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Everything posted by Neova

  1. David, GREAT shot! Any bigger ones? I think that was very fitting for our ex-president.
  2. I know one person who can answer that for sure but he is usually so busy. Have you considered going to a cheap toy store (Walmart, Kay Bees), look for those hair styling barbie clones with super long hair and snag one for a kit bash? You can cut the hair out and reglue em. Should be like a few bux at most. Its some type of nylon, and if you can't find it, try a fabric store. Or if you meant a hard resin type sculpt, sculpy works good from what I've seen here. Checkout cwmodel's Sara sculpt thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=6071 Good luck.
  3. Slightly off topic, but does anyone here know where I can get AnbuOne's scripts for MZero? I have the original DVDS here would like to watch it with their scripts. Thanks
  4. Keith, Is this true only for the Manga's R1 DVD or also true of the R2 Movie version? I don't have the movie version and was wondering about that.
  5. I have a request (please don't flame me but just read on): I have the M7 collection complete (Macross completist) and would like to have one box to hold M+ OVA, M7 (all disc + both movies) and perhaps M:2 OVA. My idea would be just like the Mikimoto box but with his drawings for M+, M2 and M7 in a big collage, watercolored and feathered / merged together. Hell, maybe a few M:VFX/VFX2 drawings mixed in too. Would other folks be interested a Macross Plus / Macross 7 combo box set made with room for 9 DVDs? I don't think there is enough interests to get M2 and M7 boxes made individually so a big post SDF-1/DYRL boxset might be feasible. I just love his artwork.
  6. I left it out on purpose, as I think it's a really boring color scheme I did forget the following though: - SDF-1 DYRL Type SDF-1 TV Type VF-5000B FP VA-3M VF-4 SW-XA1 (Don't like the SW-XAII tho) And still waiting for the kid. He's being lazy and doesn't want to come out yet . If he hasn't been born by Saturday June 12, the hospital will induce labor. Graham Graham, You also forgot the destroids and enemy mechs from both DYRL/TV, in 1/48 scale of course! I know HK housing is small but someone lost a house to you! remember?!? and in STANLEY! PS: Maybe if you stop playing those Fire Bomber CDs, the kid won't stay scared and will actually come out. Congrats again!
  7. Geecie30, Looks REALLY good. Anime line art look. I need to try this technique out. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Neova

    The BP8 Project

    Nice job but a few other MWers were also working on a recasted BP8, which I was waiting to see before spilling the beans. Good to have options and I'm sure you can hitup all those guys on the parts thread (pinned) for your support.
  9. Are you talking about 1/60s? I'm working on getting some 1/60s in for parting. I will get the list up and running in about a week and a half. Its hard to find the smaller strike sets now. No! About the 1/48s. Any chance? No! About the 1/48s. Any chance? You need find someone who wants to part out their Fast Pack Kits then. I could part out new kits but there there are so far, no demand for parted DYRL FP parts. Your first post was mis-leading because there is no Factory 1/48 Strike VF-1S from Yamato.
  10. I forgot one other addition : Car Paint. Probably the BEST quality paint you can buy off the shelves. But, all cars are primered to have the paint adhere to the metal, whereas diecast toys never seem to have that basecoat (or so I've seen). But even then, a lot of cars are clearcoated nowadays, unlike those fade-out Hondas and Toyotas of the 80's. A lot of the recent toys are definately enamels though. You can tell by the way the paint just flakes, especially on those chipped up $OC lineups. Godzilla, post some updated pics of your Kakikazi!!!
  11. Now that is skillz! Those re-joins looks REALLY good. I'm glad you took those pictures cuz I never realized Bandai's kit was so small. I'm a 1/72 (and 1/48) guy. Hasegawa needs to make a few 1/72 M2 kits.
  12. zeo-mare, Check the parts thread. I have the part you need and others in the US might also.
  13. Incredible. Great work! Post a how to kit bash when you're done.
  14. Are you talking about 1/60s? I'm working on getting some 1/60s in for parting. I will get the list up and running in about a week and a half. Its hard to find the smaller strike sets now.
  15. Factories use enamels. I've used acrylics so far and it is factory durable so long as you use add a clear protective coat. You can use matte, semi-gloss, gloss or mix layers to get near factory finish. When I get my spray booth setup, I'll try enamels and see how that comes out.
  16. eming, You're right about Hikaru's VF-1S including the better 2nd Rev DYRL Pilot Scuplt. I had a bunch of re-issues Roy VF-1S and Max VF-1A and for the love of God, I have no idea why Yamato re-used the old rev 1 craptastic DRYL pilot. No new Hikaru 1S pilot for Roy and Max. But Rohby recasted the pilots (You ROCK ROHBY) which has solve my pet peeve about the re-issues.
  17. Hmmm you can try a heat lamp but the PVC might melt or loose its shape... Thats the bad thing about PVC but a little heat should not hurt it.
  18. Leo, Cool pics and thanks for updating the link.
  19. Resident Evil The Movie wasn't that bad at all...
  20. I keep hearing Legends of the Galactic Heroes. Long space naval drama series with a more realistic tone. TV and OVA series. Radd and all... I saw an ad for a re-release of Captain Harlock and Space Battleship Yamato in Japan in July or so. 45,000 YEN for each boxed set. I hope these will be remasted! Which order should I see all of Harlock's series? There almost seems to be as much shows as Gundam!
  21. Sounds like 1/35 to me! Exo and Boba-Patt! I'm down for 1 of each! ... Blah...
  22. It is a definite possibility the contract/agreement would remain in effect but if Toycom was officially "closed" for business and the Yamato USA was opened, then perhaps it is a loophole... Toycom could have easily made a public statement that it had changed names... There would be no "loophole". HG would still assert its claim and jurisdiction over North American (worldwide minus Japan) DISTRIBUTION, copyright and license for Macross SDF-1 items. Any legal entity that attempts to distribute (wholesales) licensed Macross toys would fall under HG's ruling as of now. Grey market importers are totally different and are LEGAL. That is the loophole.
  23. No, its that Toycom never had a license with HG, was sold off to Yamato as a distribution arm, and Toynami was started up from the get go to have a license with HG, hence Robotech MPCs. In the end, same difference as stated above.
  24. Neova

    Armored Gerwalk

    Looks good but do post the other picture. Fulcy was working on a resin kit of this. I hope he can continue after he gets better.
  25. No kidding. I would have gladly gotten a Q-rau without Pilot Millia had we all known about the CMS set.
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