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Everything posted by Neova

  1. I got the call from my model shop to pickup my WF'04 1/6 Metal Gear Solid Snake Kit and I remember how I missed out on some other great kits cuz then I figure I would get them when I have the time (and money). Well, I missed out then and spent too much money today. Tell me I need to get my head checked out.
  2. I've gotten a lot of PM's asking what is considered a set so here goes. BTW: Local pricing here is ~ 20-25 a set depending on where you go so it definately went up a tad in pricing after I purchased my set ~ 15 USD.
  3. Must get HOT after launching all 4 rockets. Who would want hot scalding heating tubes resting on their heads, even with a helmet? Interesting to say the least.
  4. Min, Thanks for the great shots of the helmet and clear FP! Now I really wished I blew my rent money on at least one of the helmets! Damn SO SWEET! EDIT - Noticed they spelled Valkylie phonetically as how all native Japanese would say it! No R sound in Japanese even though its spelled out that way. Thats a nice box just for a few pieces of the FP kit. Yamato sure loves high quality oversize boxes.
  5. Ok so how did I miss this? Beautiful! I assume no airbrushing?
  6. Thats actually a great interpretation of DYRL within the SDF Macross series.
  7. Guppy, Fantastic Job! Keep it up buddy!
  8. Calvin, Can you post some pictures of these flaws? I would like to check for them also. Thanks
  9. Skull-1, If I can remove the tail fins easily then yes you can have them. This would be for the pair with skull imprint. Chest plate is available. Did you need the front only or both front and back pieces? Pictures would help.
  10. I had opportunities to buy old Takatokus, Bandais, the first Yamatos (M+), old Matchbox Robotech lines, and etc... but didn't at those times due to budget constraints even though I loved Macross since the day it was released. My first Valkyrie toy (after 20+ years) was a Yamato 1/48 and I never looked back. No regrets knowing I have THE reference Valkyrie. Good durability, high details, high quality and fully transformable. My 2nd choice would be a Yamato 1/60 due to budget reasons. My third choice would be the classic Takatoku, Bandai originals or a re-issue. No doubt the best in durability and is THE OG of all Valkyries with beautiful classic packaging and incredible design for it's time. I wish Yamato would make their boxes like those OG Takatokus / Bandais. Forget the rest. It's crap for your money and yes, I've held up that MPC in my hands before I made this statement. Had to chemical burn my hands and waiting for new skin to grow back on. Disclaimer: These are my opinions and my opinions alone. I do not consider these opinions to be the absolute and only expression of the topic matter and do respect other's opinions which may contradict and differ from my epression. Feel free to post your own opinions but don't use my expressions as launchpads to senseless bashing and OT threads. Thank you.
  11. I just picked up the same set 2 days ago but didn't have time to take pics. Thanks for the pictures so I can keep mine mint! My set is up for sale too since I don't collect these things. PM me.
  12. Hi Anthony ...I really should've been more careful about posting that; looks like I've opened up another can o' worms. The Vf-1D project sounds like a relatively interesting one. However, if you look at the foreward fuselage of the D conpared to the A/J/S, there's quite a length difference. That, combined with the shortened chest armor and the need for a very long heatshield (to cover the elongated canopy) might result in an engineering "brick wall." Probably the best solution would be a "cheat" technique similar to what Yamato did in 1/60... It's a lot of work though. John, I don't have a 1/60 VF-1D so I can't compare. I do have the 1/60 Elintseeker and Super Ostrich but those two have bubble canopies which are different. I think folks would not mind a cheat techinique just for the heatshield. Perhaps a snap on affair like the arm FP micro missile launcher. I would not mind that at all. If you ever have the time (who has), I can help you get started since I will have an extra fully intacted 1/48 chestplate (no cockpit, no wings, no arms or legs, no head - so you will need to reference your 1/48 VF-1J) and whatever left over parts which I will gladly donate to you to start this endeavour. As for the cockpit, I love those ejection handles and think they add realism to the Valkyries. I now have something to do with my cheap F-14 kits.
  13. You are one SICK B*TCH! Did I tell you you're my hero? If I didn't have to pay rent and live off a 3rd world income, I would be up there with you guys. BTW: Great job Kurt!
  14. "To be in Love" by Lynn Minmay when she sang that to Rick Hunter... er... "Ai Oboete Imasu Ka" by Lynn Minmei on the bridge of the SDF-1.
  15. We need an update and I want to see Gene's custom collection!!!
  16. Neova

    1/48 Arm Armor

    Looking good there! Any chance of seeing pilot and strike cannon recasts?
  17. OMG... John, besides hijacking this thread, you're making me go broke. Put me down for 1. I wish I had enough to get 4 so I can have all 3 variants plus the stealth version. Edit - Actually, if you have free time, I would love it if you would take your skills and help us realize a 1/48 high detail cockpit kit, VF-1D, VT-1, and VE-1 conversion kits for the Yamato Valkyries. There are hordes of buyers waiting for these products. I'll take a full squadron or two.
  18. There goes the bar again... moving up up up and outta here! Us mortals bow down in awe. Did I say beautiful yet?
  19. Curious since this was before my fray into these forums but was this image lineart, a scan, a screen grab from a game or dvd or etc...? Dark Queen II vessel sounds like a must be made model / toy just like the Valhalla from Macross VFX 1 and 2.
  20. AFAIK, there are no intentions of releasing Max and Millia's VF-1Js without the TV Fast Packs. Its too bad since there seems to be a lot of interests in this setup.
  21. Jwinges, Great idea! You should also add the following colors: Enigma - Grey, offwhite Blue Roses Blue and digital blues Minmay Guard Paris color schemes Minmay Guard Moon color schemes Angel Birds - Red, White and Blue Kakikazi Green - my custom used Hasegawa's paint guide colors - pics soon DRYL FP Blue color TV FP Blue Color Macross Zero VF-0S Roy Fokker Macross Zero SV-51 colors There are more and I'll try to dig up my Hasegawa color codes over the week. So far, those are the closest canon colors I've actually seen and MUCH better than Yamato's sticker colors which are a tad too "toyish" for me.
  22. New Type Hobbies has closed it's doors when I swung by on my trip back to the USA. A family friend is close friends with the owner. I remember waiting to see his collection when he had the "shop" in his personal garage. One of the few original hard core Macross model guys in our area. Sad to see the shop go.
  23. Neova

    yamato 1/60 G.P.B Armor

    Last I heard, Mid May release date. The date changes but my source is pretty close.
  24. Very good and I like what you did the pilot. Gives me something to do with my the extras in my ground crew kit. So many customs to make, so little time (and money).
  25. Quick question: Can you attach Tread to an Imai 1/72 Alpha plastic model kit? And how does this resin alpha compare to those old Imai kits qualityand detail wise?
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