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VF-19 pilot!!!

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Everything posted by VF-19 pilot!!!

  1. man i hope this works
  2. last one , i have tried to make them smaller but i can't sorry guys
  3. here's another
  4. hello, thanks for the cmpliments i took a good part of the day and did what i could
  5. thanks, i am currenly working on my first Hasegawa VF-0S when i am done i will post pics ...now should i post in the how-to or the model kits section? don't wanna piss off the mods thanks again.
  6. sounds good guys , thanks for all the advise
  7. hello mods , these pics are way to large ...they will kill some people with dial up please close this topic thanks alan.
  8. sorry way too large
  9. hello all, well was i stated before i would start my first Hasegawa kit tonight and i wanted to get some pics in the forum to see what you guys think so far. well let me know. first day
  10. just a quick question. i am about to start building some hasegawas and i wanted to know if primer is always needed? as this will be the first time i ever built these kits i really want them too look good. i have already applied weng's tips about the oil washes and the results were oustanding to say the least! any tips, hints about the necessity of primer? thanks again guys
  11. no, thanks to you Dobber for the great pics and your great work, I too am about to put master weng's tips to work ...so far his oil wash has worked great for me . as soon as i am finished i will definatelty post some pics ... in the meantime anymore pics world be great! you have definately given me some ideas for my own customs... great work!
  12. man those pic's are awsome !!!! keep'em coming!!!
  13. please show more when i am done with mine I will post as well thanks again.
  14. man they look great!, i'm just getting started on my VF-0S now
  15. that's a good guestion...how?
  16. pat S , you deserve an award for all these great pics and links!!!!!!!!
  17. looking good. i like it so far, i would take a great scultp over perfect transformation anyday.
  18. as usual it never works
  19. ok this is not funny anymore! i am just getting over the first two Hurricanes that hit my area and now i m less than 48 hours from being hit by jeane.... did Florida loose a bet with the gods and not tell me?
  20. in a way i agree with you... so you have to undersatnd that for many people macrosssworld is the only place where they can feel superior. i have asked question regarding things that have been talked about already and i always get the same warm welcome. see i don't always get the chance to be online all the time. so there are things that i may miss in the forums. but some of these people always complaining about things, live in these forums i'm guessing they were not very popular in highschool and aren't very popular with the female sex so the only thing they have is macross. this is part of the reason that they have this hatist attitide, for some reason it makes them feel enpowered, where they cannot be in other social situations.if they cannot be superior in one type of social situation or group, they will indulge in the other. i actually used this forum to write part of my thesis and the research proved my argument perfectly. i'm not trying to hate on anyone but from a psychological view that is the reason. most are not even aware that they do this. a freind and professor of mine has even diagnosed this as a defense mechanism to a kind of social anxiety disorder. as you may have noticed people will also get very, and unusually upset about the mere mension of ROBOTECH. well there you go.
  21. thanks i am such a fan of the books
  22. connor99 i have to agree with you. though it might hinder future products from being made. I do like that the fanbase is small, relatively speaking. to be honest i really hope that macross never really explodes into popularity to much. argg!!! god forbid it we would ever become like the mindless droves that are into starwars, especially given how crappy the new movies are!!!!! somehow it makes it more peronal to me if not too many people know about it. i really like the fact that people see my collection and say "man those look great!!!! what are those things!!!!" I always smile and just say they are japanese sculpture.
  23. well, U.F.O cover-ups, alien invasions or global warming, whatever the reason, I am i miami unfortunately and the national Hurricane center for the country is located at Florida International University where i recently graduated from. according to their last projections, this thing is has a good chance of smaking us right in the mouth. we already have a gas shortages, so that means i can't find any gas because of Frances and we still have alot of people without power. oh well, just gonna have to take it i guess.
  24. thanks , my house got flooded a little for the last one because of the rain, i'm not taking any chances with my collection ...already moving it to higher ground so to speak... well the goos news is that i will be moving back to San jose CA soon for grad school, but then again i was there in "89 "for the bayarea earthquake, i left to live in miami three years later and then i went through Hurricane Andrew in" 92" well disaster seems to follow me oh well hope its not too bad
  25. well for those of us mac worlder's living in south Florida it looks like we are gonna have to brace ourselves again! i just got power back about 5 days ago and now it looks like i'm gonna loose it again!!! at this rate Florida has been threaten by a Huricane once a week! well this one looks like it is gonna smack south Florida dead on ...anyone else in the south Florida miami Area!????
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