2 then where I saw that amazing FMV clip of the VFX team go up against the Macross 13 with its 4 Macross Cannons. Beautiful. Guess I would need to buy the games, a ps2 to usb adapter, game pad and download an emulator to experience the full effects.
  4. I was watching Macross Memorial and saw the anime footage for VFX/VFX2. I don't have a PS so didn't know about this but it appeared to be a "remake" of Macross TV and DYRL with much much better artwork. The backgrounds along were pure sensory overload and breathtaking (have not watch Macross Zero yet so cannot compare both). I was wondering if Kawamori-San or Big West have / had considered fleshing out the VFX series into an full featured Anime? I would love to see this. Actually, I would like to see the TV series updated with the same art quality but the same story / timeline.
  5. If you can get by with fake 3D, you can always search for pictures on the net, re-size to scale, print, paste onto 10mm or half in thick foam poster boards and cut out the prominent pieces such as buildings, trees, cars, pedistrians, moons, planets and etc... Re-arrange the layers so background is in the back, foreground items on top, and paste it back together. For ground items such as cars, park benches and trees, you can make paper / cardboard / foam stands (touch up and paint around the edges) and have your mechs / models in and between layers to give that 3d look. From 10 feet away, it looks pretty good. Or you can try toy stores and check out the action figure and doll isles. They sometimes have props that are suitable if you give them a quick make over.
  6. The cyclops look is actually there but all my shots were taken with sunlight and no flash so you would not notice it much. The thruster themselves actually look silverish gold when you see them in your hands and may be a tad lighter than the DYRL packs because of the booster colors itself. It tends to give the unit a greyer tone. The TV hands cannot be folded back into the arms so you would either remove them or swap the DYRL hands back in. I'm still debating about these hands. They look great for poses but I love the DYRL hand articulation. If you have more questions just ask.
  7. Happy Birthday Sebastian! or belated... depending on where you're at.
  8. Ah! Great work! I wish the low vis would be re-issued too.
  9. I was going to skip the Mac + line until Yamato scales it up to 1/48 but now you have me excited. Brilliant work.
  10. Yes it does and the box came with a whole sheet of the micro-missles still on the tree. You'll have to cut them out yourself like any other model kit.
  11. Sebastian, I would confirm if I could. I need to check with immigration to ensure that I'm not on their "next to be deported" list. My airline already knows to ask how many more months to extend my stay after I tell them my name. I'm working on it and will let you guys know.
  12. Hubert, The neck is kinda sticking out there on the 1J and not as integrated as the 1S, due to the longer face of the 1S. If you scroll back up and look at the side shot of 1J's head, you can see the neck is not bad. But overall, I didn't have problems with the neck. The one part I was worried about was the black neck base piece which flips and rotates. It's not flimsy per say but I would have liked it if it was thicker. During transformation, I was careful from Fighter to Gerwalk to Battroid but on the way back to Fighter from Battroid, I just transformed both like an 8 year would and didn't have problems. (Hint: Take the FPs off first and put them back on once your done). It was good to read about how you had to apply force to certains parts to snap them back into place which applies to both. As for fixes, the plane itself appears identicle to the 1S in terms of parts and quality. You can see the front shins on the two Battroids and how the imperfections are relatively the same. Graham listed in detail of the differences and most are cosmetic. There are some minor quibbles such as both air brake covers can loosen a tad and the two plastic hinges that supports the rear and front sections in Battroid snap off easy but don't break. With the FPs, you do need the extra support tab to keep the back up upright. I did not test the landing gears on either. There are no discernable quality differences AFAIK. Wasabi, I HIGHLY recommend the FP combo. You can always take them off if you don't like them and sell them to the hungry Low-Viz owners out there. I'm very happy with mine and did not regret spending extra for it.
  13. Close up showing arms and arm micro missle differences. Last pic for now before I get banned for lagging all the modem guys. Enjoy 1S: Those are big hands you got there... 1J: Well, you know what they say about guys with big hands! 1S: They were talking about FEET! BIG FEET! Not hands! 1J: You're just jealous 1S: I still have the bigger cannon... 1J:
  14. Close up showing arms and arm micro missle differences. Thanks Graham for the clarification!
  15. 1S: Check my new duds! 1J: Hey! Where did you get that cannon? Can I have one too? 1S: No! You only get that when you perform in the re-make movie! Ask Max for his!
  16. pressed the wrong button again! really need a delete post option here!
  17. VF-1S: Ahem... look at the camera 1J
  18. Yo! I'm the new guy! Take pictures of me! They want to see me!
  19. pressed the wrong button again! really need a delete post option here!
  20. So I got itchy after lunch and decided to take the boys out and compare them. Sorry for the pic spammage but these may help would be buyers decide between these two. 1S envies 1Js new addons!
  21. I would personally suggest you get Hikaru's 1S and trade heads with someone for the 1A style since this version will have all current QC issues resolved and updates if you want to go the cheaper route.
  22. FP arm cannons TV top, DRYL Bottom
  23. TV Pilot vs DYRL Pilot
  24. oops... pressed submit instead of attach picture...
  25. Trigger hand with thumb
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