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VF-19 pilot!!!

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Everything posted by VF-19 pilot!!!

  1. well here goes i love this kit!!!
  2. hey!!!, looking good so far!!! keep up the good work!!!!
  3. well you know what the real problem is ..or who i should say is to blame for this rise in teeny-bopper garbage! Disney!!! most of them have been spawned by Disney!!! i swear it's like an assebly line over at that freakin place!!!! never trust a man who doddles with animated mice!!! if i was the Don of the most powerul mob family, the first people i would have wacked are the executives over at Disney!!! but enough of my lunicy still enough, i can't take anymore of these crappy artist!!!
  4. ummmm...what are we suppost to be laughing about? your links don't work???
  5. well, towards the end, i noticed that the MAX IA started going up in price quickly , which could mean two things, they started to get really popular or they started to get really rare. iether way yamato might take that as a sign as a resurrgence in interest and do the re-issue... well, anything is possible
  6. my god guys!!! they are just so freakin ugly...spend you money on a quality valk like a yamato ...1/60 0r 1/48
  7. thanks, i bought it from a seller on ebay..but i wanna get another
  8. thanks connor99, i will be getting the VF-0B soon and i can't wait to start on that baby!!!! i will post pics when i'm finished.
  9. thanks Toonz, glad you like, no there is no painting on this kit except the cockpit and the landing gear ect. i have several other kits that i will post pics for soon . they however will be painted . i am just waiting for my brand new compressor so that i can use my airbruch kit and take building to the next level. can't wait.! as for the clear coat , there is no coat as of yet on my models but as soon as i get my compressor i will aplly the cear coat. thanks alan.
  10. i read the novels and if i am not mistaken byt the time the SDF3 makes the fold back to earth to face the Invid Breeti has already been killed. he dies in a fight ...the book in the series when he dies is called "Rubicon"
  11. aerial view
  12. it measures about 10 inches and some change which is great !!! they are slightly larger than a yamato 1/60
  13. thanks Neova
  14. yeah i know. for some reason it just looked better to me that way , so i just did it anyway...
  15. no, no painting on this one either however, the SV-51 will get a total paint job i really hate that freakin paint scheme that it has !!!
  16. last one,
  17. another
  18. another
  19. more
  20. hello all, i know that i promised you guys pics of the SV-51, but i just counldn't help my self and started on the VF-0A here are the pics
  21. well, they won't be new vehicles if you think about it...? if the chronology is correct than the new series will leave off with Scott seraching for the missing Fleet/Flagship?(SDF3)? anyway, the mecha will be the same Alphas i guess, just the stealth versions. and i do really hope they don't gear this series towards kids, i remember when the a-holes ( in the marketing department at matchbox)!!!! tried to parle the success of the series to what amounted to toys that only a retarted child could enjoy!!!! i still remmeber that horrible theme music jingle as vivid as when i first heard it!!! " Robotech to the rescue...Robotech to the rescue...Robotech to the rescue... sing that out loud three times and you will wanna rip out your freakin ears!!!!
  22. great news! thanks for the update!!!
  23. excellent job!!!! my hats off to you!!!
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