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Everything posted by NSJ23

  1. How Come all the "New" Finishing Moves these losers do now are all rip off of the Stone cold stunner? The RKO is the worst finishing move I can think of right Now. I glad to see Shelton Benjamin win the IC belt, but it was disrespectful of the WWE to give Chris Jericho that Belt in the first place. Once you have have been the World Champ and the 1st undisputed champ at that. The lowest title you should hold are the Tag titles.
  2. Pokemon digimon yugio sailor moon Bigfoot and the muscle machines ultimate muscle Transformers Armada Chick Cartoons of the 80's vehicle Voltron Mr.T and the T force the 80's godzilla cartoon. Hulk hogans rock n' wrestling Capt N the gamemaster Etc.....
  3. I wish they would re-issue the Max VF-1A also. I know they sold poorly, but they are so expensive now.
  4. As much as I didn't like Razor.. I mean Carlito, I enjoyed seeing Marky Mark.. I mean Cena getting his ass handed to him.
  5. Same. I have far to many games on my PC, PS2 And Game Cube that just sit here and collect dust do to lack of time. So I don't have time for overpriced Will be marked down in 6 months handhelds.
  6. According to Amazon.com it will be released on October 12th. My bad, The pre-order has been up for about a month and half. Watched lost again tonight of the new shows this and father of the Pride are my favorites
  7. Season one has been on DVD for a While now, it's about $70.00 at Deepdiscountdvd. I'm still waiting for two. This has been my favorite show period for the past 2 1/2 years.
  8. If it goes by the novels all these stories are happening in or around the same time.
  9. Isn't rourke a little small to play marv?
  10. Yeah the moves in the X-Division matches are cool. But besides that it's worse than the WWE. Since It came on so Early I used to Tivo it. But I stopped wasting hardrive space.
  11. Nope the legs on my VF-1D are worse than those on my M&M Supers. So i guess I got a lemon.
  12. The legs on mine are loose too. It stays in fighter mode.
  13. I'm going to go see it with the free ticket I got with the Preadator DVD. It sounds like its a like it or hate it type of film.
  14. 1) Macross/Transformers Tie 2) Mc farlane figures : Spawn, Movie Maniacs, NBA/NFL Sports Picks 3) Marvel Legends/Spider-man Classics 4) DC Direct : Batman Hush/Dark Night Returns
  15. Yeah, mine will never see Battroid mode unless it's packaged that way. I Pre-ordered mine from Blasto toys. I can't wait for this bad boy to arrive.
  16. Ok, is US version of Hero going to be subbed or dubbed(I really hope not)? If subbed I'll buy the region 0 DVD I have been thinking about buying on E-bay for a year now. Anyone know how the english subs on the DVD are?
  17. I sold one about 3 years ago for $140.00. I don't think that price is to bad, but I wouldn't pay that much for it.
  18. That was great! It screamed lates 70's early 80's kung-fu flick.
  19. Two more Pic's of my only two 1/48's
  20. what!!!! no blue tracks? what happened? did they just dump that idea? Or is it going to be a later release? It better be, I want my blue tracks!! It looks like Blue tracks is hasbro only, Takara never said anything about a Blue tracks. I'm starting to like the mold, so I hope Takara does make a blue BT tracks sometime down the road.
  21. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! A best of 5 series match for the US title. Not another one! The last time when Booker T and Beniot did that type of match in WCW for the TV title it practically killed both there careers. Why oh why did I turn to smack down.
  22. As bad as that sounds, I seriously doubt that Catwoman is worse than Steel. Or the Doulf Lundren Punisher flick.
  23. Bassett woudn't do a background Super hero flick character, If you want that plus eye candy they should go with Naomi Campbell.
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