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Everything posted by NSJ23

  1. Yep. Practice.
  2. Hey, I only used a single drop of white elmers glue to keep it from falling in battroid mode, plus a movable airbrake was not that important to me.
  3. I don't think it is, Mine was so loose I glued it down.
  4. Who are you to say that the oscar was undeserved? And as far as X-men movies go, Storm, Cyclops and Jean all suck in the movies because the movies all revolve around Wolverine. I think those actors all do great jobs with there characters for 15 minutes each they get each film. But if they are going to keep Halle as a side line character I'd walk too.
  5. Even blue tracks still looks like crap to me. I'm digging Grimlock, I hope it's grey, Not because it's Grimlock but because I love that color on the 2005 Mustang.
  6. Ummmm...... No. I mean not IMO. Hope the FF movie is good, not really a fan but I love a "good" super hero fick. So who's gonna play Dr. Doom? Can't have a FF movie without Dr. Doom.
  7. Looks good! I like it and I want one, but I won't pay $80.00 for it so I won't have one.
  8. Robocop and Hicks(can't wait to see a pic) = I'll pass on the TCM figures.
  9. I figured that the dealers would charge more for certain items. I'm glad that I couldn't make it.
  10. What's so special about the Criterion version of Robocop? I know it's out of print, but does it have special features that the new version in the trilogy set does not?
  11. RIP Mr. Charles
  12. Congrats, Say hello to a love like no other and goodbye to Sleep.
  13. Hey and least the trendmasters didn't give people lead poisoning like the 80's version did.
  14. It was the trendmasters one. I got mine from tru for $19.99 in 98.
  15. I had 4 PS1's I only bought two. But the three that died were due to the old swap trick so I can't blame that on the crappy motor in the PS1.
  16. You can find him all over. The reissue came out about 6 or 7 months ago.
  17. I know who Morgan is, I was just messin' with you because I don't think that she is attractive.
  18. Morgan who? The only thing that I want to know is does the pretty filter host still have a job? Judgement Play/Elecplay are horrible shows, give me X-play any day. Besides X-play and Unscrewed I didn't watch much Tech-TV and All I watched on G4 was filter.
  19. Saw it on Cable a few weeks ago. It was Crap.
  20. NSJ23

    1/60 Gbp

    Damn! why did I cancel my Pre-order for just the armor set from HLJ.
  21. I like it, I think it's funny.
  22. yeah, didn't Fox do the same thing with Aliens? Yep, Extended and regular on the same disk.
  23. I only buy what I like no matter what scale or price.
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