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Everything posted by Etrigan

  1. Mmm. Panel lined 1/48's. Very nice.
  2. Nope, there's still a few of us fellow DC lovers out there. I break out DC:SC every now and then. I wouldn't expect a price break too soon. This title is heavily anticipated and will probably last through Christmas. If your local Target has one in stock, go ahead and pick it up there as you get a free $5 giftcard with the purchase. So the pre-tax cost is $45.
  3. I doubt these will be limited in the slightest. Scalpers may get away with selling some at high prices for a few weeks due to fan paranoia, but I'm sure Takara will supply enough for us all eventually.
  4. Yup, this is probably as good as it gets. It certainly has it's quirks but I'm willing to sacrifice a perfect bot mode for the beautiful alt. It is rather difficult to make a convertible transformer, as there's a lot of empty space due to the roof's absence. I still think this should have been painted blue and named Tracks as the bot mode is almost an exact recreation. Bygones...
  5. Knowing Takara and their repaint philosophy, I wouldn't be too surprised if these molds were refreshed at some point with new schemes. In fact, considering the original Bluestreak, Prowl and Smokescreen shared the same mold, it wouldn't be unreasonable (although I would prefer new molds) for Takara to release all three under this tooling.
  6. I tried to argue this exact point on a Transformers related message board and was promptly refuted. I however, agree with you completely. As much as I'd hate to see the franchise fail, I do hope there's some retribution for the haphazard repaints flooding the market. Almost the entire Armada line is being repainted, and some are even being included in Energon. The genius of the repaint is only realized when the mold hasn't been available for quite some time, or was limited during the first run. To produce repainted toys of molds still on the shelf is ridiculous. However, many Transfans are eating them up, so I could be wrong. It is certainly an easy buck for Hasbro to make if it works.
  7. According to Archer himself, he has plenty of artistic freedom. He continually takes credit for the designs that are well-liked by the fanbase. Hasbro may lay down some basic ground rules, but the designs originate from, are approved and tweaked by Archer. He's gone as far as to claim the gun-Megatron included with Masterpiece Prime was entirely his idea. Whether or not that's true is debatable; but he has verified it on many occasions.
  8. Because Orson's the head designer and doesn't want to look like a hack.
  9. Touche.
  10. Looks significantly better than the prototype pictures that popped up on ebay a few weeks back. Amazing what a little paint and correct transformation can do. More money out of the wallet... Courtesy of Bigbadtoystore.com:
  11. Look back a few posts for the rear shot of the VT-1 box. It clearly shows wing hardpoints on the craft. Remolding the wings would be costly and unnecessary for Yamato, so it's not much of a surprise.
  12. Hot Rod looks great. Probably will be the only one I order due to my current funds.
  13. Etrigan

    Macross Figures

    No, each box has only one figure. Kevin is offering half a case for $30; which is 5 of 10 figures randomly packed.
  14. Etrigan

    Macross Figures

    Yeah, only a few sets left now. I'd order a few boxes but I only want them now because they're limited. I'll leave them for those members who've been looking hard for the figures. I've got Super-O's to buy anyway.
  15. Here's another shot of the Galaxy Defender Valkyrie. After researching on another forum, the reported price was $12; though I've heard of them going for both $7 and $3. Copy and paste: http://www.geocities.com/rattraptm2/Jetfire.html The line is somewhat random with various bootleg toys thrown together. There's some reviews of the other Galaxy Defender toys here. I suggest looking on the top shelves of your local Walmarts/Kmarts for the boots.
  16. Definitely not. If this isn't the one currently available, there is a very similar item at Walmarts nationwide for around $3.50. That and there's the newest lightup Boot with clear canopy currently in Hong Kong for a similar $4 price.
  17. There's already a "Skyblast" planned that looks like a deformed Stampede. Sadly.
  18. Etrigan

    1/48 Line

    That's unfortunate. I was hoping your last encounter with the Yamato staff had produced some 1/48 info, but alas. I'd be more than happy with a Max/Millia release; they have to do something with the 1J head mold. My greatest hope is for a VT-1 though. I'd rather have it in 1/48 than 1/60 scale. Any word on a 1/48 Launch arm; or was that only confirmed for the 1/60 line?
  19. Etrigan

    1/48 Line

    Most, if not all, know of the upcoming 1/48 Hikaru 1S and 1J. But what's Yamato planning after that? There was a time when the series was to end after the Max 1A. Instead, we got the Low Vis and the aformentioned future releases. With the seemingly large popularity of the line and some fans' preference for this sculpt over all other valks, has Yamato planned anything else? What I'm pondering is the likelihood of the line following the 1/60 schedule; with future releases of the 1J Max/Millia's, 1D, and the VT-1/VE-1's. Any chance for these valkyries in 1/48 scale? Or is Yamato going to hold production after the 1J is released?
  20. As would have I. In fact, I stopped collecting Transformers around age 5 when I found the uber-poseable/realistic GI Joes. Realism, poseability. Two things I require in toys. Two things that are lacking in Armada/Energon.
  21. So much for swearing off the 1/60 line. That SuperO looks gorgeous. Going to be hard resisting a purchase of the VT-1.
  22. Currently it's my Low Vis 1/48. But I'm a poor college student so can't afford any bikes or decent cars. Once I've graduated my prized possession will either be my Aprilia SL 1000 Falco or my 350z.
  23. The problem is, a large portion of the Transformers fan base is behind "Orson" (Archer) 100%. Their claim is that the 20% portion the collector's make up of the market is insignificant to Hasbro. Rather, Hasbro must focus on kids and create a line that is both easy to transform and very durable. Hence we get excuses for poor detailing and cost cutting measures such as reduced poseability. Hot Shot is a travesty, and is supported by a surprisingly large amount of fans. It's no surprise that this aesthetic has been reproduced for Energon as it is ridiculously cheap to produce and consequently has a higher return. Transformers are in a sad state.
  24. Yeah, that's my fear. May as well bypass the whole headache, and save $15 at the same time by getting the PS2 version.
  25. I try to be a good Transfan, really. But things like this really get me down. I give you: Fatimus Prime
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