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Everything posted by Neova

  1. The legs are very heavy (feels like diecast!!!) except for Vitzh (middle figure) which comes with a stand. The arms, legs, base, and head all snap together via small pegs. Not as articulate as KMS' GBP or Destroid figures, but not loose like the tranforming Valkyries or Bandai's crappy Gashapons. The head turns, arm pivots, legs move back and forth, guns rotate. Sculpt wise, very nice. Good details. Clean, elegent and very mech like. Small figures have come a long way since those old crappy 1/200 and 1/144 scale model kits. As good as those AC figures and better than the KMS or Bandai Macross Gashapons sculpt wise. These figures are also TALL compared to my Armored Core figures. Would make good companions to Destroids for those army builders out there. I am planning on repainting my leftovers for dio building. Now, I just need to get some Regults and pit them up against each other. And GUI, yes these figures definately own. I love the design so much I also picked up the XBOX manual just for the art. BTW: I DO NOT OWN ANY MACROSS GASHAPONS (hey, I have Yamato and Hasegawa to thank for this) so I can't compare the two, but the AC figures are roughly the same size as KMS Macross Figs and way better detailed. I only collect these cuz there are no other choices (for now). I will snap some pictures soon. If they build toys or model kits of these, all you gear/mech heads should pick up some up. Picture shows Studio Nue's 1/20 scale "Power Suit", Armored Core Gashapon, and Tekki VT Jaralaccs C figure. Note how TALL that guy is.
  2. VF-0S Fan, Nice RACK, er... cabinet!
  3. Sweet kits! There goes this months toy budget!
  4. Holy Crap! He makes those old Arii/Imai/Bandai kits look GOOD! Anime perfect! You can't beat the price of those old kits to learn modeling on. I need to pick up a few for fun.
  5. Neova

    TV Max Custom 1/48

    Actually not a bad job. Was this a Max 1A/1J mix? Looks accurate. I would say use a semi-gloss coat to tone it down. You can keep that 'freshly waxed' fighter look and still keep the toy shine there to match the rest of your Valkyries.
  6. Those are the default colors: Grey set, Black set and a Yellow set. Each figure stands between 100 - 140 mm. Piecing a complete 15 piece set (with 3 colors) is tough since each box comes with only 10 figures (2 of each style) but randomly mixed by colors. I have complete sets and loose figures if anyone wants any.
  7. Capcom Minifigs from Tekki (Steel Battalion in USA). Pretty cool figures with 5 different figs for the first wave and 3 different color sets. I have them if anyone is interested.
  8. Major Tom, Slick busts! It would be cool if we can have Valkyrie Busts made... VF-1A/D/J/S, VF-0A/B/D/S, and etc...
  9. Nothing wrong with a 1/48 Monster cept for space and shipping rates. G-system has their 1/100 Deepstriker Gundam kit at 38 CM high and 86 CM long. Huge but one beautiful piece of artwork... When you see the details in such a big kit, it really makes the smaller toys look like bootlegs. If we have to drop 250-300 for a plastic toy. It better have full posability (as much as a heavy tank can pose), full interior, openable cockpit, flaps, doors, full shells system, monster crew of 3, beer and pizza holder, and etc... and be on par or better than a PG Grade Gundam. Size is one thing, but Yamato is crazy if its just a big limited pose hollow shell. stampede_valk, I would love to see you pull it off but I'm holding back my reservations until I see pictures.
  10. Thanks for the links! Now you got me all excited about Legos again... just when I thought I kicked on habit for another, here I come again... Bah... toy collecting is such a disease!
  11. Oh yeh... I can't wait to see the 1/35 Re-issue EX-S full model! I'm starting to carry G-System kits so if anyone needs anything, let me know.
  12. Wasn't there pictures of Yamato's 1/60 monster here? I can't seem to find it. Why doesn't someone work on the 4 destroids? 1/48 scale would be phat!
  13. Someone needs to make a 1/48 or bigger Lego Valkyrie! Looking good! Does it come with chubby or skinny rebel pilot?
  14. Beautiful bird! I love the EF's sleek look. Why can't the F35 be that sleek? The last good looking American bird was the F23.
  15. Damn GREAT JOB! You got me aching to start on my MGs... so busy at work these days!!
  16. Not to go offtopic, but does anyone know if we have HIRES (600 DPI) scans of the original Takatoku / Bandai boxes? All 6 sides, dimensions, and complete for all of the different boxes? I would love to make a set for myself to use.
  17. Post pics Grayson! Does it come with FP equipped or is that another model kit?
  18. I would like one (or a few) for my 1/48s BUT: 1) It has already been sculpted for 1/72 2) The same sculpter can size it up to 1/48 3) It will be huge 4) Can you GURANTEE it will be on par or better quality than the original (see #1)? 5) What is the cost? 6) What is the lead time? 7) When can it be delivered? If you want really want take on a project for the toy folks, see this thread for tons of ideas. I checked out your friend's site. Really nice stuff but no mech designs that I could see.
  19. Haterist, I want to see your Lego Storm Trooper Legion go up against your Valks! Cool collection!
  20. The thing needs bulking up. Call Agent One to help pump this guy up. Torch looks like one of the casts from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Mr Fantastic looks the part. Invisible Women - HOT STUFF.
  21. Someone should send the screen shot to HG and let the two evils fight it out.
  22. I was thinking no more than a 50 piece production run per item at best for the initial orders (the VF-1D and hi detail kit may go up to 80-100). I know a few of the ballers here will take more than 1 piece if we can get enough volume to keep the pricing down. If you need more orders to see this get green lit, I can spread the word to get orders from HK, Rob can help with Japan, Noel can help round up Singaporean, Jin for Danish, and others can help to get he word out globally. The American market is already here on MW. And yes, for some of the projects, you will need a full Super or Strike setup to re-use certain parts. Its too bad the FP kits are out of production for now so get those while you can. All of the ones I have left are on hold for my existing customers.
  23. That 3 headed LV reminds of Jason and the Argonauts for some reason! Gorgon Valkyrie? Heh... Need to place my order soon...
  24. Speaking as an old school GI Joe fan, that ROCKS! Its not any different from the guys/gals who collects model kits, Valkyries, Transformers or whatever... Some are just more hardcore than others. Impressive to say the least.
  25. Congrats Kevin! Welcome another into the Macross collective!
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