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Everything posted by Neova

  1. I checked with our distributors and the current info is that its a small run (probably less than 2K but not confirmed yet) and for the Japanese domestic market only. No mention of a TV version and it will be a 3rd re-issue because Yamato would do a full official release to regain their cost and maximize their profit on any new versions, unless it was a new limited edition. I don't know if I can even get any so for those of you who inquired, try other dealers or Japanese direct sales dealers for now. I will update my status on these when I confirm any changes. No idea on FP releases but Yamato has gone through 3 runs already with the last run from March of this year. At that time, it was stated that was the last run until xmas so who knows? I personally hope more will come out.
  2. Looks great!
  3. Neova


    Pass on that. Ugly, fugmosis looking thing with chubby small valkyries. For the money, you can build a better diorama of Macross Island. Better yet if you can build it to scale (say 1:144 or smaller) since it so big. I would rather put my money towards the Macross Factory but the scale is too small for me. 1/100 buggers but looks great painted and detailed up.
  4. Beautiful as always and thanks for the tips! We need the group shots of these 3 like yesterday!
  5. Kurt, BEAUTIFUL as always. Keep them coming and don't ever stop.
  6. Godspeed "Superman"
  7. Canon Powershot S50 set to max (256 MB CF card), clean (somewhat) glass table and nothing but sunlight pouring into the room. More bandwidth killing Don't mind the dirty walls. Landlord would not allow me to repaint my apartment... Grr...
  8. Hey no offense taking and none implied. I was just saying while some of us did try to get the message across to buy now, we also didn't agree with the ridiculing of the fans that paid up the ass for the toy they wanted. In the end, the fans did win regardless of paying more or less since they have obtained what they wanted. To them, having the valkyrie itself is more valuable than the price they paid. So in essense I agree with you agreeing about us telling fans to get em while they can. I'm a collector in some ways but not for monetary reasons. I collect Macross because I'm a fan of it. Period. Same for my other hobbies including other toys. While some MW'ers worry about a Valkyrie glut devaluing the market, I say bring it on. There are still more customs to be made, not to mention all those "squardron builders" among us. There will be enough Macross fans to soak up this last re-issue with no problem. After we see who builds the biggest custom squardrons, the value of those MIB Valkyries will go back up again. Yamato is doing both us and them a favor while adding a boost to their pockets. Its a vicouse cycle but as long as the fans win, who cares right?
  9. Kensei, Go through my FIRST POST and go down the list, pm each person in order about the parts they need. Then sell off all of your parts. With the money you got back, buy back or trade for the parts you want for customizing. I think thats the best way for you to get the parts you need while helping out fellow MW. You will probably get stuck with some parts I think there is enough request still pending that will recover your money even if you can't get the parts you want. Thanks for helping out
  10. You know, I actually wish they would re-release Hikaru's VF-1S. Updated pilot figure and not to mention my absolute favorite Strike Valkyrie setup. My first Valkyrie ever was my Yamato 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S WITH FASTPACKs.
  11. The FPs were painted using the color codes from Hasegawa's Strike VF-1S instructions. 60% of color 14 (Navy Blue enamel) + 40% of color 72 (Medium Blue enamel). All from Gunze Acyrlics , Mr Color (same company now it seems). It looks a TAD purplish but it really looks a LOT better in person. Especially compared to the stock green FPs. The whole plane has a full matte coating to protect it (no gloss or semi-gloss cept for the canopy) and to give it a more realistic fighter look. Actually, it has that military tank finish more than freshly waxed shiny fighter look. The next one might get a semi gloss coating to keep the toy like finish but I love the flat matte look, especially in Battroid mode. Pics soon when daylight comes back out.
  12. It was post shaded. Thin out a some dark grey and just spray around the areas you want. Shading alone makes an airbrush a good investment. Even a cheap one.
  13. Neova

    1/48 Max VF-1S Custom

    Jin, Yup! One of your two babies. More photos to come!
  14. Repainted, Panelined and Weathered Kakizaki VF-1A. Its not QUITE finished yet (no skull logo on the heatshield and absolutelyno decal work) but its pretty close. Its going to his new home after the skull logo gets placed on. A few decals would really bring it to life. TV Fast Packs added for show and not included. I was trying to pose Kakizaki like Hasegawa's VF-1A Battroid box. Group shot of the custom trio for now
  15. Re-issue Roy VF-1S + DRYL repainted Fast Pack setup. Decals from Devin of course. Slight weathering on the nozzles (burnt). Panel lines came out a tad darker than I had anticipated. I didn't transform it to keep handling to a minimum but could if there are enough request for it. BTW: Its for sale. PM me with realistic offers please.
  16. So its been done before but I'm near the end of the road for this project. I hope to post his counter part soon but my schedule is crazy. JKD, thanks for being patient and yes, I wanted to show it off to the world! Yamato VF-1S head and wing swap with Mr. Color cobalt and bright blue mix repaint. Slight detailing with the panel line. Yamato should seriously release this as the last VF-1S at minimum.
  17. I remember I was one of the guys telling everyone to snag the 1/48s as fast as you can. In fact, I posted that on my website a long time ago when I was blowing them out at normal prices. The price of the absolute last Re-issue 1S Valk I sold ~ 2 weeks ago? Same price as the first one I sold. There were a lot of us out there helping the community without resorting to any gouging even when supplies were limited such as Tam, Kevin, and Toy Wave. For those who paid an arm and a leg, well, we can say they either were noobs or were not able to finance the 1S when they wanted to, but had to fork out recently to not miss out. In either case, I don't see them as losing cuz the 1S is still THE Valkyrie to get. Personally, the Yamato 1S is worth more to ME than an original mint 1/55 Takatoku. It just depends on what you like so theres no point in ribbing those guys. Bottomline: They have one of the best toy iterations of Roy's VF-1S, perhaps even the BEST currently available. Period. I'm glad there's now a possible 3rd wave so I can buy back a few for myself. I guess it paid off to not gouge my fellow MW'ers. Enjoying that brand spanking new Strike VF-1S Tank? I just wish Yamato would use the newer pilot sculpt from Hikaru's VF-1S instead of that ugly first version.
  18. OMG! Its been one year since I left home and arrived into HK on Oct 3rd! Still here for some reason. Happy Anniversary Macross SDF-1!
  19. That is one good looking veteran Valkyrie. What is the color code for the CF? I never found that from Hasegawa yet. Good job.
  20. Great work! I love the low vis VF-0x' and the Flacker scheme rocks on the SV-51.
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