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Everything posted by NSJ23

  1. Mine is 100% Problem Free.
  2. Nope more like $69.99 but still better than TRU. I think it's $63.99 at Wal-mart.
  3. Damn Graham! Do you like anything that's not Macross? J/K The MGS cube is cool, but since I already have a cube I'll just get the game.
  4. Yeah, Screamer is great, He is the only Energon figure that I bought so far. I might get some more of the basics (Maybe Ravage).
  5. I bought alt SideSwipe today at Target, Looks good but I have not opened him yet. I think I'll get the BinalTech for the ones I really like and the Alternators for the ones I kinda Like.
  6. Looks OK, but not worth $80.00. How tall is this Mofo supossed to be? <_
  7. Yeah, it sure is Goldust and Marlena all over again, and as for the Jackie's Flash, the booth had it on the wrong camera (Side view instead of behind her) when she first pulled her shirt up and switched to the back view just before the people at home got to see the puppies, It looked like there was a pastie over her nipples before the camera switched.
  8. Sweet! The Canadian Crippler gets a shot at the RAW title, to bad that they still probably won't give it to him at WM20, Again I say Die HHH Die. Lesnar Vs. Goldberg = YAWN!!
  9. For my little girl I am going to have to put doors on my bookcase or by a new glass case with doors. It doesn't help that my fiancée can't wait for the day that I come home and my Little Jada is dragging one of my favorite figures across the floor. <_< But for my 1/48's and Masterpiece Prime I keep them high enough that no one can get to them.
  10. My Hikaru 1/48 VF-1S with Strike Fast-Packs and My Takara Masterpiece Convoy.
  11. Same here. My daughter was born Thursday. My Macross hobby funds will be low for a long time. Congratulations. Have you chosen a name yet? Millia, Minmay, Mylene, Ishtar, Myung, Sharon, Mao, Sara etc Graham Thanks Guys. Nah, None of those, her mother doesn't have the fondness for Macross that we all do.
  12. Same here. My daughter was born Thursday. My Macross hobby funds will be low for a long time.
  13. No word on that one way or the other. The press release only mentions that Lucasarts is working with Pandemic. However, I doubt they're developing a proprietary game engine strictly for this game. I'd imagine that, like the Jedi Knight series, it will be based on another engine. This months (feb) EMG stated that they are using the BF1942 engine. do you know if you will be able to carry Lightsabers instead of knives and stuff? And around when is this game supposed to come out for PC? (is coming out at the same time for PC and consoles?) It said that it's the grunts, No Jedi. But it has special attacks where you can have characters Like Luke or Darth Vader come in and help your troops attacking opponents with their Light Sabers.
  14. No word on that one way or the other. The press release only mentions that Lucasarts is working with Pandemic. However, I doubt they're developing a proprietary game engine strictly for this game. I'd imagine that, like the Jedi Knight series, it will be based on another engine. This months (feb) EMG stated that they are using the BF1942 engine.
  15. Looks like he will be around at least until after the Royal Rumble.
  16. Ok, I get you. And I agree 100%
  17. That's good, But per amazon.com it would be a $20.00 bill not a pile. By only buying the hasbro you would save four $20 bills. I only bought the Takara. I don't really want the Hasbro too. He is in static robot mode. Huh? I thought the Hasbro was going for $70.00, i got my takara for $97.00 shipped (I know on-line sites are now marking up the price) but it's not $80.00 more than the Hasbro. is it?.
  18. I have all the act one and act two books (In storage), but I missed many issues after that, I think the last one I bought was issue 21. How much did the hardcovers run you?
  19. That's good, But per amazon.com it would be a $20.00 bill not a pile.
  20. That wouldn't work for me. I'm not a MISB collector, and I don't like the look of the Hasbro. The damage is not that bad but the short stacks bug the hell out of me.
  21. It's a great read, But I'm not sure how many issues were done. I think there were only going to be 20 something. Due to delay's on the book, I fell behind and was going to catch up when the trades came out.
  22. If I was going to buy both I'd keep my Takara In robot mode and the Hasbro in Truck mode. But I don't think I'm going to buy the hasbro one unless it goes on clearance later in the year and I don't see that happening.
  23. Word! You took the words right out of my mouth. Prime was my first TF and probably my favorite toy from Childhood. So to see him get this type of Masterpiece treatment is a dream come true.
  24. I voted for Smokescreen, because I didn't have MP Convoy yet (Just got mine yesterday). But I'm happy Prime won He's a a great toy, that's tall and sturdy enough to smack around a 1/48.
  25. If a Raw talent wins the rumble he gets a shot at the Raw Champion, If A Smack Down Talent wins the rumble he gets a shot at the Smack Down Champion. That is if they keep the same rules from last year. <_<
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