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Everything posted by NSJ23

  1. Did anyone ever recast or make new hands for the VF-0S? Mine just lost a trigger finger.
  2. Well I got my Masterpiece Skywarp today, have not had time transform him yet.
  3. I had one loose and on MISB in storage and they both yellowed about 4 years ago.
  4. DOH! My bubble has been burst.
  5. I buy what I like and then I display my valks with the stickers.
  6. Since it appears that Yamato has not given up on Macross and are even making more Macross Zero Valks and are going to finally release a new YF-19. Do you guys think there is any small chance that they might try and release a Transformable DYRL or TV SDF-1 Macross? I know it's on a lot of fans want list and hell they are going to release a Angel Birds VF-1A so IMO anything is possible. Sorry, I have been away for awhile and the new releases have me hoping for more.
  7. Nah! they took care of that problem by making ALL of Cobra's Troops (at least in the first Ep) B.A.T.S. And B.A.T.S blow up real good.
  8. Yeah, the first one sucked. greasy oil fights with men are not my cup of tea. Pass!!!!!!!!
  9. I still don't know if I like prowl, but I bought both BT versions for some reason.
  10. I'e got to disagree about this- out of my BT collection, grimlock's been the worst for sratching by a very, very long way. the tramsformation is such that it causes a lot more metal-metal contact than any of the others, making my grim's doors and front bodywork look like they're had rocks thrown at them. it's not like he's hand any mroe attention of transformations than my tracks, smokes GT, Meister, or lambor, but he already looks like a 10-year-old toy. my wheeljack is going to be an Alt version, as I don't want it to happen again. the mustang is my favourite BT mould from an easthetic POV, but the risk of scratches is way higher. there is a chance, I guess, that it's the silver paint used or I just got a duff one, but I don't want to risk it, really. 313187[/snapback] My BT grimlock is Scratch free even with the crappy transformation. I do Pop the doors and arms off on purpose now but the front bodywork on mine is fine.
  11. I bought one last week but didn't open him yet. looks nice but I already have two Vettes on display and little space on my Binaltech/Alternator shelf.
  12. Thanks to some pay pal coupons I got the GF one off ebay for under $40. After I saw the supreme one at TRU I knew I didn't want it and after I saw the Pics of the two-pack I bought GF Vector Prime on E-bay too.
  13. My sentiments echoes Duke's. But I will say one thing. One part of me is glad to own the original set. Another part of me feels jipped to pay $250 for it. 310888[/snapback] I can understand That. I waited and only paid $120.00 for all three box sets. I'll still buy the dubbed set if the dub is good.
  14. I saw that one it was really great.
  15. IMO It's great! It's funny as hell. I have seen the first 3 eps on anime on demand on the anime network.
  16. Ironhide (the Toy) didn't have a head. Sorry could not resist.
  17. No sign of Wheeljack in 'SoCal. I found a Shockblast once, but passed on him...Of course, I'm not a cherry-picker/scalper, so maybe those two have been all over the place and have been snatched up by everybody else... I found a Wheeljack at a TRU in Porter Ranch. Got another Shockblast too. Went there to kill some time. Man that TRU never has anything new when I go in there.
  18. That can be fixed really easy, I have had to tweek my launch day PS2 only once to stop the DRE on blue disks.
  19. how many corvettes have there been?
  20. I'm glab somebody said this. If not for bill's deep pockets The X-box would have tanked long ago. If not for that it would have been another dreamcast. This is true, but whether or not a console is profitable isn't really an indication of how much fun it is. The Dreamcast was a great system, but Sega couldn't make money on it. Likewise, Microsoft loses money on every Xbox sold, and will lose money on every 360 sold... but the bigger Microsoft company will make more than that back from other divisions. They can afford for the Xbox division to take losses until the "Xbox" is as established as a brand as "PlayStation." (Ideally, at some point, they will make more money in licensing fees than they lose on hardware.) I didn't mean for it to sound like it was not a good system. I don't own one, but I can see why others Do. I own a dreamcast and I still play it to this day. I just was saying that no matter how good the X-box is it would not still be around if it brought out buy a compnay without money to burn.
  21. I'm glab somebody said this. If not for bill's deep pockets The X-box would have tanked long ago. If not for that it would have been another dreamcast.
  22. he might not be Ironhide afterall. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/thread75982.html The way you guys feel about the scion I think you will be pleased with who this alt might be.
  23. Alternators are not G1. I know people can't get over this but it's about what car company gives has/tak the license and what the toy company can do with that. (Iron hide was a fricken min-van for god sakes!) Quit getting caught up on names and enjoy the toys people.
  24. Everyone hates on RID, but IMO it was still better than Armada or Energon. It was weird, fun and just plain more enjoyable than the two most recent shows. And anyone who thinks that G1 TV is good has really been kicked in the ass by nostalgia. Except for a precious few eps IMO it sucked too.
  25. I'm not a big SNK fan but I always enjoyed this series. I bought my copy today and love it.
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