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Everything posted by NSJ23

  1. Ok, To anyone that has both th GC and PS2 versions which Plays better. I could care less about the special character, and I know the GC version has better graphics than the PS2.
  2. OK, I Spent $300 on a Takatoku 1/55 VF-1S 4 yrs ago from Valkyrie Workshop It has since been sold (Dumb Move I should have waited for the reissues), I spent $350.00 On a Takatoku 1/55 Max VF-1J form Escaflown4(Spelling) about 2 yrs ago that has been sold (Dumb Move I should have waited for the reissues). And I Spent $200.00 On A Takatoku 1/55 VF-1D custom from Rick the Hunter, that is one of my most prized possessions.
  3. Yeah, Thinking about that gives me a headache! <_<
  4. I'm getting Smokescreen (If I can find one). But I'll Pass on Sideswipe.
  5. I never cared about the VE-1, but I told myself I was done with DYRL Valk's (except the 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S and the fast pack kit to go with it). I told myself that I would not buy the 1/60 Super O... I lied. I must have this Valkyrie.
  6. Yeah, I thought we were crazy fanboy's. Just Kidding!! But it's nutz over on those boards right now.
  7. I have the Simpsons season 1 & 2. I Will be picking up Family Guy, Futurama Seasons 1 & 2, and The Simpsons season 3 Soon.
  8. Now that Gamestop has changed there return policy (again) <_< Gamestop and EB are exactly the same again. Since I can't return games I don't like anymore. I'll go to fry's or Best Buy since they are always cheaper.
  9. Ok, I'm a transformers fan, but with the exception of Unicron (And to some that is still debatable) the new figures have really sucked. I know when you get caught up in fan boyitis you may buy stupid things,but someone please tell me that Energon Scorpinok does look worse than Energon Prime. (because most transfans don't think so) LINK Scopinok
  10. When I get it I'm getting the PS2 version (GC Controller Stinks for Fighting Games), But thanks for the info on being able to use the dual shock 2 on my GC that may come in handy later.
  11. I have only broken one Yamato and it was a YF-19. Guess which part is broken <_
  12. That's not saying much, Before I saw Energon Prime, Armada Prime was the worst looking Prime ever.
  13. Yes & No, Most non-1/48 Yamatos are easy to find. but the elint like the VF-1D may be highly sought after.
  14. 1st Yamato was the YF-19 1st edition, got it from HLJ and broke tab-B in the first 10 minutes out the box. Got so pissed I didn't touch it for a month. Then I got used to it and figured how to transform the thing with out breaking it any further.
  15. I got mine from DeepdiscountDVD for that same price, before they raised the price due to demand when it first came out.
  16. Let me tell you that the net is 100X better than most walk-in anime/collectibles shops. I have one about 5 min from me and they overcharge like Imageanime.com does.
  17. My most prized toys would be all the "TV" 1/55 Bandai reissues, and my 1/55 VF-1D custom. I never thought I would be able to own all these in good condition because of the prices they were going for a few years ago. The 1/55's are what started it all back in the 80's so I love them the most.
  18. I found mine right away. The cool part is I wasn't looking for it. Needed to get some tooth paste, hit the toy Isle and Target and there that Mofo was. I have been back a few times and now is just a empty spot on the shelf with a Unicron tag were it's supposed to be.
  19. I voted other, I normally get my Macross fix from Blasto-Toys or E-bay (certain reliable overseas/local sellers), which ever has the best deal at the time I'm buying.
  20. GOD NO!! HHH is still the champ! Why won't he just die.
  21. Here we Go. You will either hear that it's what Macross TV was supposed to be, or you will hear that it's pure crap. I vote for crap but others will tell you different.
  22. Nice, so the goo gone only took off the weathering? Did it affect the panel lines any?
  23. well i taped down the shield on the VF-11B to see if it hampers the transformation and have found it doesnt get in the way. however, if you are tempted to glue the shield on, remember you wont be able to take it back off again so only do it if you are absolutely sure you want to Huh!? The Heat shield on mine stays on fine. I just folded the tabs in the back like the instructions said. it stays on with no problems.
  24. 1/72 = 3 1/60 = 11 1/48 = 1 1/48FP = 1
  25. Gloria Foster .... The Oracle Really? It doesn't really sound like her voice. Oh well. Didn't they finish filming Matrix Revolutions? It's her. (Gloria Foster .... The Oracle ) Just listen carefully. I think she passed during revolutions filming, she will still be in it but in a different way, say's my Entertainment weekly from back then.
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