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Everything posted by Neova

  1. At this point, I just WISH on almighty Kawamorie to approve and have Hasegawa make a VF-0S battroid kit and then have someone make a PV conversion kit for it. I can live with 1/72 scale with all the details from Hasegawa. Tell me this is not beautiful! Blasphemers goto Robotech.com! More pictures here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8312&hl=
  2. follow up screenshot taking from HK bootleg. Can someone with the R2 can brighten up the gamma and confirm. In the beginning, Misa was talking to Skull, Angel and Apollo squardrons (Apollo leader was shown in the PS2 Macross game as a Grey 1S but I don't know the color scheme for the rest of the group).
  3. And I think Haterist was correct in making that non-Canon Green Skull Leader:
  4. In DYRL, there also appears to be a yellow and red CF (see markings behind the intakes):
  5. Sweet old school mech. We need more like this!
  6. HWR MKII, Great writeup. Let me ask you this question cuz it kills me when I see a good kit with a crap cockpit: Can you use your acetate method to mold cockpit CANOPIES? I have a few resin kits here and the solid resin canopies bug me and there are not cheap alternatives (clear casting is an option but I cannot recast my foot out of my door). Also, can I use a hot hair dryer to heat the acetate sheet or do I really need a heat gun? How hot does it need to be? I can borrow one if need be. Keep it up.
  7. Tooz, You got anymore Hasegawa model wall papers? Any in at least 1024x1280? I have a 1600x1200 desktop and the stretching kills the details. Keep it coming!
  8. Ok, who made these? I was looking at the old Studio Half Eye full transformation kit and but this is AWESOME? Is this PVC or ABS with some or no die cast? More info please! I think a group buy needs to be started.
  9. Damn... Now I have to find more VF-1Xs to customize... What about the VF-1 X Plus from Macross VF/X2? Did that have a different head too?
  10. The Sithlord returns! Looks fantastic!
  11. It is true that without the background of SDF-1 or even Robotech, getting the full picture of DYRL can be hard for a non-Macross Zealot first time viewer. Personally, I love DYRL due to my earlier exposure to SDF-1. It only made DYRL better in so many ways. And I enjoy watching Jerry Bruckheimer / Michael Bay movies. Great to just veg and absorb the mayhem! You all know Macross 7 would be better if the two director / producer combo make the movie version! J/K... please put away the pitchforks and nooses.
  12. 柿崎速雄, Thanks! I missed this the first time you posted it!
  13. Kurt, Beautiful as always. Can you post some BIGGER shots? Would make great wallpapers!
  14. Someone needs to be court marshaled for their incompetence! US Government (lack of) Management and Bureaucracy at its finest. Glad no one was hurt.
  15. Most toys nowadays are ABS, PVC or combo of both. Styrene is used less and less due to much more complicated molds and the need for strenght. However, depending on the requirements of the toys, UV blocking additives can be added to increase their ability to stay minty white (or keep original color) and to hold its strenght up, as Cory has said. You can pretty much tell the quality of the plastic but cannot tell if UV inhibitors were added or not until your toy turns yellow. Mr Color has a new clearcoat for modelers that has UV inhibitors (note UV can reduce the brilliance in your paintjobs) so I'll try it on a custom and see what happens.
  16. Neova

    Help please?

    My new wallpaper collection! Any more Hasegawa or custom model wall papers? If anyone needs hires scans from Model Graphix, Hobby Japan and Dengenki Hobby, let me know! I don't have all the Macross Issues but will supply whatever I can.
  17. The original kit was made by Club M. It is no longer in production but recasts are available. You can find it if you look hard enough. I have a recast kit that may be available soon so let me know. If you want an original, PM me.
  18. These are great but rather that wishing for brand new kits, what about resin upgrade parts for existing kits? Some of these appear to be restylized military vehicles and a little cutting here, slap on the resin part, hide the seam lines and whalla, instant kit bash. Using a mass produced kit as the basis would help save cost and probably get projects like this on the way. If I could make it happen, I would ask Hasagawa to make all of these kits as well.
  19. TV Max VF-1S! Love it! So how about a Millia's now? And post some hires pictures in the toys forum will you?
  20. The correct pronunciation is MEE-LEE-A. (silent first L) There is no "R" sound in the Japanese, even though the Romanji (Romanized Japanese using Roman (English) Alphabet) have the letter R there. The whole point of having a R and L in Romanji is to differentiate between the Japanese Hiragana and Katakana vowels: LA LI LU LE LO and RA RI RU RE RO. The "sound" of R is actually the same as L when coupled with a vowel, so both sets of vowels above is pronounced and sounds exactly the same. Both use the L sounds. Listen to a NATIVE Japanese (non recent learner) speak. Only the non natives speakers like Spanish and English would pronounce the R. MIR - REE - A (English/Spanish speaker) vs MEE - LEE A (native Japanese speaker) Phonetically, Hasegawa is correct. We need a print of how Millia is written in JAPANESE to determine the actual romanized spelling.
  21. Nice writeup Graham... More Q/A report for Yamato..
  22. I find this ironic coming from someone who claims to love you, for better or for worst, in sickness and in health, til death do you part. I want to see someone here go onto a "women's" forum and post the same thing, but from Yang's Wife's viewpoint and see what the reaction is. Create a fake account if need be. I would love to hear it. Don't be a doormat but really, she needs to learn that it takes two to Tango and she can't lead all the time.
  23. The black neckpiece has a L bend at the back where you need to push DOWN on to snap that piece in place. It must be facing the back. Once snapped in, it will hold the head. You can still rotate the head and it won't be wobbly.
  24. Bandai? Hell, I want HASEGAWA to make more Macross Kits! But stop the limited crap and flood the market so it can be cheaper.
  25. Where is Agent One when we need a manly pep talk here? I see a sissy man a brew'n here: a) You are marrying your GF, not her job, not her colleagues, not her co-workers. Her family and your future in-laws are attached. No options there. Just move further away. b) She married you and the history and influences that made you who you are today. Not who she wish you can become or wish you will be. She can find keep on looking if she didn't want to be with you. From a practical standpoint, if your collection is all over the place and you live in a Walmart / warehouse like environment (not talking about you XSToys... ) unfit to brood a family, then you need to get your act together and trim down your collection: - There is DVD, DIVX, XVID and other digital means of keeping your video collection. - You can have emulators to play back your video game collection. I personally love emulating old school games on my PC with 3D acceleration, hi-res monitor, DTS enabled sound system and etc... If I need a bigger screen, the TV out takes care of that aspect. Control adapters exist for console to USB. Backup all of your stuff, sell it off and upgrade to a phat PC to keep those memories. From a realistic standpoint, if she doesn't like you for who you are (men don't change, women do) then the answer is obvious: Keep your collection and go find someone else who appreciates you and all you are, can accept what you will never be and can motivate you to what you can be. A man without history or laughter is someone I refuse to become and not worth being a man for. Don't be a doormat. Can I get a Hoo-ah my brothers?
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