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Everything posted by Neova

  1. Keep it up Master Cheng! I wish this PC was equiped with a DVD rom so I could have snapped stills for you. Graham might be able to help.
  2. Neova

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    Millia: Boo! Hikaru: snickers... Millia: Now where is Max in his power armor? Hikaru: I think he went down to the paint shop with Kakikazi... Next month... maybe...
  3. Neova

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    Hikaru: look at all those MW haters... you cost too much, your butt is flat, you don't have diecast, you don't weigh enough, you're not true 1/60 scale, you suck... blah blah blah... Millia: You herd them up and I'll reload my micro-missle pod... note to the humor impaired: Just kidding!
  4. Neova

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    Millia: You think this power armor makes my legs look fat? Hikaru thinks to himself... fat booty sure looks good on ole' Millie... I'll ride that... Lucky Max, that bastard. Hikaru: No, not at all. The red matches your green hair... You're part Irish right? Millia: I think I'm going to try out that Super 1J next month... These thighs on this thing sure feels fat to me...
  5. Neova

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    Hikaru: Err... Hey Millia, you seen my Strike Cannon and Fast Pack setup anywhere? Millia: No... I thought you gave that to Max when he upgraded to his 1S?
  6. Neova

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    Had a few minutes to look at the power armor and took some shots. These are scaled down from the originals. Enjoy. Hikaru: Wow, that sure is one BIG APPLE MECH! Gonna sneak up on Millia! Muwhahaha... Millia: WTF?
  7. PM Devin, aka Anasazi37
  8. There is a re-issue Hasegawa 1/48 F-14 Jolly Rogers Tomcat model kit that has those decals but it's not easy to find. Great original non Macross based custom! Perhaps you should talk to Devin about some custom decals for you.
  9. Neova

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    Graham, Great review. This is my first 1/60 and despite the non-articulating figure and limited posability, the fit and finish is top notch for a toy. Definately a keeper next to my Valkyries until Yamato releases a 1/48 version with MORE details and improved articulation. /wishful thinking mode off. I hope the YEN would drop some more so it can more satifying for everyone, even with all of the discounts we see, including mine. I took some box shots next to my1/48 VF-1S Hikaru Box so folks can get an idea. I know, late to the party.
  10. It has been delayed. Otherwise, Graham would have a review and photos to share with us.
  11. cripe, can you imagine if the GBP 1/48 came out ALL 1/48 MUST have GBP and FP setups! ALL Lucky I only have 2 1/48s now but damn, I need my Max 1S and Kakikazi and rent is due in 2 days and I'm out of ramen... Priorities I tell you!
  12. Great tutorial but I think the color matched FP is gorgeous! In fact, I think the whole FP get up needs to be color matched but thats my taste.
  13. OK, how much and put me on the list! I wish this would happen. I just saw the VF-0S fighter for sale here so I'm supporting Hasegawa with my rent money. Now if only they would send someone to read these forums .
  14. Looks great! Might want to touch up the arms when you get the chance.
  15. This bothered me a lot also. The scaling between it and the 3D model is off or looks to be. Its good to hear the nosecone to leg joints will be revised but that little dinky zit of a head... I guess we can hope Yamato will fix that. The rest of the sculpt looks pretty good to me though. Yamato, can I get my VF-0S with a side of SV-51 and yes, both Supersized (aka 1/48). Thanks.
  16. When you come down to HK, you can pick yours up! Snicker...
  17. I was wondering when you were going to let that cat out of the bag! Keep it up Tony. And for folks who were wondering, I think a bigger scale would be easier to work on... still investigating the engineering on this one.
  18. Me too! Is there a re-cast anywhere? Valkyrie? Taken orders yet? Great Job! I need an Elint to go with that too... Sigh...
  19. Great Job! That thing is so cute! I need to get some of those 1/100 kits and chop them down now. /another Macross fans falls victim to the JM disease... /hides from Graham...
  20. What he said!
  21. Got word the GBP Kit and Armored GBP VF-1J have been pushed back to May. Its confirmed.
  22. OT but for model guys, what is the best Commanche Model kit out now? Preferably 1/48 and 1/72 scales. Hasegawa? I need to pick up a few for diorama building and hopefully before prices goes crazy. Despites it cold war blocky look, like the F117 Stealth, I love it. Beautiful bird but hey, if it makes way for Macross Plus like Drones in the future, then so be it.
  23. Those are it (Set B). I have both sets and makes for great dioramas. I'm getting that Naval Flight Deck / Pilot set later and will see if I can figure out how to make a cardboard Daedalus deck or something.
  24. Great job! MW adds another crown jewel to the crown! Thanks Graham and Shawn.
  25. My source says Q-Rau will hit the streets early March but release date from Yamato is correct. I need to check on that Armored Valkyrie VF-1J date.
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