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Everything posted by Etrigan

  1. Looking good. As a note, I don't post often here but do enjoy your workups. So keep in mind that while you may not get a lot of replies, us lurkers are still reading; and we thank you for your efforts.
  2. I prefer the simplified, connected look of the lineart schematics. It's a lot classier and less juvenile.
  3. A few new pics for those interested. http://www.robotechontv.com/ax2004/toys/
  4. Hello 2001.
  5. I like it!
  6. Blame who? It's one of three prerequisites for the game. Hell, it's the name of the game.
  7. I still don't understand the difficulty here. Petals around the rose? Five, ten tries at max and everyone should be able to find the solution. But to take years? C'mon. "the smarter you are, the longer it takes" I'd agree that the more you overanalyze anything, the harder it becomes. That certainly isn't a sign of brilliance, however.
  8. Two tries, so about 12 seconds. It took the professor over a year?
  9. Uh, yeah. Someone solve the mystery; and sign me up.
  10. That design is borrowed heavily from foundrydx.com, correct?
  11. Yup. Roughly $1200.
  12. Wow. That looks far better than I had anticipated.
  13. $34.99? How long's this sale last?
  14. Heh, the plight of all good LEGO builders. I've been out of "good" parts for months. I know a lot of us here would love to see a buildup, and I'm certain you wouldn't have a problem selling the instructions. Whether or not you have the time and patience to put some together is the question, I know I couldn't do it. Great piece in all regards.
  15. Shouldn't the S-foils be closed?
  16. I'd rather the Super-O get made, but neither seem likely at this point. Perhaps in the next five years.
  17. A nut-cup would have helped his case. Not a bad setup otherwise, body aesthetics aside.
  18. Yeah, but "Trunkchimp" isn't comedy gold. The last is my favorite, btw.
  19. About $1200 pounds.
  20. I still pray Yamato will release the Super-O in 1/48. What a beautiful piece that would be.
  21. Law, McGregor, Bloom, Jackman... none should be Bond. Ever. There's not a more surefire way to ruin your career than to participate in the atrocity that is current Bond film.
  22. Well, I do like C.O.P.S.
  23. That's hot. Very nice work all around. I agree with the comment about the stripes, they detract too much from the overall look. But otherwise it looks great.
  24. I like them. Wouldn't buy them. But I like them.
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