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Everything posted by Neova

  1. You slip in a notebook HD in there some where. I wonder when will a perfect PC based PS2 emulator come out so I can play Macross DYRL in 1600x1200 res ?
  2. Way cool! Now if they would release a MP Movie Version Megatron/Galvatron, I would ALL over that! You feeling me Takara?
  3. Devin, Your best yet! Keep it up! How did you paint the arrow on the helmet? Masking? Thats the part thats killing me right now.
  4. I just died and went to Macross Heaven... Incredible work John! Now get back in the lab and crank out the rest of the goodies...
  5. Sweet Mother of God! Breathtakingly beautiful!
  6. What a bunch of morons. Its the same thinking back when Mattel sued Aqua for the Barbie doll song. I remember a conversation with a Mattel marketing guy about how Aqua infringed then. I said it was only a parody and probably the BEST FREE marketing deal they got all year long. And he got upset over that. Now look at Barbie. She split with Ken, has new boys around her, and freaks all day and night. Some people just can't think outside of the box.
  7. Neova

    Max type blue?

    For the Yamato 1/48 blue, I actually had to mix Mr. Color's H56 bright blue and cobalt blue to get a good match. Mr. Color's Colbalt blue is too dark (look at it under sunlight) by itself. I'll dig out the color code when I get home. I forgot the ratio though so you have to play around with it. I believe it was 40:60 Others have said Testors Model Master's Colbalt blue is really close which I might try with the next Max VF-1S, but so far, mixing the two has the best results.
  8. Sizing up the Hasegawa 1/72 hands would be a perfect addition to the hi detail kit. Also, had I known about Rohby's recast 1S heads earlier, I would have asked him to add the details from the Hasegawa heads before recasting. There are many detail tidbits (not EXACTLY CANON) from Hasegawa's model kits that are lacking in the 1/48s. Thus my idea of the hi detail kit.
  9. Regarding the Thunder Hammer and Stampeed Valkyrie, you guys are right. I was thinking we could leverage some parts from a Strike Valkyrie to keep sculpting at minimum. The FPs, wing tips, nose cone, leg pieces are new.. Still the tranforming mechanisms and base Valkyrie is the same. It will be up to the sculpter to decide what existing pieces he can work off of, and what pieces needs to be designed. Same for the Thunder Hammer. I say lets start with some SuperOstrich, ElintSeeker, VF-1D or Hi detail upgrade kits, then move onto the Thunder Hammer and Stampeed.
  10. Great job Gundamhead! Now lets see some more scaling up! Finally we may be able to see Macross II and Macross 7 Valks take their place next to our 1/72 Hasegawas!
  11. Those figures sure looks good! Now someone make some 1/12 full action toys and I'll be happy! PS: Yes Graham, I thought over your comments about Studio Nue / Kaidoyo's Powered Suit and yes, it does look good now. Army building soon.
  12. Now THAT is a good reason for me to upgrade my aging PC! I think I need to break out the Low Viz and Roy 1S stash from the "vault". j/k folks... move along ... there is nothing to see...
  13. It would be the same as any FP equipped Valkyrie. Very very carefully. Or do what I do: Remove the backpack pieces first, to not risk breaking BP8!!!
  14. I want to see if there were any real world interests for 1/48 conversion kits that folks will PAY for. There may be minor modeling skills required, with a minimum of some mechanical inclination, and a maximum of customizing skills. Hopefully, installation will be in between there and simple. Please vote here and offer your opinions. These ideas originally broke out of the modeling thread poll for Monkey Nugget's next modeling project. I'm starting this new thread to keep that thread on topic, to give all you toy people a chance to give input, and to have these ideas produced. It can be a win-win situation to get top talent from Captain America or others to CONSIDER going forth and producing the toys we would want instead of WAITING for Yamato to consider something that probably WILL NOT HAPPEN due to financial feasibility for them, yet viable for the hardcore enthusiasts. So no commitment, production schedule, pricing or ETA is available yet. Please note: I listed CONVERSION KITS requiring you to have 1/48 already and / or Fast Packs to: 1) keep the cost down - less parts = cheaper price 2) keep installation simple - swap out a few parts 3) keep it realistic - less parts = less time = less money = higher probability things can be produced at a higher quality 4) start slow and let it grow - Give whoever undertakes this project a chance to start small, and build up their business with Hi Quality products. So don't go crazy asking for new scratch built stuff (yet). Piggy backing on existing products will let us fans get new products designed and produced quickly. Later, they can let loose to produce those 1/48 Destroids, Enemy Mechs and etc.. from scratch!! I left out NONE vote by accident. Just don't vote to keep the poll somewhat accurate. Here is the quality you can expect if John / Rob decides to take on the project! Pricing still needs to be discussed however. Pics showing John's handy work PS: Thank you John for your kind offer. I hope you know you opened a can of worms Regarding the 1/48 GBP Armor Kit Rumor here:
  15. What about the VB-6 Monster coming in Nov? What about the inevidible 1/100 VF-0A/B/D/S? Never say never!
  16. It was probably cut back then to not give away Macross Zero. A follow up would be viable provided the first game sold well. I think I should take some time off and see TGS but I don't know anyone well in Japan. Perhaps the Japanese members here can help us out. Man, I really need to get a PS2!!!
  17. Neova

    Max type blue?

    There were TWO versions of the VF-1A for Max. TV VF-1A Blue - Mr Hobby / Gunze Acrylics Bright Blue H15 or 65 for Enamels DYRL VF-1A Blue - Mr Hobby / Gunze Acrylics Medium Blue H56 (80%) + White H1 (20%) or Enamels 72 (80%) + 1 (20%)
  18. Hi Aaajin, Your gunstrap is not available (from me) right now. I just updated the list so everyone can see who needs what parts. I will go through the list and see if I can offer my leftover parts to everyone. Its hard to offer parts now that the 1/48s are so scarce. I may be able to offer Yamato 1/60 parts soon (end of the month) after I test a few things. If you need 1/60 parts, you can post your requests here. Donors would be Yamato 1/60 VF-1S Valks.
  19. I acknowledged the thread is 1/72 based but was thinking of John's post when I wrote my 1/48 conversion kit response. He makes valid points from a business perspective and I only wanted to see that the end results (more 1/72 kits made) through alternative means (1/48 kits for the Toy crowd which feels bigger, on MW anyways).
  20. Edited to keep the thread on 1/72 scale. I voted GBP Kit but I meant Thunder Hammer. How about a destroid assortment package? You can amortize the base (legs) across all 4 variants. Posability would sell me instantly.
  21. Captain, How about if you test this on the Valk booster you sculpted and see how it goes? Really! I would love to see that thing in 1/48 scale! I see the product works by expanding to 1.6 so it would be a tad bigger than 1/48 though. 1/48 = 1.5 X 1/72 scale if everything is correct. Now where I can find this stuff in HK?
  22. Neova

    Max type blue?

    Which one? The TV type or the DRYL Type? Both are different. I'll look up the paint codes when I get home.
  23. So you don't use two part molds at all? interesting. How do you determin where to cut? What about pour and vent holes and registration marks? I'd love to learn more about how you do this, as I'm pretty inexperience with casting but am trying to learn as fast as I can Thanks Sean This is a practical mold that addresses every concern you posed; http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/Lncrmld.htm Wait a minute here, so you can make the mold, soak it and blow it up proportionally? I have some ideas here but since I can't find resin casting supplies here, can someone try? I was gonna do the Mcguyver way with a tube of silicone to make the mold and will find a suitabilit "resin" - probably some kind of epoxy as explained by another member. Can someone try this : Blow up a 1/72 piece to 1/48? Think of the possiblities!
  24. Neova

    custom joke machine

    Can't see the pics here! Anyway to upload it to the server?
  25. All the reason to make it bigger. Scaling increases your resource budget (and price). And there really are no limitations at the Chinese factories since the tooling will be owned by Yamato. The bottom line is how much Yamato wants to spend to "tool up" for a perfect or parts swapping version. Again, I'll take a perfect sculpt in all modes with some minor parts swapping as a minimum.
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