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Everything posted by Etrigan

  1. Looks rather... phallic.
  2. I wasn't expecting the bike at all. But damn.
  3. I'd be interested in the Mac Plus case.
  4. Clearly the house was driving while intoxicated.
  5. IIRC Target's MSRP is $59.99.
  6. Pointing out fact does not equate complaint. Cool down.
  7. The pilot is definitely out of scale. And since I can't let you see inside my brain, here's some photoshop help. As per the line-art posted, the pilot should be at or near the black line. *edit:
  8. And some of us have spatial reasoning ability. Imagine that same figure standing up, by the foot of the toy while comparing the size of the foot and the now standing figure with the picture. It's out of scale.
  9. Probably because the animation and concept is rather contrite. I still love them to death, but that's largely due to nostalgia and availability/price.
  10. this is not a secret....even before eps 1 was shown, lucas told about this.... ... It was a joke, obviously. "Luke. I am your father." sort of blew that surprise 20 some years ago.
  11. Anakin is Darth Vader??! Put some spoiler warnings up dude! ^Teh funny.
  12. Starfox is a rail shooter. Rogue leader you had perfect freedom over your manuvers. Still I wish we could get some good old space shooters back in the tiefighter, freespace, and wingcommander tradition. Freelancer was total trash as a space shooter...... You should try Tachyon. It's pretty dated now of course, but if you can find it on clearance for close to free, it's a fun play.
  13. It'll be a sad day to see birds flying without their pilots.
  14. I have a feeling the TV style FAST packs included with the 1J Super will look incredible on the Low Vis.
  15. Didn't buy the first, can't afford to buy the second. The Low Vis, VF-1J w FAST packs, and Hikaru 1S will be my only 1/48 valkyries until Yamato announces either the Super O or Milia in 1/48. Wish I could afford the Roy though. Definitely a beautiful toy.
  16. I confirm so just buy them both There are no chases in Binaltech, both versions of Smokescreen are shipped in equal amounts. IIRC 3 number sevens, and 3 number eights per case. But if you need an excuse to buy another, by all means.
  17. For what it's worth, Yamato's stock of VF-1S's have been sold out for quite some time. Any recent sales have been from distributors and Yamato has seen no benefit from the inflated prices and second hand sales. Supply and demand. Yamato stands to make a profit from those unfortunate enough to miss the first round (the demand) and so they supply the goods. The mold updates were a running change, one that undoubtedly cost a lot of money. There's no way the valkyries can go back to the original state. So really you're just complaining that Yamato is re-releasing the VF-1S; which they're doing so that other Macross fans can have a chance to own it as well. Bravo. <_<
  18. Remy has some great shots online. tfkenkon.com
  19. I like Yamato's style. Great toys such as these should never be limited. Thanks for the heads up Tamim.
  20. The simple fact is that Microsoft doesn't care. They have billions of dollars and have no problem spending them on the box. This was a test run for their next gen system, and it was a damn good one. I'll buy the next if it has game support. Then again, I buy them all so I may not be the best guage.
  21. It will be longer than a few months. I don't anticipate Nintendo's new system until second quarter 2005. $99 is the price of 2 games; it doesn't get any cheaper here. And considering the GC has the best library of games available, there's no reason not to buy one.
  22. how do you explain bumblebee generation 1 being the classic style beetle Or any of the other various Bumblebee incarnations, especially the Takara MyClones, the Smallest Transformers Bumblebee and the PVC version which I might add was also released here by Hasbro. Or what about Goldbug, or even that big VW Beetle Go-Bot (which was actually pretty cool). These were never officially licensed models, whereas every Alternator has to be.
  23. Etrigan

    Your Valks

    Those rods look overstressed; like they're about ready to snap. What weight are the DLL's rated at?
  24. Etrigan

    Your Valks

    There's actually three current styles: 6" rods, square base. 4" rods, square base. 2.5" rods, square base. Future models will be available with circular bases. The creator's webpage is: http://www.mycreativedisplays.com/
  25. Etrigan

    Your Valks

    I believe it was Sithlord who originally posted the mid-flight transformation pic.
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