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Everything posted by Neova

  1. List updated again. I might miss a thing or two but usually will straighten things out. For folks who need TV parts please state so so we can color match properly.
  2. And concept swing wing Naval ATF F-22. Don't know if ever produced:
  3. Someone asked so here is a picture of the ST21 (Super Tomcat 21 aka ASF14 Advance Strike Fighter 14 - if built from scratch). Such a beautiful bird:
  4. This sounds a like a good one. I love Indiana Jones. Madox-01 <- highly recommended! I agree with you on those 3 games. I would add Metal Gear to be an ANIMATED OVA or movie as well but with a good director and script, and not some Final Fantasy eye candy low rent script movie. If you want to see some non-episodic shows, I would suggest anything by Shirow. comedy, mech and action in bite size pieces and not in 20, 30 or 40 long episodes.
  5. Oriental = Eurocentric term used to describe people, place and objects EAST of THEM, who are the supposed center of the world at that time. The Earth is round, the only center is the core. Preferred "classifications" guidance rules to not get YOU in trouble due to ignorance: 1) Identify by name. Best option out there. 2) Identify by Ethnicity / Country - Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Thai, Viet-namese, English, Irish, Scottish, African, Pueto Rica, German, Russian, Yugoslovian, Ukranian, Morrocan, Indian, Pakastani, etc... 3) Identify by Geography of descent - British, American, Latin American, South American, European, Asian if you can't distinguish by #2 4) Identify by locally accepted terms: Black, White, Green, Chupa, whatever is ok locally. Europeans and many Asians can tell each other apart and usually follow #2. Its not that hard and rarely seems to offend. Americans might have a harder time due to the mixing pot and the vast cultural mix. At the end of the day, its just simple respect of what others would accept and learning that only helps you in the future. I stick by rule 2 unless I'm ribbing my Scottish friends by calling them English. British is acceptable though.
  6. Wow, that looks pretty good! I like the decal work. Can you stand it next to a 1/100 or 1/72 kit for size reference when you're done? Keep it up.
  7. Guppy, Drad summed it up. I posted about this when the Q-Rau first went onto the market. First time I've seen a Yamato Macross product dumped but at least now, we can offer better pricing.
  8. Exo, Thats almost 18 bux ~ 2000 YEN difference retail. CMS's Millia figure 2 Pack is ~ 3100 YEN ~ 27 USD retail so its almost in line retail wise. I'm really starting to like that baby blue hue on Max a lot. I might need more than 1 when it comes out.
  9. Neova

    1/60 Gbp

    Sure looks good to me! /hurries back to packing and shipping the GBPs...
  10. Blaine23, Thanks for the update bro. Placing order in a few hours. BTW: Can't wait to see your final design. Onimusha-shin, Looks like you can still order! Click on the link in the first page. Edit... went to Paul's website... wow...
  11. What about the X-29 concept as a new basis for the F-14 replacement ? or F-15 ACTIVE? I don't know jack about planes but I thought these would provide technology to make better planes, not fat craptastic skee shooting pigeons. Or did the F22/F23 incoporate all these advances and still fell under the F35 axe?
  12. There were 2 versions of Macross II - OVA (6 episodes) and Movie (re-edit like Macross Plus the Movie). Thought I added that to for completeness. Slightly related - you could add Macross 7 Trash - comic / manga side story of Macross 7 by Shoji Kawamori.
  13. DYRL -- damn it too bad I'm so far away otherwise I would snag a poster.
  14. OMG its not too late to order right? That is beautiful!
  15. I'm guessing production will have this gap as the cost to "fix" or make new molds are going to be high. I'm worried for this product already. The clown shoes and dragging chest... and this is going to be a revision 1.0 product. Sigh... Even Yamato's are not free from mold or sculpt defects but they do at least try to fix it eventually.
  16. I wonder how Project Super Nova would have gone if the beuracrats decided to interfear. The UN Spacy would probably be stuck with a "Super Thunderbolt". Going by the U.S. standard, UN Spacy will still be flying Super Strike VF-1Xs and Super VF-4 Lightning IIIs. Whats wrong with SS VF-1x and Super Strike VF-4 Lightning X? Would look cool nevertheless. USA: Gimme back my F-22 and Comanche which my tax dollars had paid for! Grr... Back to the original topic...
  17. Haterists and Fulcy, Thanks for helping out guys. I can save these re-issues for folks who want complete Valks since they are no longer in production and getting scarce now. And yes, both Anubis and Hurin will require parts from a Roy to color match. Fulcy, go ahead and take care of them. I commend the both of you for stepping up to help out the community. Now I can go and source that 1/60 for those folks who needs parts for that.
  18. Beautiful but your website is redirecting to somewhere else. Fix the link please!
  19. I'm adding these problems for my customer. 1/48 Millia Super VF-1J - Missing minus mold plug on arm 1/48 Roy Focker Reissue VF-1S - Head seem is too big Yamato's QC has gotten worst, not to mention the paint quality issues on M&M Super VF-1Js.
  20. I saw Legend of the Galactic Heroes at my local dvd shop in both boxed sets. Whats the difference between the two? Which came first or is one a re-telling of the other? I hear its good and had wanted to pick it up for a long time. I hope its up there in the same vein as Space Battleship Yamato, Captain Harlock Saga and Macross --A A good war drama series. Any other good recommendations?
  21. Neova


    Niicccccccccccccceeee! I love your panel lines. Marker? Great photography skills. Reminds me to practice more!
  22. Thats the nicest pile of blue blurry pixels I've ever seen. Damn glad I'm using my friend's DSL line cuz that was a total waste of bandwidth. Now if you would take some clear pictures, I would give you the props you might deserve.
  23. I have to agree with Graham about the YF-19 and YF-21 sculpts. Its the best out there but after you compare it to those Hasegawa conversions in Model Graphix, you realize those first Yamato Macross toys were a mile of suck... ok that was being harsh and should only apply to MPCs... hehe I think the VF-0S doesn't look bad in the pictures for a display unit but I'm worried about Yamato's lower QC standards these days and how cheap it may actually turn out once its released from production. I agree with others here in that I think they should just take their time, look at the competition (Hasegawa model kits) and give us one fugging kick ass product instead of a lame tie me over until the perfect variable unit comes out, but from a business standpoint, I can understand what they're doing. They need to ride the OVA while its hot, placate the MASSES, guage market interests, generate market awareness (BAD PR is better than no PR), then come out and fix everything (cept for a refund on this 1/100 or exchange program) with that 1/60 or 1/48 scale perfect variable VF-0S, 0B, 0D, SV-51, Destroid, PVC figure set and etc... line... At least I hope thats what they're thinking. For now, I'm going to get one just cuz I'm a huge fan of the VF-0S and worry that Yamato will have this go the way the YF-19 did...
  24. Seriously need a how to in the toys section. Beautiful!
  25. Hikaru's VF-1S is sold out.
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