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Everything posted by Neova
funny thing is that if Yamato wanted to do this, they can do it easily ,than doing it by hand, with the greatly improved painting techniques in toy production. methinks Yamato can since they use sheetmetal painting "masks". You slide the mask over the parts, spray one color, slide second mask, spray second color and so on. Thats how the current parts are painted cept the numbers which look like hand held mask jobs. The only problem is cost due to time since at least 3 masks would need to be for each assembler / assembly line plus you won't get variation since all of the mask will be the same. Funny how much you learn from Engineering guys who deal with Chinese toy plants.
I'm ready to move on the parting of the first valkyrie. All buyers please PM me to finalize the deal. Shipping is extra. Here are all of the pieces that have been spoken for so far. I will be parting a Re-Issue Roy 1S. Edit - updated list again -lots of parts are still available guys Parts Set 1: Head - Eternal D SOLD Torso: Cockpit - whole shebang - EXO sold Heatshield - sold Legs: L-L2 - Anubis - sold R-L2 - Anubis - sold L-L1 - Dancougar R-L1 - Dancougar BD2 and BD3 - RTShark R-L9 and L-L9 - Wasabi Elephant Wings: Both - EXO - sold BP8 and BP7 Backpack piece - Seventh-moon on sold Gunpod - FlyingPika sold Gunstrap - sold Pilot - EXO sold - sorry no Hikaru 1S will be parted guys. Rare find nowadays. Sticker Sheet - Skull 0ne SOLD L/R landing gear doors - Skull 0ne on hold Diecast Swing bar - Skull 0ne on hold R-L7, L-L7 leg fins (both) - Skull-1 BC1 Chestplate (front ? ) - Skull-1 BP5 and BP6 tail fins - Skull-1 Right shoulder piece -buddhafabio Right hand - buddhafabio Parts Set 2 (demand will determine valkyrie to be parted) Head - hirohawa for 1A head Head - Haterists for 1S Head, Wings - R-W1 Numbered wing 001 for Haterists Heatshield - Haterists, Dancouger Nosecone + Radar - Sebastian Gunpod + Gunpad strap - RTShark Pilot - Skull Leader Front Landing Gear doors - Skull 0ne on hold Cockpit only (seat section + hud) Skull 0ne on hold Front Landing Gear Tow hook - Godzilla BP8 - Depthcharge R-L2 - ChristopherB BD2 and BD3 - haterists Parts set #3 1S Head -EXO BP8 - xxPenguinxx Gunpod - buddhafabio Tow Hook - Rewooh R-L2 and L-L2 - GreenGuy42 Parts set #4 Vf-1S HEad - To77 Gunpod + Strap - Etrigan
I FINALLY found an Armored Battroid kit and now see this thread. If you can do as good as those pictures, put me down for a full battalion!
Made in HK! We picked up a few sets during the shopathon. Graham can help you out.
PM our very own Valkyrie for a recast of this kit.
Interested but depends on pricing. Hollow resin would be nice and so would the inclusion of the launch arm. We can cobble something up from the numerous military kits out there for the launch vehicle.
Sorry no head laser. The whole head has been spoken for ATM.
Which part is R-L2 and L-L2? I haven't had a chance to look it up in manual yet since I don't have any of my personal valks here. PS: I am offering the parts service based on stripping a new valk, not Rob. I personally thank him for his outstanding community effort and just wanted to share and help other members out. Sebastian, I will put you down for the nose and radar on the 2nd valkyrie to parted if there is enough parts requests. Seventh Moon, please again, please clarify the pieces you need. I have you down for the backpack hinge.
I hate to bump an old thread but I am thinking about parting out a Brand New 1/48 Valkyrie to help those who have BROKEN VALKYRIES! Those who want extra parts for customs will have to wait for leftovers. The condition is that enough of the parts need to be sold to recover my cost. You pay shipping. I won't be able to fulfill orders until mid April but can compile a list first. Also, If you need specific colors, I can't help in that department unless you want to wait since I will part 1 Valkyrie at a time. I can put you on a list though. The specific Valkyrie will be determined by the color of the most requested parts. I suspect Roy and Hikaru colors will be the most widely requested. I will need help in determining fair prices. As long as I recover my cost, I am fine with this. Boxes and extras are also up for sale. Note that it is a LOT of work so please be patient. PLEASE DO NOT PM me. Just post your parts request here and I will update the posts as we go along. EDIT - See newer post for info
Sigh... I need to win the Lotto to build my Engima Squadron. Incredible work there Kurt! Incredible! PS: Do you actually have a DAY job or is this full time work for you? Any life outside of customizing? Not that its a bad thing...
Thanks for clarifying the kit limitations. My reference to EGO refers to those artists who consciously CHOOSE to limit their kits irregardless of licensing. There is one person withholding models (paid for or not) to MWers who comes to mind. It is their choice though. This is true from a legal standpoint but also speculative about the property in discussion. When a product ceases production, its demand can be ascertained by the market's request for it. If no action is attempted to meet that demand, then the potential income is ZERO either through the negligence of the copyright holder, sculpter or other reasons including inability to produce, didn't see the demand or somehow lost interests in the property. They would not have been able to provide for that market in the first place. Its like saying "People are hungry, yet I can't cook, farm, source food or do anything for them." Where is the potential income then? If you don't have the ability to provide, you won't make that income. There are customers waiting and willing to pay up to point. If you can find that equilibrium and the ability to provide, you will have that income. However, copyright infringement is a real issue whether the copyright holder can or cannot provide. There is no question about this. I fully see your points here. But at the same time, there is a percentage (really small percentage) of those who would have paid for the originals which is mostly the target we are seeing here. Again, it goes back to: 1. See market potential 2. Ability to provide 3. If you can, work on it. If not, and someone else can, so be it. Damn. After writing this long ass response, Grayson nailed it in the head. We're talking about a few lumps of plastic. Even if we're all passionate about it.
Thanks for the preview Hayao. Nice writeup. Now I can keep mine MIB!
A thought popped into my mind while reading everyone's posts. I see re-casting as a way to preserve what was long lost and unobtainable. I agree with the moral, ethical and legal issues in general but never being able to enjoy something as much as the original designer had wanted is also a bad thing. Think of all of those replica of out of production cars out there. There is a very SMALL hard core group of enthusiasts who work together to re-engineer, copy, share resources and inform other enthusiasts of the same interests. When car companies saw this, they went back to "remake" the oldies for a mass market audience. Granted, the model community is way smaller but the availability of 10-20 kits AT MOST for the whole community (did not factor the world) actually hurts the enjoyment of the designer's creation. I hope the designers will take look at how much people actually enjoy their work and instead of pointing out how we are deriving them of income (for unavailable products or defunct companies, this argument holds no water), work together with the community or someone and make their designs available again. Those who choose to limit the availability of their work do not raise the value of their creations but instead, only inflate their egos. Business and egos don't mix.
Are these guys based in HK? Do you have an address? I looked over their pricing and its a higher than local. I could swing by (when I return) and look at them. Hmm remind me to pickup my WF04 1/6 Solid Snake Re-cast and post pictures here so we can compare shop quality.
hey Im from the west side too West Siiiiiidddddddeeeeeeeeee! J/k! OLD 2000 Joke!
I'm from California but now reside in HK! LOL...
Ack! My bad! I was in "me want big Valkyrie" syndrome and thought D'Stance's YF-21 was 1/48 scale. It is only 1/72. D'Stance's 1/72 Perfect Variable YF-21 Nevertheless, probably the BEST YF-21 in existance right now in terms of detail and engineering.
Nice but set your camera to max megapixels, stand FURTHER away and cut out any excess background around your pictures. And update this thread with them when you're done.
Personally, I love them all! I want my walking armored column right there after my VB6 softens up the enemy, with my VF-X squadron flying in fast, strafe, transform to battroid mode and taking the rest of the unlucky SOBs left alive out. I voted Cheyenne since we all know the VB6/MKII Monster is KING! Can we see pics?!
I was about to reply and say yes but Carl is right about a big re-cast project. One thing is we don't know how animebox's quality is, unless someone here has a re-cast kit. I would rather have Carl and MWer take on the project, after the VB6 is done. Actually, I rather wait to see if we can procure D'Stance's Perfect Variable 1/48 YF-21! After that, all we need is a 1/48 Perfect Variable VF-4, VF-11C and YF-19 to complete our collection! And big Zentradi / Meltran mechs too. Yes, I'm a "big" scale and detail guy.
Exo, That is great if you loaned him your Hikaru 1S pilot. It would be cool if Rohby could cast one, and update the sculpt for a Macross Plus / VFX2 look. Then we could have 4-6 different versions for everyone. Hikaru 1S, Low Viz, TV, Hasegawa pilot and M+/VFX version, in addition to the old Roy 1S, MAX 1A pilot. I hope Rohby will have some time after he's done with the hands.
Absolutely Beautiful! Now if Yamato would produce them in 1/48 scale, I could build my Meltran Squad!
Wow! I had forgotten all about the escape capsule from the TV series! Awesome work! I would love to see a 1/48 Yamato version.
Here is the original thread discussing about a gummy pilot pack which went offtopic because I mentioned Yamato would be best working on big 1/48 SCALE M+ and up toys than making the pilot pack. I now have 5 different pilots to choose from and would trade all of my original DYRL re-issue pilots for recasts of Hikaru's 1S Pilot, Low Viz and some TV pilots. I also have Hasegawa Ground Crew kits where the original custom Low Viz pilot was taken from. Add a TV helmet to that pilot and you got Roy's TV version Pilot. AFAIK, nobody is working on this. I would be willing to lend pilots for a recast so long as I get them back undamaged. Yes, even a Low Viz pilot. Anybody want to take a stab at this? Rohby? Edit - I should mentioned the recasts should have the arms repositioned better ala Jung's custom CF thread. I also don't mind glueing the arms on since re-casts will require painting and limbs off would be easier. Hell, rescult and improve them a tad ala Hasegawa's 1/72 Accessories Pilot's details and we'll have the best high detailed pilots for our VF-1s. Throw in Eternal D's upcoming resculpted DYRL Fixed Hands and we can offer a kick ass MW High Detail Accessories pack for all 1/48 owners out there. Oh yeh, make a 1/60 pack for our little brothers too. Sorry for the long winded reply. Its the Product Designer in me.