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Everything posted by Neova

  1. There should be a better movie version but these will do for now: TV Version Green DYRL Version Purple - Not quite but you get the picture.
  2. Valkyrie Hunter D, Would parts from a 1/60 Roy VF-1S Strike work? I need to know if there is even enough demand to warrent me buying a new 1/60 and parting it. I don't have a single 1/60 at all now. For all folks waiting on leg joints and parts, the hip section is glued together. I'm the process of removing the glue and hope to start shipping those parts by next week. Everything else has been taken apart and once this first set has been completed, I'll start on the second parting. Lots of parts still left.
  3. Neova

    Miria 1J out~!

    Haha! Getting mine in a few hours! W00t! Let see who takes the first pictures! Off to the races!
  4. Neova


    Sweet! Did I see two Robotech mousepads in there? Those are awesome. And G I Joes? Its amazing to see so many 3 3/4 GI Joe collectors who are also Macross collectors! Same great minds think alike!
  5. Rodavan, Great job! Any chance of a green and purple versions? Might give us an indication of how variants would look!
  6. Wow! That is awesome! And I thought those 3 3/4 GI Joe dioramas were kick ass. Now someone go make a SDF-1 or Valhalla at 1/72 full scale!
  7. Sweet. If only I had $$$ for that, though... Its a grip but its huge and fully articulated! Beautiful toy though. PS: I have them for sale
  8. I know this is the toy thread but can someone photoshop overlays or comparison pictures of IHP's 1/100 VB6 Resin kit and Yamato's versions? Both look the same to me since both have the same sculpter. Too early for pre-orders huh?
  9. Noel, Great JOB there! I don't see why you should give up just yet! You've progressed pretty far to me. Keep it up and maybe offer yours for sale if you get it done first or work together with Rob as a collaboration.
  10. Really, how much interests are there for these decals? I don't have the kits in hand so I don't have the decals now but if someone can give me HI RES SCANS, then I might be able to do something by leveraging other decal projects. Cost is extremely high to start production but if there are really a lot of interests, I can foot the initial bill. If there are only a few interests, we can save cost by printing a lot of different decals on the same sheet to makeup for the costs. I'm talking about every Hasegawa Macross, F-14 squadron and other decals you want all in one run and all scaled to 1/48 properly. Scans would be required of course. PS: This is all talk for now but I do have the means to make this if there is enough interest. Quality will need to be checked before any orders will be offered.
  11. Shipping depends on how it will be sent. If the package was boxed, it will cost ~ 12-15 USD as an airmailed parcel package under 0.5KG (~ 1LB). If it was sent out as registered air mail, it fluctuates based on weight. If you guys don't want the boxes, you can save shipping by registered air mail in a smaller package but not by much. Airmail from HK takes ~ 7-10 WORKING days to arrive into the US. Might take a few more days into Canada. It would be cheaper if you guys did a group buy and had it all sent to one person in the USA then distributed out to you guys. Funny thing is, thats what stores are for. They do the group buys and must re-coup their costs and make something back for the time they've put into it. Hint: Buy more, save on shipping by distributing the cost across more items.
  12. Devin, Fantasic Job. Absolutely your BEST so far! Keep it up Mad Customizer!
  13. Its popping up everywhere in HK for that price now. I was almost tempted to buy these little guys but must resist to save for big 1/48s and model kits.
  14. Neova


    If you have a relatively speedy pc, ePSX emulator works pretty good! www.ngemu.com for cool emulation news.
  15. Neova

    Custom SV-51

    Nice Flakker scheme!
  16. Thanks! I will try to snap more pictures this coming weekend. I have such a busy schedule already. Maybe after we get the VB-6 and IHP VF-4C out of the way. I won't be building this yet. I fully agree. The same goes for the VF-2SS which have NO decals. I'm need some line art and reference pictures so we can make some decals if need be. The detail in the kit is amazing though. The best resin kit I've personally examined so far. I found Club-M's VF-11B fighter from M+ and it was a grip ~ 133 USD. I should swing by that shop and look at the kit myself. I also found Club M's 1/72 VF-1x, VT-1 Super Ostrich and YF-21. If only Hasegawa would come out with the VF-4C, VF-11C, YF-19 FP, VF-19S and VF-17 S/D in fighter and battroid modes with full options (boosters, FPs, armor, etc...), I could save some $$$ and be very happy.
  17. I wonder how powerful Macross 13 from The PS2 Macross game was with 4 cannons. No Imperial Naval Force can take that thing head on. Well, a Super Star Destroyer can just ram it I guess.
  18. Shawn, Where do you find these gems?! We should have a pinned topic for hot links like this! Thank you!
  19. to177, No 1/72s to be stripped. Sorry buddy. Skull-1, Let me check on the leg fins. In fact, you can have the whole leg or attached pieces since those are still available. The front chest plate piece is yours. Skull Leader, Let me check on this again. Have to work it out with another buyer. Depthcharge, Good news I think. I checked the attachment points and think that piece is available. I need to confirm and have to pull the pins out without damaging them. Any ideas on how to pulll the pins out? I can push it through with a piece of stiff wire I guess. Everyone, Please be patient with me as some pieces are pinned and glued and I don't want to risk damaging any pieces. I will do my best to accomodate everyone.
  20. David, So you're saying if I have a Hasegawa F-14A kit and get the sprues for their F-16 Nozzles, then I will have an accurate F-14D to make into Shin's from M0? That's it? If thats true, I'll jump on that right away.
  21. Shawn, Thanks for the links! The Angel Birds Wing is beautiful and is that the Sonic Booster kit I see for Hasegawa's YF-19 in that picture?
  22. The model shop(s) I visit vary in selection and there is no one shop. I hit like 8-10 shops on each session. I paid a tad over 2 Benjamins for all of it, but note the WF04 Solid Snake is not an original. It is a first gen product preordered after pictures were released from the original event. Everything is nice, little flash, and the only dissapointment I have is the lack of details in the right hand fingers. This needs to be fixed with some putty and minor-resculpting before full assembly can start. If anyone wants one, PM and I'll help you guys out. I would love to make both of other two kits available for the masses down the line also but our resident resin guys have their hands full at the moment. The VF-2SS is nice, and includes 3 drones. The VF-11C is a "full action" kit with movable joints. The detail is INCREDIBLE. Make's Yamato's VF-11B toy look like a cheap knockoff. There were two at the shop 4 months ago but I couldn't afford it. Then one was sold, and I got anxious. Luckily, this was discounted a tad so I picked it up. Beautiful Kit from Reptu. Now all I need is D'stance's YF-21 FP and an IHP 1/72 YF-19 FP and VF-4 and I'm happy! A few members have PM'ed me on finding rare kits and sometimes I come upon some but the prices are usually crazy high (to me anyways). If I see a request and remember seeing the kits, I usually would tell MWers. BTW: The shop that I pickedup the VF-2SS can source kits from Japan. I tried to order IHPs 1/72 VF-4C from them and the price was somewhat reasonable if they can get it. But for now, I'm awaiting on our project VF-4C instead. BTW: I'm in HK so locality to Japan helps.
  23. While model shopping today (see VF-11c, VF-2SS, MGS thread), I saw a bunch of Academy model kits. But I did not see any of their 1/48 F-14 kits or Mig 29. I did see a bunch of SU-27 A/B/Cs. I was wondering about the quality of the Academy kits or even Tamiya kits since they both have a great selection of helicoptor kits great for UN Spacy support and such. The prices here are not bad. I just need to find time to work on them should I purchase them. Also, I found Hasegawa's 1/48 Pacific Fleet, Bicentennial and Black Knights Special F-14A kits but no F-14Ds here. Very hard to find as David had mentioned.
  24. And Mr Solid Snake himself who started this whole mess:
  25. VF-11C Super Battroid Kit. I think we NEED to re-cast the super parts for all of those Yamato VF-11 B owners.
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