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Everything posted by NSJ23

  1. 100x this. i love the set but no way in hell am i going to sit back and say it was good enough because they "tried" or sit on my hands because they "didn't have to include a dub or subs" then get looked at as if i'm unappreciative....the manga dub was the version I watched for years so ep 4 is ruined for me period. there will be no getting used to that, it will always be off. the subs are bad and since I've only had to watch the movie version with subs before and i enjoy the OVA, i have rightful complaints about this set that can't be shoved in the "you can't please everyone" pile
  2. this! I've always loved the M+ dub. i knew going into this purchase that OVA 4 had some different voice actors. But i never expected the delivery to be so half-@@sed. All my favorite lines from OVA4 changed or delivered horribly. so from now on with the blu-ray set i'm sticking to Japanese audio with subs. if i want the dub i have my DVD's or nextflix
  3. Mine did the same less that 2 years having it. one of the few v.1s that yellowed badly just like the VF-1A hikaru.
  4. have not been here in forever. ordered a shirt will try and make the Con
  5. mine has too i just double checked. I wonder what the hold up is.
  6. Mine is in Frisco in customs so hopefully I'll have in in a few days.
  7. The 3 plus valks are only ones i have completed.
  8. OK, i finally saw this today and really enjoyed it and also took a few screen caps. here are a few of them.
  9. didn't get to stay long on Saturday or get to go back Sunday. still had a great time.
  10. lol once upon a time i worked at UCLA at the bruin kids camp. for some reason those pics brought back memories. Anyway thanks for the pics. i can't wait for saturday i wish i could go both days but i won't be able too.
  11. 1) 1/48 vf-1s hikaru with strike packs 2) 1/60 vf-1a Max TV 3) 1/60 yf-21 4) 1/60 vf-11b 5) 1/60 vf-27 Lucifer
  12. not gonna go with a easy pick here. I hate the 1/60v 1 or 2 or 1/55 VE-1 Elintseeker looks silly and almost no screen time to IMO justify it's following.
  13. I just finished reading the comics, and the movie looks a lot like the comics so I'm there.
  14. I regret the 1/72 tab b yf-19 and the i lost mt legs VF-11b. i kinda regret the v1/60 after the 1/48's and v2 1/60's but before those i loved them flawed or not. and the Nora 1/60 is the only current regret looks pretty but too floppy.
  15. He said in the episode he was only able to copy Locke because Jack brought back his body. And he can only copy the deceased so, by that i can believe that every time we saw it was MIB.
  16. but that's who Claire left with before she disappeared and she said she has been with him ever since. So it makes sense.
  17. So i couldn't get to this section of the forum for some reason. I may meet you guys there on Saturday.
  18. Got my Alto today I'm happy with it.
  19. This. Mine shipped today, so i should have it by the end of the week. but anyone know of any reviews of it yet?
  20. Ok same thing happened to me i was fine before it now all kinds of strange things are going on with my laptop.
  21. heck to tha naw! i guess the Quarter will have to do. sigh.
  22. No i overpaid for Joker at my local comic shop so i could quit wasting gas on wal-mart runs. I only wanted joker and power girl from this wave. so i'm half done.
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